“T.T. we’re in here.” Tristan’s mother shouted from the dining room immediately he entered the house.
Great! He had hoped lunch would be over by now so he could quietly sneak into his room to relax in bed. Now he had to face the ‘mob’ as he affectionately called his family.
“Hi darl,” Adriana beamed when she saw Tristan, “you look…different.” She observed.
“How different?” Tristan asked with a frown, pulling out a chair to sit at the table.
“I can’t put my finger on it but…there’s something about you,” Adriana said looking closely at her brother.
“Well shut up then if you don’t even know why you think that.”
“Aren’t you going to eat?” His mother asked taking in his flushed cheeks. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Just not hungry. Had a late breakfast.”
“Got wasted huh?” Caleb Thomas drawled. “Damon said you passed out. Son, you have to take it easy with alcohol.” His dad admonished.
Tristan didn’t think it was necessary to let them know he hadn’t taken in a drop of alcohol the night before. Let them think whatever they wanted to. It was better than knowing the truth. Now that was some truth.
“If you guys will excuse me, I want to go and lie down,” Tristan said standing up.
“Sure you’re alright Honey?” His mother asked, sounding worried. She had intentionally delayed lunch so that Tristan would join them.
“I’m great, mum.”
And with that, Tristan went up to his room, stood in front of the mirror, and stared at himself. Did he look any different? He did feel different. For one, he had an odd feeling inside his chest. He didn’t know how to describe it, but he knew it had to do with Damon. Was it that he was missing him already? He just dropped him off for fuck’s sake.
“Get a grip, Tristan,” Tristan said aloud to himself.
“Talking to ourselves now are we?”
“Jesus Addie, ever heard of knocking?” Tristan gushed, startled.
Adriana jumped onto Tristan’s bed and looked up at him expectantly.
“What do you mean ‘what’? Tell me how you spent your evening yesterday.”
“You already know I’m sure. I went to the pub, then to Damon’s.”
“Hmmm. It’s rather surprising that you of all people agreed to go to Damon’s house. And actually spent the night. Thought you hated the guy.”
“I never said I hated him, Addie.”
“Yes, you did. In fact, you’ve said that quite a number of times.”
“Well, that’s because of how Dad always makes me feel he’s a better person than I am. He’s not so bad.” Tristan muttered going to lie beside his sister.
“Hmmm. So what did you guys do besides talk business?”
“Addie, I did pass out.” At least that was the truth. “Woke up late this morning, ate breakfast, and here I am.”
“Okay, I’m off to Paul’s,” Adriana said getting out of the bed.
“Didn’t know he was back in town.” Paul was Adriana’s boyfriend who had traveled to Germany on business.
“He got in last night.”
But before she got to the door, she turned and asked, “What is wrong with your leg? You were walking funny downstairs.”
Tristan felt all the blood drain from his face. Then his heart began to pound so hard he thought it was going to fall out.
“N-nothing.” He stuttered. Then decided to add when Adriana still stood there watching him. “Actually I have a slight pain in my right ankle. But it’s nothing to worry about.” He lied.
“If you say so. See you later.” And with that Adriana went out, closing the door behind her and leaving Tristan with a pounding heart.
‘Shit!’ Tristan muttered. Damon-fucking-Reid’s dick was even creating problems for him. Who the fuck had such a monster dick anyway? He only saw such dicks in porn videos. Damon sure was in the wrong profession. And that piercing definitely took it to another level. Damn! He was getting hard just picturing that weapon. Surprisingly the man attached to it could be such a sweet person. Tristan remembered how Damon had sat behind him in the big Jacuzzi in his bathroom and caressed him sweetly as the warm water soothed his sore behind. He had wanted it to never end. Eventually, they had to get out so he could bring him home.
Damon had received a text from a friend who wanted to propose to his girlfriend in the presence of Damon and some other friends. So he said he was going to head over there after dropping him off. Tristan was missing him so much already. He needed his touch, his desire. His craving for those things was a gnawing hunger, making him restless and edgy. He had no idea how he was supposed to fall asleep when all he could think about was being in Damon’s arms.
What the fuck was happening to him? It could be a result of that sweet kiss Damon had given him before he had gotten out of his car. Now that was some kiss.
When Damon stopped the car in front of his gate, they had both remained silent for a while. Then Damon had reached over and taken Tristan’s hand in his, interlacing their fingers. Tristan had stared down at their hands, taking in Damon’s large long fingers curled around his.
“What are you going to do this afternoon?” Damon asked quietly.
“Nothing. I’m just going to have a well-deserved sleep.”
That got a soft laugh out of Damon. “Are you that tired?”
“Dude, let’s just say I need to get off my feet.” Tristan retorted with a pout.
“You’re so cute.”
“Fuck off.” Tristan laughed, blushing slightly.
Then Damon leaned over and captured his lips in a kiss so sweet it turned his insides into mush. Damn the man could kiss! His big, warm hands framed Tristan’s face as he bent his head and kissed him. Slowly. Carefully. Too carefully. Tristan could sense Damon’s reluctance…trying to keep the kiss light, to deny his need to stroke the heated depths of Tristan’s mouth as he obviously wanted to.
Tristan couldn’t have that. He touched Damon’s lips with the tip of his tongue. And then Damon went wild, thrusting his tongue into his mouth, his tongue spearing between Tristan’s lips, kissing with starving greed that sent Tristan tumbling into such erotic sensations he wondered if he would survive them. He moaned helplessly when Damon’s mouth took his, plundering its depths with his seeking tongue. That kiss was hot, hungry, and oh so good.
Damon ended the kiss with a tiny little bite at Tristan’s full bottom lip. He pressed his forehead to Tristan’s, sharing air and space, relishing in the magnetic scent of an aroused male.
“You are too hot for your own good. How are you feeling now?” Damon whispered.
“Horny,” Tristan breathed roughly. “Very horny, Damon. You kiss really good.”
Damon’s lips kicked up at the corner and his eyes filled with a weary sort of humor. Then he was kissing Tristan again, drawing his tongue into his mouth, possessing him, making the heat in his body rise, his cock hard between his thighs.
Tristan admitted he was in a hell of a mess now. Somehow, someway Damon had made him crazed for his touch, his kiss. He knew for sure Damon did not have any feelings for him. To Damon, what had taken place between them was just sex. For the first time in his life, Tristan knew how all those girls must have felt. Dumping their arses whenever they expected commitment from him or developed any feelings for him. Karma indeed was a bitch all right. Fuck!
For the next two hours, all Tristan could do was think about Damon. For someone who had planned on sleeping, this was rather distracting.
Before he realized what he was doing, he was reaching for his phone.