Lilacs are pretty flowers, symbolizing youthful innocence and confidence. Violet lilacs symbolize spirituality while blue lilacs symbolize happiness and tranquility. The story of lilac goes way back, earning its name and popularity. Purple, white, magenta, red or blue, lilacs are beautiful no matter what. Lilac is a light purple flower that symbolizes first love.
The man behind the desk continued to eye me in distaste, especially on my dirty skirt and drenched hair. It slipped my mind as I marched to the hotel and asked to use the telephone. Having the number memorized, I hurriedly input it, making mistakes along the way that I had to restart all over again.
This ticked the man off, however, he didn’t show it. I didn’t have to know that he was–the way he drummed his fingers against the wooden desk was one of the clues. Finally getting the number right, I waited for someone to pick up while my fingers tried to tame my soaked hair. The image of my mascara running down my cheeks, my clothes damp, and my hair untamed made my cheeks go red.
After this, I should take a bath.
“Hello?” A voice crackled through the receiver, undeniably belonging to an elder woman. Heart racing like the flutter of a butterfly’s wings, I swallowed and smiled. “Yes, good afternoon. I’m looking for… Matilda?” The other line went static for a moment – probably due to the heavy rain outside – before the woman’s voice came back.
“Yes, this is Matilda. To whom am I speaking?”
Alright, Terra! This is it! Don’t screw things up now. “Hello, I’m Terra Dawson. I happened to see the job offer posted in front of Rosset and was wondering if the job is still available?” Please say it is! Please, please, please!
Matilda was silent for a few minutes it made me fear that she either hung up or the heavy rain outside made the line disconnect. However, someone spoke softly in the background and Matilda hummed in response. “Yes, it’s still available dearie. Do you want to take the job?”
Soaring is what it felt like. I felt like soaring above the sky in glee. “Yes! I’ll definitely take it!” I almost screamed. The man behind the counter stared at me with wide eyes, obviously astonished by my boisterous reply.
Matilda softly chuckled, “Please come over to our house which is number twenty-five in Lilac Street. You can come over today or tomorrow.” I nodded eagerly, even if I knew that she couldn’t see me over the telephone. “Yes, tomorrow’s fine! Thank you.” The moment I hung up, I turned to face the man, who had been breathing down my neck the whole time. Noticing his mistake, he averted his eyes away in disdain. My patience towards him was slowly chipping away.
“Thanks,” I mumbled. When he refused to meet me in the eye, I pursed my lips tightly before stomping my way over to my bag. Clothes suck to my skin – not to mention the stains – was a feeling I couldn’t tolerate. If anyone else could see me now, they might think I’m some kind of crazy woman wandering the streets!
“Excuse me, but do you have at least a comfort room that I can use?”
Heaving a sigh, he pointed somewhere down the hall. “Turn to the left and you’ll see the sign. You can’t miss it.”
With my suitcase in hand, I headed for the bathroom. Spotting the sign, I went straight to the women’s bathroom (it’s a bit cramped inside) and began to change. After placing the wet clothes in a separate bag, I walked out of the bathroom feeling fresh after drying myself and combing my damp hair. Clad in a white cotton sweater and jeans, I strode into the lobby and took a seat once again. Suitcase at my side.
The man behind the desk was the same as usual, still not acknowledging my presence. I softly grumbled in my seat and took my phone out. Thankfully, it survived the downpour. Playing a few games while the sky continued to cry horrendously outside, I continued to wait. I let out a gasp and took my phone, typing down the address the woman gave me before I forgot. Time slowly ticked similar to a snail crawling.
I didn’t realize that I had fallen asleep in my seat when loud laughter brought me back to the living world. Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I looked around my surroundings. It was already dark outside. The street lamps glow in the dark, aiding people walking on the sidewalks. It finally stopped raining.
I stifled a yawn and turned towards the concierge desk to see a couple talking to the man behind the desk. The blonde-haired woman handed a key while her partner was counting money. Realizing that they were checking out, I stood up from my seat. Hand rubbing the corner of my lips to see if I was drooling while in dreamland, only to see that I didn’t.
It would’ve been embarrassing if I actually did.
The couple bid goodbye a few moments later, carrying their luggage with them out the door. When the door clicked shut, the man in the concierge heaved a sigh and gestured for me to come close. I grinned, took my suitcase, and walked up to the desk. Finally, I get to have a room.
“The room costs fifty per night.”
“I’ll take it,” I replied. He laid out one of his log books and handed me a pen. I stared down at it to see different names and signatures.
“Please write your name and affix your signature after.” He pointed to the blank space below, directing me. Doing what I was told immediately, he handed me a key with a tag. “You’ll be staying in room number nine. We serve free breakfast in the dining room at six o’clock in the morning while checkout time is exactly noon.”
“Thanks…” Eyes landing on his name plaque, I looked up. “Mr. John.” He waved off the gratitude and gestured down the hall. With great joy, I took my suitcase and headed down the path to my room. Key rattling in my hand. To my relief, I found my room without joy and inserted the key into the knob.
Alright! One, two…
I twisted the knob and pushed the door open, revealing a neat comfortable room. Gasping in surprise, I wheeled my suitcase in before closing the door behind me. The window was covered by a floral-patterned curtain, matching the bedspread. A television set stood across the bed while a lampshade stood under the wooden nightstand. In a corner, a full-length wall mirror stood while portraits of landscapes and forests occupied the walls. Overall, it’s a good room. After removing my boots, I smiled as I flopped down the mattress that bounced under me.
Sitting up, I scanned the room until my eyes landed on the door to the bathroom. The sound of the zipper being opened filled the room. Taking out a shirt, cotton shorts, and a new pair of underwear, I laid them down on the bed. Toiletries in hand, I went inside the bathroom and took a long hot shower.
The wait was worth it!
Drying my damp hair with one of the towels hung outside the shower, I stepped out of the bathroom after patting my bare feet on the rug. Once I finished dressing, I climbed into the comforts of the bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I sat up and frowned.
That’s funny… Did I miss something? I’m sure I didn’t leave any important things back home, but why am I–?
Eyes wide, I clutched my stomach when it made a familiar growl. Oh, that’s right… I forgot to feed you. Shaking my head at my stomach – it tends to have a mind of its own – I bent down and rummaged through my bag in search of the cookies I baked last night.
Chewing the goodies, I took my phone and rang up Papa’s number.
Throwing away the plastic that once was the home of my cookies (which are now silently resting in my stomach), I combed my hair and applied the cologne. Packing the two blueberry muffins I stole from the breakfast buffet earlier in a container, I zipped it inside my sling bag along with my phone, gum, and wallet. Documents safely in my left hand.
Stealing one last glance at the mirror, I took my key and walked out of the room before locking it. As soon as I stepped out of the building, my journey began. “Alright, how do I get to Lilac Street?” Scanning the road for any taxis, I pursed my lips when I found none.
Don’t worry now! I’m sure there are other ways to reach her house. Well, walking is one of them…
I stared down at my attire. A plain black long-sleeve paired with my favorite white floral skirt and sandals. Well, I’m not so sure whether the road going to Lilac Street won’t be muddy considering all the rain yesterday… Still, I’m not going to let that hinder me from getting that job. But… Heaving a sigh, I crossed the street and began looking for a means of transportation.
That’s when I spotted a taxi parked in front of the café. Hurriedly making my way over to it, I held my skirt down to keep it from flying. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Just as I finally arrived, a man emerged from the café carrying a briefcase and entered the taxi. My pace slowed down and I watched as the taxi sped away from sight.
Internally crying, I stared at the time on my phone. It’s already eight o’clock and I haven’t got a ride yet. The pitter-patter of hooves caught my attention, not to mention, the scent of hay that touched the air. I turn my head to see a brown horse being maneuvered by an old man wearing a straw hat. Behind them was a wooden cart filled to the brim with hay. “Woah!” The man pulled on the reins, making the horse whine and halt to a stop.
After wiping his face with his face towel, the man removed his hat and stared down at me. “Good morning, little lady. Where you off to?”
I smiled up at him and took my phone out, reading the address. “Good morning, too. Uh, can you help me? I’m wondering how I could get to Lilac Street?”
“Ah, Lilac Street, you say? I’m actually heading back to my farm and I usually pass by that street.” He then scratched his head in a bashful manner, where a crown of ashes lay that shone in the light. “I could offer you a ride but as you can see– “
This is my chance! Putting on my best smile, I pointed at the cart full of hay. “I can ride at the back, it won’t be a problem!” Startled by my response, his gray eyes widened. “O-oh, alright… If you insist. It won’t be a smooth ride though…”
I immediately went to the back and climbed up the cart. To my delight, there was still a space. “Uh, Sir? How long does it take to get there?” I asked loudly.
“About an hour, little lady. But I can make Jupiter here sped up, so don’t worry!”
Pleased by the response, I sat down as soon as the cart began to move. Jupiter, the horse, whined softly and began to walk down the pavement. We passed by a few stores, catching a few people’s attention but some saw it as an everyday occurrence. I stared at the hotel I stayed at until it disappeared from view. Soon, we were out of the small town and out in the open country.
The cooling shade of lush green grass mostly painted the vast lands that had dots of dandelions and bluebells. Passing by a few children playing by the road and riding their bicycles, the smooth road soon became rocky as the cart left the asphalt. Tall trees loomed in some parts of the area, the temperature slightly cooling unlike we were exposed to the sun’s rays a while ago.
Enjoying the peaceful scenery and the rocky ride, I swung my legs at the edge as I hung onto the ropes holding the hay. It wasn’t until I took out one of the muffins to eat that we passed by three houses. Cute white fences surrounded them while the faint barking of a dog filled the silence. It was when we passed by another set of houses after a few minutes that I began to wonder.
“Sir, how many streets are there?”
I waited for a reply, debating if he heard my question or not. Just as I was about to repeat it, he answered, “There are ten streets, Miss. Lilac Street is the last one.” Ah, no wonder it takes an hour to reach it. “You’re visiting the old woman?”
“Huh?” I scratched my shoulder, “Uh... I’m applying for a job.”
Probably hearing my answer differently, he replied, “Ah. I see, yeah. She gets lonely at times since she has no neighbors. Cheer the woman up for me.”
I felt my smile falter at the image of the old woman alone in her house made me feel lonely for her. Wait, Matilda was talking to someone in the background. Maybe it’s her friend? A fellow relative? Sitting comfortably on the flat surface again, I bobbed my head in the same rhythm the cart was making as I ate the blueberry muffin.
Good thing I swiped these two! I would’ve embarrassed myself if this stomach of mine decided to make itself known at the interview.
We passed by different farms and houses, even a woodcutter’s lodge. True to the old man’s word, we arrived exactly one hour later (the same time I finished my last muffin). Jupiter went to a stop and let out a whine, the cart now motionless. I jumped, feet landing on the hard ground, and walked up to the driver. I smiled and held up a hand for him to shake, which he did. “Thank you for taking me here, Sir. I appreciate it very much.”
Once he let go, he tipped his hat at me. “Take care of yourself.” With that said, he ordered his horse to move forward. Waving at them one last time, I turn to stare at the sign that stood straight.
Lilac Street.
Bracing myself, I walked down the dirt path towards the house that seemed so tiny from this distance. I took in a deep breath and pressed the documents that were unharmed along the way against my chest. “Hello, I’m Terra Dawson. How do you do?” I greeted the sky with a smile. Finding something wrong with my overly cheery voice, I palmed my forehead and sighed. “Don’t make her think you’re some kind of weirdo Terra! That would just be unbecoming.”
Really unbecoming.
Rehearsing my lines repeatedly as I continued to walk, the house crept into view. I stopped going over my words and stared at the empty lots that were supposed to have houses built on. If I lived alone without my father, what would life be like? What would my life be like if my mother lived to raise me?
Familiar with the pain of having a loss, especially when remembering my mother that only Papa could describe, I bit back the tears threatening to escape my eyes. Nevertheless, I swallowed hard and went on. It wasn't until I reached my destination that I stopped in my tracks.
Gaping at the house that’s now up close, I couldn’t help but wonder how many people live under its roof. Just look at it! It’s like a mansion! She must have a relative with her. Only having two floors, the brick house was wide and had a driveway. Their lawn was clean-cut and had no fallen leaves that the oak tree standing in the middle of the lawn might be shedding.
Wind blowing gently, I tucked back a stray strand of hair from my eyes and breathed in the fresh air before exhaling. “Well… This is it.”
One step back would give me the chance to return home, to where Papa is right now. Back to my friends and the dainty small house I grew up in. I could leave Crimson Oak with all its nature surrounding the town and return to where I belong. However, one step forward – no matter how little it is – is when I enter this new world. A world where I don’t know any people except those whose names I captured in coincidence.
While the rest of the people I’ve met were alright – Mr. John being bearable – I wouldn’t want to have another talk with Anita.
Instead, I want to show her that she lost something valuable the moment she shooed me out of her store. That she blew it all to hell!
With determination in my heart, I took a step forward and another. Soon, I was walking down the path to the front door, waiting to be opened.
You can do this, Terra! Show them what you’re made of. This is your last chance. It’s either this or you go back home. Don’t screw things up!
Bright colors consisting of red and yellow, being highlighted by the light, didn’t fail to catch my sight. Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn by it and forgot the door. Under the window, sitting on their pots were red geraniums and yellow crocuses. Following the pots to see where it would end, I ventured further to the side of the house. The scent of flowers getting stronger made me hurry in my steps and before I knew it, I entered the garden.
I gasped in awe at the beautiful flowerbeds that dolled up the spaces. Even the butterflies couldn’t resist flying above them. From white larkspurs to violet lilacs, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had every flower here. “Incredible.” Whipping out my phone, pictures of the flowerbeds were saved on my phone as I continued to snap them from different angles. A little fountain sat a few feet from where I stood and beyond the rose bushes was a greenhouse.
Approaching the fountain, I began to snap pictures of the koi fishes swimming peacefully in the water. Admiring their colorful scales that shone under the sunlight.
Such beautiful–
“Oi! What the hell are you doing over there?”
I squeaked in surprise, blinking a few times before sharply turning my head around – thankfully not snapping my neck – to find the owner of the voice. Just as I found a man and a stout woman standing on the patio, I was about to apologize when I suddenly lost my balance. Because of said clumsiness, my eyes were wide shut closed as I fell on the water ungracefully. Giving the fish a good scare.
Feeling my clothes soaked, I hissed in annoyance.
Not again!