Grimm was a little startled when he felt a pat on his right shoulder. He looked at the one who tapped him, it was his Kuya Andrey. It smiled sparingly at him and he stepped aside. He is on the roof now and hanging out. His older brother followed him and he did not know why.
"Brother, why are you here?" he asked.
"Nothing. It's been a long time since we last talked. I guess you often get along with your priest friend?" its beginning.
He simply swallowed and thought of his reason.
"Because he hired me as an assistant. I can't refuse because at least... When I spend time with him often, I will learn to be kind. I-Isn't it?"
His older brother took a deep breath.
"Of course. But I do not understand, Grimm." he said suddenly.
He frowned and looked at it.
"What do you not understand, Brother?"
"When you were with that priest... I suddenly felt a strange nervousness. It was like a danger. Just, I just don't know. I hope you do not perish in what you do."
"Brother, I will not be harmed then. That is a priest."
"I know, but he seems strange. I just do not understand, but that one is different compared to other priests I know. Mysterious and... Just, I can not explain what I notice."
"Brother, he's really weird because he's still young. If he hadn't been a priest, many women would have chased him there."
But Grimm was stunned when he remembered the scene when he was bait on the succubus.
"Sure." his older brother smiled.
"Is that the only reason you suddenly talked to me?"
His older brother Andrey lay on the roof. He took it in his arms and looked at him.
"Is Rusty Leigh your girlfriend? She’s the new student."
Grimm was stunned and blushed at his older brother's question.
"N-No ah." his short answer.
"Ah is that so? I just noticed, you often take her to school. And she seems to be close to your Kuwarog Boys." its language is simple.
"A-Ahm... Because I was her first friend here so that's how... She was the one I saved in the forest when I was logging, do you remember? Grandma and I even told you about that, didn't I?"
His older brother thought and took a deep breath.
"Yes, I remember. It was her."
Grimm pocketed his right hand in no time and he found a rosary there... He remembered, he made a protection for his family from Father Clemen. And his only older brother is the one he has not yet given. He quickly took it out of his pocket and...
"Here, Kuya. Always wear it to avoid dangers. I customized that." He said.
His older brother Andrey immediately took his hold. But he did not immediately put it on. He even looked at the rosary.
"Is this rosary strange? It has many strange marks on the beads." comment on it.
"Ahm... Father Clemen said... Those are lucky. You are the only one who has that. You can adjust it and make it a bracelet." he hesitated to explain.
He looked at the rosary even more and suddenly smiled broadly as he adjusted it.
"Wow! It's so cool!" glad its language.
Andrey immediately put it on in his right-arm. It was surprised that it would turn blue.
"Okay ah? It glows when worn. Moreover the designs are more visible on the beads!" its language is still amaze.
He just smiled at his reaction.
"Wait, those on the beads are like letters, ah? I just can't read and..."
"That's just designs, Kuya! It just looks like a letter because it's small! Ha ha ha..." Grimm's awkward excuse.
"Ah, is that so? Thank you by the way. You, you already have it?"
"You don't have to be thankful, Brother. That's all there is to it. I don't have to have that because father Clemen has already given me this."
After which he showed off the necklace he was wearing.
"W-Wow! That's cool! Can I arbour it?"
"No, Father Clemen gave it to me. You can't arbour it because he gave it to me."
"The deception..." his older brother just retorted.
But he also smiled at him and thanked for his little gift. If it only knew what that one was really for...
The next day, Grimm opened the bag with only his loaves of bread. They explode. He took the bag one by one to his Kuwarog Boys and they immediately took some bread. They also include Mikee.
"Wait, why does this breads you gave look so wet?" Rodel asked skeptically.
"Of course, It was trapped in the bag for a long time so I was sweating! Besides, that's really delicious, a little wet. If you don't want to, I’ll just give these breads to somebody else."
Grimm was about to grab the bread he was holding but Rodel quickly pulled it away.
"I didn't say I didn't want to!" Rodel laughed.
Rusty has arrived. They are all outside the school and snacking. It's afternoon and it's time to go home.
"Sorry, I was late." Rusty's awkward language to everyone.
"It's okay. You're not too late." Grimm smiled.
He approached it and led it to the bench. He made Rusty sit there and handed her a bag of blueberry cupcakes. Not only that, but with also a cold bottle of juice.
"A-Ahm... Thank you, Grimm." Rusty said shyly.
Grimm's friends' eyes widened and they looked at him in disgust.
"Wait, you must be unfair Grimm! I guess you just feed us leftovers in your bakery, ah?!" Ricky complained.
Others, except Mikee, have also complained. Grimm looked at them annoyed.
"Why, are you a woman? After all, what are you complaining about, that is free? Choosy?!" Grimm said returned.
Rusty laughed at the visible scene. Grimm was unfair to his friends.
"Wait, I'm willing to share who likes blueberry cupcakes. There are many." she said.
Grimm's friends suddenly felt ashamed.
"Don't, Rusty! We're just kidding! He he he he!" Ricky's awkward language.
"Okay!" Rusty just smiled.
They all ate and talked happily. Their topic was Rusty's uncle Clemen. Grimm's friends kept asking about it.
"I'll go home first. My Grandma is waiting for me." the language is Mikee.
"Me too. I'm the one assigned to cook. It's hard when, my mother soap me without rinsing." Salvador said.
Mikee and Salvador stood almost at the same time.
"Okay! Be careful ah?" the language is Grimm.
"They are the one who should be careful for us!" Salvador's arrogant language.
It walked away and followed by Mikee. They continued the story and Grimm, Rusty, Ricky, Rodel and Reynaldo spent some time before going home. Grimm again offered to take Rusty home. Meanwhile... Salvador stopped walking when he felt someone following him. He smiled.
"Mikee, don't joke like that." he warned.
He turned to face his back but he was surprised to see nothing. He saw only a black butterfly. It flew away and suddenly it circled around him. It landed on his shoulder but he immediately pulled it out.
He was startled to hear a woman's shrill cry.
He did not hesitate to go to anyone who asked for help. The source of the shout was not far away. He turned to the back of an old building and saw a woman folding and trembling. She also looks a bit dirty, wearing the uniform of another rich school and has red hair like Grimm. No one in that area because it is already next to the forest.
"Miss, what happened?"
It was afraid of being folded and bent over. He walked closer to it.
"Don't be afraid, I will help you. I have nothing bad to do with you."
He held out his right hand and she slowly raised her gaze. She slowly held out his hand and smiled sparingly.
"Are you okay? What happened to you? Why are you like that?" he asked one after another.
He was surprised when she suddenly laughed softly. Its laughter is weak but scary because it sounds like the laughter of a madman. He was surprised when she suddenly pulled him away.
Salvador could not continue what he was about to say when he saw her red eyes light up.
Meanwhile... Rusty and Grimm walk together.
"I guess you were unfair to your friends earlier?" Rusty commented.
Embarrassed Grimm looked at the girl. He smiled and scratched his neck.
"That's not unfair. They taste free bread with us every day and another one, I treat you better because you are my only female friend eh. So it must be different for you."
Rusty smiled at what he said.
"I might get used to that." she said.
Grimm just smiled at her too. Rusty was stunned when she saw Grimm looking at her chest. Her face flushed and her head warmed up. He did not like what it did.
"Hoy Grimm! What are you looking at there?!" she resented the comment.
Grimm smiled awkwardly.
"A-Ahm...I just noticed that the one you are wearing is the same as my necklace... "
Grimm suddenly averted his eyes. He did not realize what he was doing. Then, he remembered that very awkward scene again. He looked at Rusty and seemed to remember the teasing of him even more. He shook to clear his mind.
"Ah, is this it? My Dad gave it to me yesterday. It was said to be protective. Look, he is not much the same as your necklace. Your design is more complicated. It looks cool."
Grimm wanted to look at the necklace but he chose to keep his eyes away. It's hard. He stopped walking when he heard a woman's weak laugh. Rusty wondered what he was doing.
"What's the problem?" Rusty asked.
"Can't you hear that laugh?"
"Laughter? What laughter?!"
His necklace turned red, but only for a moment. It also disappeared immediately. He could not understand why he was suddenly so nervous.
"I-I just don't think so. I'm just imagining, Rusty."
"Grimm, maybe something else is happening? Just tell me, I'm not afraid."
He simply shook his head.
They were both stunned when they heard that loud call. It was Ricky. It runs fast towards them. They waited for him to come closer and he gasped out of exhaustion. His worried face looked at them.
"Oh, what's the problem?" Grimm asked here.
"S-Salv! Trapped! He's been missing for a while and we can't find him."
"Don't be overreacting. Maybe he just wandered off?" Grimm's casual language.
"I-Impossible. He is afraid of being soaked by his mother without a rinse! You know, he was going to be scolded for a long period of time because he is the one who assigned to cook today. I passed by their house and his mother was irritated because he had not come home yet. We looked for him in places he could go to, but he was nowhere to be found. Mikee said he was sure it would go straight home because when they parted ways, he did not see Salv turn."
Grimm clenched his fists tightly. He suddenly remembered the strange laugh he had just heard. He was nervous for his friend...
"In that case, let's find him!"
"I'll help!" presented by Rusty.
Grimm did not stop her. They ran quickly and went to the places that Salvador passed. Rodel and Reynaldo are also in the search.