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Chapter 3: Gladiolus

Strength of character, faithfulness, and honor. The gladiolus flower, belonging to the iris family, also signifies remembrance with its colorful hues. It earned its name– from the Latin word “gladius” which means sword – from the shape of their leaves.

“Oh, dear… Are you alright?”

Looking up, I wished I hadn’t done so quickly if I had known what would greet me. Sharp gray eyes stared down at me in irritation while his (handsome) face was contorted in displeasure. Raven hair dancing in the gentle breeze. It was enough for my apology to get caught up in my throat. In my position, he was towering above me with his arms crossed in intimidation– striking fear into my heart.

Avoiding his narrowed eyes, I turn to the next person. Beside him was a woman around her fifties, wearing a blue dress under her apron. Strands of gray hair shining under the sun. She glanced down at me with concern, reaching out a hand for me to take. “Get up dear…” Cheeks bringing the tomatoes to the farm I passed by a while ago to shame, I took the hand and helped myself up.

“Thank you.” I immediately wiped my hands against my skirt, hoping to clean it from all the algae that stuck to it. This is so embarrassing… Is it too late to run and hide now?

“Let me ask you again, what are you doing here?” The man demanded, annoyance radiating from him. “Do you know what happens to trespassers?! I’ll sue you–”

“Now, now!  Please don’t shout so early, Lucas.” She suddenly took off the white apron around her waist and handed it to me. “Here, use it to dry yourself off in the meantime. I’ll get some towels.”

“I-I’m sorry,” I mumbled in embarrassment. However, this didn’t appease the man who continued to shoot daggers at my face. Can the earth swallow me up now? “I was just… I just wanted to see the flowers and all…”

“Don’t you have flowers from where you come from?” At his absurd question, I fought back the urge to roll my eyes, irritation towards him bubbling inside. Don’t. Just don’t, Terra. It was your fault anyway… You shouldn’t have entered their premises without permission.

I lowered my head and twiddled with my fingers. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

Sheepish, the woman turned to me but not before narrowing her eyes at her companion. “I’m sorry dear, but what’s your name?”

Smiling at her, I decided to ignore the glaring man and introduce myself. I won’t let his grumpiness ruin my chances of getting this job. If I can still get one in this state. “Hello, I’m Terra Dawson and I’m here to see Matilda. It’s for that job…” I hope Matilda is busy and will just reschedule for tomorrow. I can’t get that job if I show up like this! I’ll bet my whole money that I’ll get kicked out if she sees me.

Her eyes suddenly widened at my words. “You’re Terra Dawson? Oh, goodness!” Her words were bubbling in excitement. “Why didn’t you say so?” She laughed softly, “Pleased to meet you! I’m Matilda.”

All hopes of going back to the hotel to change clothes and be able to present myself properly were all thrown out the window once I registered what she just revealed.


At my unintentional outburst– which made me look stupid, the glaring man beside her took a step forward in a challenging stance that made me cower back. “What? You don’t believe her?”

“No, I do believe her…” I responded quickly, not wanting to offend anybody. “I was just… surprised.” Great, now I’ll never get that job. Matilda laughed, placed a hand on my shoulder, and pulled me with her.

“It’s alright, dear. Let’s just get inside.”

I stole a glance at the man just to find him already staring at me with the same expression as earlier. Eyes narrowed and lips in a thin line. Quickly looking away, I chided myself that I got caught staring and followed the woman into their beautiful abode.

The wind chime rang when Matilda pulled the door open. I wiped my feet on the rug, not wanting to dirty their wooden floor that seemed like it was polished every day. When the grumpy man went inside, I watched with curious eyes as he took off his black leather shoes and set them aside. As he was slipping on his fuzzy slippers, I instantly averted my gaze away and continued to tail the old woman.

Taking note of his shoes, the black slacks he wore, and the white polo with its sleeves tucked, I looked back at the man. He was heading in a different direction before his dark hair disappeared.

Is he going to work? Is he a businessman or an employee in one of those tall buildings back in the city?

Pursing my lips, I stopped in my tracks once Matilda gestured for me to sit down. I shook my head and smiled, “I’ll stand. I might stain it or get water all over it.” As if realizing this, Matilda nodded while muttering under her breath. She then cleared her throat, “In that case… Please wait here as I get the mistress.”


Matilda nodded. “Yes, Madame Rose Xavier. Lucas’ grandmother, she’s the owner of Rosette.” Before leaving, she told me to wait and head up the grand wooden staircase. Once I figured I was alone, I sighed and bit my lip to contain wailing. Idiot! You should’ve refrained from entering the garden and wouldn’t have gotten yourself in a mess!

After wiping my arms and legs, I briskly combed my fingers through my damp hair. Had enough of trying to look presentable– which is now impossible – I folded the apron and waited. While doing so, I admired the living room. A fireplace sat unlit in the corner, where a huge rug laid out on the floor. The coffee table, where a vase of lilacs sat peacefully, stood at the center of it. The couch was facing the flat-screen television on the wall.

A small bookshelf stood next to an armchair and a floor lamp. Pictures of landscapes and famous landmarks hung on the wall. Even the wallpaper added flair to the room.

The windows had matching curtains and at the front door– where I was supposed to enter –had a doormat, a coat rack on the side, and a hat stand with an umbrella holder.

Overall, it was an elegantly styled living room. And I can’t help but gape at it all.

If their living room is huge and lavish… I wonder what their kitchen looks like!

“What? Never seen a living room?” I let out a squeak, hearing that icy tone once more. Turning around to see the same grumpy man, I stiffened. He was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and a frown on his face.

“It’s huge…” I trailed off, eyes wandering across the room until they landed on the vase with lilacs in it. I smiled softly, “But it’s homey.”

Whatever he had to say– if he had any – had to be put aside when the sound of footsteps came from the stairs. I looked up to see Matilda walking beside another woman, but older than her. Her hair was silver by age, cut in a short bob. She had a cane on her right hand, supporting her as she climbed down the stairs. My heart was ramming inside my chest but I only took notice of it once she finally stood in front of me. Gray eyes stare straight back at me.

Be calm, Terra. It’s going to be alright, take deep breaths.

“Good morning, I’m Terra Dawson.” I slightly bowed my head before beaming at her. The old woman nodded softly, her keen eyes scanning my face. It wasn’t until she was now eyeing my clothes. I held my breath, wondering what was running inside her mind right now. “Thank you,” I nodded gratefully at Matilda, who handed me a towel which I wrapped around myself.

“Matilda told me you fell into the fountain… because you wanted to see the flowers. Is that true?”

Oh boy…

“Y-yes, I did,” I admitted with cheeks red in shame. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have wandered around without permission.”

Mrs. Xavier went silent and this only made me uneasy. I knew it! She won’t accept me if I apply for a job like this! I should’ve behaved…

Her laughter, however, was somewhat frail and diminished the silence that once claimed the room. A warm smile spread across her face, “My, my… Where have you been after all these years? I was beginning to think that women of your age prefer to be pop singers than do real labor.”

Her wrinkled hand gestured for me to join her, which I silently did. Still blinking at her in surprise since I wasn’t expecting that answer. We were soon left alone in the living room, Mrs. Xavier telling Matilda to get two cups of coffee while her grandson disappeared once again.

“So… I have to be honest with you, Ms. Dawson.” She set aside her cane and looked me in the eye. “It’s been two years since I opened the shop. Rosette was the first flower shop here in town.” A smile graced her face, probably remembering the fond memories she had while running the shop. “It was very fun making people happy when they received the flowers…”

“Yes, it does,” I agreed. It indeed warms the heart whenever they find the bouquet or the arrangement they wanted beautiful. It was when her smile faltered I grew alarmed.

“But as time passed… My customers found my arrangements to be old and were craving new ones. I grew out of business, especially when competitors came to town.” Anita? Mrs. Xavier let out a humorless laugh, shaking her head. “I thought that I may be able to continue but it’s useless. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting somebody to respond to that paper I posted and was thinking of giving u–”

“You need a florist who’ll bring back the glory of Rosette? I can do it!” I fisted my hand and patted it against my chest to prove my point. “I can do it, Mrs. Xavier!” I pulled out the documents I brought and laid them all on the coffee table. “Here are the papers and this is my resume.”

Taking the paper I handed to her, she reached for her glasses that were hanging on the neckline of her yellow dress. She read it in silence for a few minutes and glanced up. “You live in the city?”

“Yes, I came here yesterday to find a job. My mother grew up in this town before moving to the city.”

She took the other papers, read them, and smiled at me. “Yes, everything’s in place. You came very prepared but before I hire you… There’s something you have to do. Will you?”

When I expressed my eagerness, Matilda came into the room and handed each of us a cup of coffee. “Matilda, will you get a vase and the artificial flowers?”

“Yes, Madame.”

As we waited for Matilda to come back, I took a sip of the warm coffee. Does she want me to arrange some flowers? I hope I could please her… I really want this job.

In a few minutes, Matilda came back with all the things her mistress needed, setting them down on the coffee table. Mrs. Xavier then smiled at me, “Dear, make an arrangement that reminds you of your mother.”

Sitting up straight, I swallowed as I stared at the given flowers. Thinking up numerous ways how to set them up. Something that reminds me of my mother?

With slightly quivering hands, I get to work with my flower arrangement. White lilies and roses are arranged in a glass vase. Ignoring all the red roses, pink carnations, and yellow tulips. It was a quick setup but it was all that could come to my mind.

“Papa, what’s Mama like?”

There were a lot of questions any six-year-old kid could ask their father, but in my case, that was what I asked back then. A kid who grew up in the protection of my only family, my father.

His eyes went wide in astonishment, not knowing how to respond to such a sudden question. “Your mom? W-well… Let me think…” A soft smile graced his face and patted my head with his huge hand. “Your mother was a beautiful lady, like you. She had a warm heart and loves to cook.” He suddenly laughed, “She also had quite a temper, so I try my best that she won’t get angry.”

“Papa, what do you love about Mama?”

He directed his gaze to the window that was pouring orange light in, afternoon slowly coming to an end to pave the way for the night. Eyes softening, he continued, “She has an innocent face and when I first saw her, I was drawn to her in an instant. Your mama was an angel… and she is now one.”

I gasped in delight and beamed. “An angel? That’s wonderful! I want to see one!”

“I’m finished.”

Matilda stared at the flowers, a grin on her face. She was clapping her hands. “Splendid. I like it very much and it would complement the living room!”

Mrs. Xavier nodded in agreement. “It is indeed. By the way, Ms. Dawson, why did you choose the white lilies and roses?”

Prepared for this question, I sat up straight to explain. “I remember my father telling me that my mother was a kind and innocent woman. White symbolizes innocence better than any other colors.” And, lilies are also the flowers I place over her grave every time I visit. Papa once said that she liked lilies.

“I see…” Rose Xavier muttered, taking her cane and standing up. I did the same. This is it… She’s going to break it to me whether I’m hired or not. Oh, please say yes!

A hand reached out, she smiled, the corner of her eyes wrinkled. “Dear, you’re hired.”

Not able to contain my joy, I vigorously shook her hand while repeating words of gratitude. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Xavier! You won’t be disappointed. I promise I’ll bring Rosette back on its feet and– “

“Oi, what makes you so sure that you can?”

The old woman focused her eyes on somebody behind me, to be exact, her grumpy grandson. He was once again leaning against the doorframe, the same displeased expression on his. “Oh, I didn’t notice you back there, Lucas.” She then gestured to me, “This is Terra Dawson. I’m sure you’ve met her.”

“Yes, the trespasser…” He mumbled as he approached us, eyes narrowed at me. “Are you sure you can do it? There’s no point in lying and getting her hopes high.”

I nodded firmly. “I want to work in Rosette and I have the best interest in it.” The dark-haired man turned to his grandmother, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. “Are you sure you want to hire her?”

Mrs. Xavier shrugged, “Why not? She’s very willing to work, you don’t meet people like that very often. I like her.” She threw a knowing smile at him, one that he missed since he was too preoccupied glaring at me. “And, not to mention, she’s very pretty.”

“Tch. Fine, do whatever you want.”

He waved a dismissing hand at his grandmother. Somewhat pleased by his answer, she turned to me. “Terra– is it alright if I call you by your name?” When I nodded, she continued. “You mentioned that you came here only yesterday… Where are you staying right now?”

“I’m currently staying at a hotel, The Celestial Hotel.”

Mrs. Xavier sat back and stared at the ceiling. “Ah… Old Pierre’s hotel, huh.” At this sudden information, Lucas Xavier grunted in reply and then cast his gaze at me. “I take it that the man behind that tacky concierge desk pissed you off.”

At least we have something we can agree on.

I giggled softly, “Well… He was a bit of a prude at first, but he’s alright.”

Matilda sighed and shook her head, “If only Pierre knew that his grandson is like that… Bless his good soul for not kicking him out.”

“Terra,” Mrs. Xavier stared at me once again. “What are you going to do for the rest of the day?”

At this question, I grew sheepish. “Well… I was planning to go home if things didn’t turn out well– But it did, so I’m going to look for a place to stay.”

“Why not stay here?”

Mrs. Xavier’s suggestion earned different reactions– an astonished face from me, an impassive one from her grandson, and an overjoyed Matilda. “R-really? Oh, I cannot accept it, Mrs. Xavier.” I shifted my gaze between the three of them before returning to the kind lady. “I’ll be able to find a place to stay– “

“Just accept it, will you?” Lucas interjected bluntly, “She’s not going to take ‘no’ for an answer. The least you can do is make this end quickly.”

Observing the two women, who were waiting anxiously for my reply. Based on Lucas’ expression and comment earlier, he probably knew it was going to end up this way. I inwardly sigh.

Well, there’s no hope in rejecting it.

“Alright, but on one condition,” I faced my employer, who was very kind to give me a place to stay. “I’m not going to live here for free. It will bother me if I’m living here when I’m just an employee.”

“Nonsense!” Mrs. Xavier boomed. “When you’re living in my house, you are now part of the family.” Matilda, standing at the corner, nodded in agreement. “But, if it is your wish… Fine, you can help me take care of my flowers.”

I grinned at her and nodded. “Deal.” From that moment, I decided I liked my new boss. Not because she gave me a place to stay, but because she understood why I didn’t want to be– for lack of better words– a freeloader.

“Matilda, please ready the room beside yours.” Mrs. Xavier stood up from her seat and slowly walked away. "I’m going outside to enjoy the breeze.”

“Yes, Madame.” Matilda turned her back and went down the hall, a different direction to where her mistress was heading.

Just as I was about to offer help, a hand pulled me roughly. Making me face Lucas Xavier, who has his gray sharp eyes narrowed down at mine.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?"

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