It's about the demon Grimm who goes on a trip to be kind. His main goal is to defeat his father Belphegor-one of the Sev...
(This story is originally in tagalog version. So again, bear with me...)
"Grimm... What is this I heard that you are beating again?! You know that they have no fight against you! Why are you still beating them?! The fight!" Andrey raised an eyebrow as he looked at Grimm.
Grimm is his young brother and he is very reprimanding... He always says that he will be kind but he does the opposite. He is tall compared to him. He has a pony tail with his long red hair. The iris of its eyes are also red which is scary to look at. Its body is large and its skin color is white.
While their parents' skin is both brown... It also doesn't look like them. They don't seem to be related... He can't understand why this brother of his looks so weird compared to them. Anyway, they love it even though it's weird.
"Hmmmmfff ! Eh its their fault because... They cursed me eh I was silent. I would not have hit them but they insisted. And because I was kind, with a good heart... I just gave in to what they wanted. I fought. Hush, they didn't matter. And because I felt sorry... I even immersed them all in the river to clean their dirty bodies. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Andrey angrily punched the table. Grimm stopped laughing and stared intently in front of him... He frowned. His older brother was very angry.
"You did not do kindness! And you did not feel sorry for them either! If you have not settled, I will report you to Dad!" this language is angry with him.
"D-Don't !! Don't be like that, Kuya Andrey! Promise! I will really study how to be truly kind!" Grimm pleaded.
When his older brother reported him to their Dad Andy, he would definitely taste a slap in the ass... Definitely, the fatal belt!
Grimm Redshade — the demon who fled to Hell because he was sentenced to death by his creator Belphegor — one of the Seven Prince of Hell... The sin of Sloth. Because he has no temptation and can get human soul. And because he is a failure creation. He was sentenced to death in no time. But before it happened to hang him and throw him in boiling sulfur, he fled to Hell. And to further infuriate the Inferno. He swore that he would be kind and he would do good in this world. He would counter evil.
Here in the world of people, he was born and grew up normally. He did not accidentally go to the family he belongs to now. It just so happened that his mother Rosa was the way he used to get into the world of people. They have a small bakery and that is their source of livelihood. He and his older brother help at the bakery when they are not at school.
His strange appearance is remarkable compared to them... However, that did not stop him from being accepted and loved by the family he considered... They have no idea who he really is... That he is not really their blood relative. And he is not human.
But honestly, he was happy with them. That's how someone who loves and cares for you feels... So somehow, he tries to be kind and he learns how it really is?
"All right... I will not report you to Daddy Andy... Just promise me that when someone curses you and provoked you to fight, just avoid it." his older brother reminded.
He lost what he is thinking and happily smiled at his older brother.
"Really, Kuya?! Thank you! Because of that, I'll be the one to get the woods in the forest! You just stay here!" his language was lively.
He would get woods in the forest because their (Grandmother) Lola Epang is traditional in cooking... Anyway, the wood and pot cooking is really tastier. It tastes very different.
"Hmm... All right. Just avoid fighting ah?!" Andrey chased after his brother.
He was just shaken by this coming out...