In a classy pub on a Saturday night, Damon and his friends sat around a table drinking, chatting, and generally having fun. They were a group of eight young guys who were very close friends. Out of the eight, only six sat around the table that evening. They were Matt, Ty, Dean, Chris, Kyle, and then Damon himself. Cole and Michael had opted out to be with their women that evening.
“You dick-head,” Chris muttered to Damon. “How the fuck could you even suggest to Michael not to confess to Mary?”
“Why bother her?” Damon retorted. “Ignorance they say is bliss.”
“So you would rather he lives with the lie for the rest of his bloody life? Pun intended!” Dean chipped in making all the guys at the table howl with laughter.
Michael, their pal who was the center of their discussion was a doctor. That was what made Dean’s crack about his ‘bloody’ life amusing to the friends.
“Now, Kayla was the woman of the moment,” Ty said, shaking his head with amused awe. “What a left hook!”
“Oh, my balls…my balls…someone please find my balls. Said the squealing doctor.” Dean mockingly imitated Michael, setting off another round of hysterics. Their uproarious laughter drew the attention of people on other tables to them.
Across the room, another group made up of younger men and ladies turned to look at the happy group. Their laughter was actually infectious though no one knew what the racket was all about. Tristan, who was part of the second group turned to look too and froze when he saw Damon with his head thrown back in mirth.
It had been about five days since he’d rushed out of Damon’s office. It hadn’t been easy to convince his family and friends that he was alright. His mother was worried about him. He seemed to have lost a little life. He wasn’t his usual bubbly self and his mother had noticed. She had confronted his father, thinking he was giving her poor baby a tough time but he had promised her he had done nothing of that sort.
His sister, Adriana, had come close which was no surprise. After all, they had always been very close and she knew him very well.
“Is someone in love?” She’d asked, entering his room and flopping down on his bed.
“And why would you think that?” He’d retorted.
“I don’t know. There’s something about you. I can’t seem to put my finger on it but…tell me, are you getting more serious about that Amber girl?”
“No, I’m not even seeing her anymore.”
“Good,” She’d said and then turned to go. Not answering his question of ‘why good?’
His friends didn’t understand the sudden change either. They said he looked quiet and reserved which was so unlike him. Though he hadn’t wanted to, they had forced him to come to the pub with them to loosen up a bit. Now there he was with his ‘problem’ sitting right across the room.
“Hey Damon, do you know that guy over there?” Matt asked Damon. “He’s been staring at you all evening.”
Damon turned to look and froze when he saw Tristan. Shit! But outwardly, he acted with nonchalance.
“Yeah, his father is my business partner.” Damon shrugged.
Later that evening, Damon was standing with his friends outside the pub getting ready to hop into his car when Dean drew his attention to the fact that his business partner’s son was headed their way. Damon turned to see Tristan striding towards him with an angry expression on his face and groaned silently. Although he wished Tristan was very far away from him that very moment, Damon couldn’t help but acknowledge how handsome and sexy the young man was. The hot surge of arousal and need that swept through him at that moment was so intense and so demanding it had him automatically crossing his legs to still the growth of his cock.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Tristan attacked without preamble.
All the guys, including Damon, were taken aback by the attack.
“Dude…” Matt started but got cut off by Tristan who concentrated fully on Damon.
“Do you think you’re a better human being than other people?” Tristan asked heatedly. “Where do you get off treating people with so much disrespect? What the fuck have I ever done to you?”
At that point, all the guys were quiet. Looking at the drama unfolding before them, it was obvious to everyone present that Tristan was not only angry but he was also hurt by whatever Damon had done to him. They all wondered exactly what Damon had done to hurt the young man so much.
“You didn’t have to treat me like that.” Tristan’s voice cracked at that point but he continued in a shaky voice. “I only wanted to talk. I…” but before he could finish his sentence, Damon was drawing him into his arms and turning them such that Tristan’s back was pressed against his car. Then he was covering Tristan’s lips with his own.
What happened next wasn’t just a kiss. It was a devouring…a feast of the senses. Tristan was helpless against it. Damon kissed him senseless, grinding his hardness against Tristan and giving him a taste of the hunger that came with his kiss. Tristan couldn’t help his moans. For that fraction of time, it was just the two of them. Tristan completely let himself go, helpless against the sweeping sensations working through his body. That was until a sudden piercing whistle penetrated Damon’s consciousness causing him to break the kiss.
“I’m sorry, Tris.” Damon breathed against Tristan’s wet lips. He leaned his forehead against Tristan’s, his thumb running over the slightly swollen curve of Tristan’s lower lip. They were reddened and fuller from his kiss. “Forgive me.” Tristan looked dazed and flushed which Damon found so sexy. He couldn’t stop himself from pressing another kiss to those inviting lips.
Someone cleared his throat beside them making Damon look up. The guys were still standing around looking at them.
“Wow! That was…interesting.” drawled Dean.
“Shut up, Dean,” Damon chuckled. “I will see you guys tomorrow.” But they just stood there looking at him. They all knew he was bi so had no problem with what they had just witnessed. They were only trying to make him uncomfortable as they usually did whenever any of them was caught making out. “Guys!” Damon groaned making them laugh and start getting into their cars.
“Don’t forget to use birth control.” Dean couldn’t resist a parting shot, making everyone, including a blushing Tristan laugh.
“Did you drive?” Damon asked Tristan, his hand lightly caressing his hips.
“No, I came with my friends,” Tristan said softly. “I didn’t want to drink and drive.”
“But you didn’t drink at all. I would have tasted it on you,” Damon murmured.
“I didn’t,” He muttered looking down.
“Spent the time staring daggers at me huh?” Damon drawled. “Come on, let me take you home.”
“I don’t wanna go home,” Tristan muttered.
“Where do you want to go?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do. Come on, out with it. Where should I take you?”
“How about yours?” Tristan asked quietly. “I really need to talk to you, Damon.”
After a little hesitation, Damon opened his door. “You know this is a bad idea right? I won’t be able to keep my hands off you when we’re alone and you know it.”
“Just when we’re alone?” Tristan raised an amused brow. “Hell, you had your tongue down my throat about five minutes ago. And if I recall correctly, it was in the full glare of people,” he smirked.
“And do you blame me? Have you seen you? Get in, smart-arse.”
And throughout the drive towards his home, Damon remained hard. The thought of having Tristan all to himself fired him up. Never had anyone made him that hungry. He wanted to bend Tristan over and mount him like an animal. Then fuck him so hard and deep the young man wouldn’t be able to still his cries of ecstasy. That was how intense his need was.
There was one thing Damon was pretty sure of: If he didn’t take Tristan soon, he was going to go mad.