Carl did not find it easy at all, being on his own. Someone who had been used to wealth and comfort. Having to squat with friends and make do with what little he had.
But he was really determined and struggled and soon became a rock star. His family name went a long way to helping him, though he would never admit it to anyone.
While Squatting, he came in contact with alot of questionable characters but he did not mind. After all, he had been accepted by them, when his own parents disowned him. So, he started doing drugs with them as well as other such vices. He got into alot of sexual perversion and homosexuality.
Most times, their surroundings would be dirty, and smelly with the odour of drugs, sweat and sex and they were at those times dazed and naked, surrounded by filth.
They of course hired a cleaner who came and cleaned up most times.
The entertainment industry itself was full of people with different life principles and way of life and to be accepted, he had to adopt their way of life too and all this defined his future choices and preferences.
His friends were into it and they had accepted him when he was labelled a no good, so why not. How was he better than they?
After a while, he could see nothing wrong with it and with their help, financially and otherwise, he climbed the ladder of success.
Before going on stage to perform, he would sniff. It gave him a kind of high that was gratifying. He would perform wildly under the influence of the drugs and his fans would also go wild watching him and there was always the shouts of, 'Carl! Carl, Carl my idol!' And he knew in his heart that it was well worth it. The end justifies the means afterall.
A lot of his fans, men and women alike just love his looks and could never get tired of looking at him.
He was a tall man considering his lanky six feet height, with broad shoulders and aristocratic facial bone structure and dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He looked like a picture out of a fashion magazine and this might explain why his image is always gracing the magazines and journalist found different things to write about him.
The success he had achieved was based on a lot of things that had nothing to do with talent. But he had always believed that the end justifies the means.
People were both shocked that the heir of the wealthiest hotelier had gone into music. They just wanted to see him perform and sing and whether or not, he exhibited the talent, they seemed to take no notice of it.
His producer knew much about marketing, he pulled the right strings and getting the right backup and other effects that caused Carl to rise to the top ten most sought after artist and from then, his popularity and fame skyrocketed.
He made lots of money and soon decided to have his own music label but it was not a smooth sailing venture at all as he had to compromise a lot of things that defined his life in later years.
He fell ill once and was admitted to the District Specialist Hospital and that was where he met Dr. Matthews who knew the cause of his Ill health but had not been judgemental but had catered for him as though he were his own son and that was how thay become close friends.
Carl had been attracted to Sidney because of her natural beauty. He loved acquiring beautiful things and because of his extraordinary looks, he was classified as the leader of beautiful people and this had gone a long way to furthering his music career.
Sidney's natural beauty was such that needed no artificial enhancer like make up. Being around alot of women made him realise that if she were to go for a real make over, she would be incomparable.
He had instinctively known that they made a beautiful couple right from the first time he had seen her in the hospital where he had gone to see his doctor and friend Dr. Matthews.
That Matthew held her in high esteem, together with the prestige that came with her profession, only served to increase his interest in her.
His parents had thought that he couldn't survive without their help let alone succeed. They had thought that he would be back in a forth night begging to be accepted back as the heir of the family but he hadn't and though they had not kept in touch, he knew that it had come as a surprise to them especially his arrogant father.
His mother had tried to assist him but when her husband got wind of it and threatened to separate from her, she had stopped assisting him financially.
He was a made man now and to crown it all, he was going to marry this stunning woman, Sidney. She was from a respectable family and was a respectable girl. And in the world of beautiful people, they made a stunning pair. He had really met his match.
He wanted to gain the approval of his father but he wanted to look him in the eye and show him that he had made it without having to follow in his shoes. And he had acquired a great fortune of a wife as well.
This was a good enough reason to be with Sidney.
She was like no other. Women fawn over him, flocking around him and he got irritated but Sidney seem to merely tolerate him and that increased his interest in her.
In fact, he had to strive to be noticed by her and he had had to implore the help of his friend Dr. Matthews who warned him not to hurt her in any way, and got his sworn assurance before he agreed to help him in his quest.
He had thought that it wouldn't work out but had been amazed when she had accepted to go out on a date with him.
He had been even more impressed with her on their first date and had had the distinct feeling of being with the right person. She was relaxing to be with. She was natural and not pretentious.
He didn't know who intimated the reporters and photographers but they were there to hassle them but he was even more impressed at the way Sidney had handled them.
There was something almost regal about the way she handled the reporters and photographers, not fawning over them but not snubbing them either.
And this made the reporters want to know more about her. And made him more determined to win her for himself as his bride.