Carl Martins stared out of the window of his father's multi- billion dollars mansion. The day was bright, the weather clear, birds were flying and chirping happily on the well pruned trees that beautified the compound. Carl was jealous of these birds. They were chirping and flying from one tree to the other with no care in the world. He had alot of things on his mind that caused him so much anxiety, especially, the reason for which he was standing in his father's study. This discussion again! had been his thought when his father had asked him his decision about what he wanted to do with his life. He made up his mind that he was going to speak the truth and tell everyone exactly what he thought.
He turned his face from the window, his father was addressing him.He knew what he was going to say.
Carl did not want to be part of the hotel business which was the family business, he had never wanted to, because he had always wanted to sing.
His parents were not in support of that because they felt that as the first son, he should show more interest in their family business.
'You are my first son and will take over my business someday when I am no more but you show no interest whatsoever in the business', his father admonished him.
'Father, I am not cut out for that!' he said exasperatedly. 'I have said it before and I am saying it again, I want to sing. That is what gives me joy!'
'Don't tell me that!' Rue Martins thundered. 'The Martins are known for being serious minded people. But you have always been a disappointment. Sing! Music! huuh!' he spat, 'Those kind of things are not for our family and should not even come to your mind as my first son and heir. I hope you will not bring shame to this family by going ahead with that rubbish!'
'Would you not want me to do what I enjoy doing?' he asked, genuinely curious.
As though he had not spoken, Rue went on, 'I thought it was a silly hobby you had picked up but you seem to be taking it too seriously', he looked at his son with pain in his eyes. 'Your brother takes more interest in the business and at a young age is already showing promising prospects!'
'Then you have nothing to worry about!' Carl snapped. He was tired of being compared to his brother. Curtis could do no wrong in the sight of his parents. 'Go ahead and make him the heir to the business. I will not contest it, I promise!'
'Son, think this through', his mother advised. 'You are my first son and I want the best for you', she paused and then continued, choosing her words carefully. 'You can still sing if you want to, but, let it be something you do at your leisure. Make the business your priority'.
'That would mean lying to you and to myself', Carl started but was interrupted by his mother, her tone sounding desperate.
'But You forget that I know you well enough to know that you cannot even sing very well. So what future do you want to carve out for yourself in music if you do not have the talent, just the zeal?'
'You know me too well, mother', Carl said, hurt that his mother had been so blunt about his lack of talent and that she had no faith in him - faith that her beloved son could make it in the music industry with or without talent in music. 'But perhaps, my lack of talent is because I've had to hide my passion from you all, trying to be what I am not. But that ends now. I am done with all that. I shall start living my life the way I want. Who knows, following my passion could grow or enhance my talent in it!'
'Think this through!' she repeated. 'You could go into any other prestigious profession, and you shall have our backing, why does it have to be music?'
'I have thought it through and I have made up my mind. I do not want to be a part of the business nor any other prestigious profession as you so aptly put it. And before you say what I think you are about to say, listen to this, I'm never going to change my about it!' he said with finality.
'If you insist on going on with this madness, I shall disown you!' Rue shouted before his wife could say any other thing. He was tired of listening to this rubbish.
'You better go ahead then, because I am going to continue with my music madness as you so aptly called it!' Carl snapped.
'Do you know what you are asking me to do?' his father asked. 'If I disown you, you will lose all your entitlement. All that should be yours will be Curtis' and I shall not change my mind about it even if you come around later!'
'Do it already!' Carl snapped, as angry as his father obviously was.
His father looked at him furiously for a long time, not believing Carl had dared him to disinherit him, then he sighed heavily and walked out of the study.
'What have you done?' his mother asked. 'I cannot help you now. I hope you know you have just signed your own warrant into poverty and lack'.
'Racheal!' her husband called, and she quickly exited the room after her husband, looking back at her son forlornly, thinking that both son and father were alike in their stubbornness. She had always respected her husband and was scared to go against him, so Carl knew he stood alone in this one.
His father disowned him because as he said, he did not want his madness to be associated with the family. In the business he had worked so hard to build from scratch, the name he had made for himself, there was no place for such a disgrace such as Carl.
Carl had not really believed that his father would disown him but when he did, cutting him off all the trust and money set up in his name, he had been shocked at first, then hurt and later furious and determined to make it no matter what it took.
Though he was not really talented as his mother had pointed out, he believed his love for music was all that mattered and should be able to carry him through. He was willing to give it a go and determined to make it through his music.
His policy was that it didn't really matter if one was really talented or not. Moving in the right circles could make one get to the top. And he was determined to get to the top no matter what he had to do to get there.
His younger brother Curtis took after their father and his interest in the hotel business, was such that his parents were proud of him and at a very early age, started showing him the strings. They had hoped that Carl would come around or out grow the music madness but when he hadn't, Rue Martins had disowned him.
When Curtis was through with college, he started working full time at the hotel and was treated as the ideal son, while Carl was the labelled the black sheep of the family.