A cold breeze blew past him, messing up his blonde curls but it went unnoticed as he was focused on the activity at hand, he was making magic, something that calmed him down whenever he was pissed, it was his moment of peace, where he'd always find serenity. He was painting a chaotic yet beautiful piece, a raging storm, elapsed boats, and a young boy sitting in the midst of it all, calm and collected enjoying the chaos.
Just then the door flew open as one of the capos walked in, "Sir! I've got urgent news." He began as he panted profusely.
Aiden accidentally smudged some paint on the wrong side of the painting because of this disturbance.
"Recite rule number one for me." Aiden sneered putting his paintbrush aside.
"N-Never, by all-l me-eans, disturb the bos-s when he's in his special room, even if a-a war breaks loose." He stammered as his knees began to shaking.
"Good. " Aiden smirked, he took out his gun, aimed for the capo's forehead, and pulled the trigger.
A bang sounded as the lifeless body fell limp onto the floor. Aiden completed his painting, fixbg the little smudge. He put it aside, and walked out of the room leaving the body lying in there.
"Mateo!" Aiden called out and immediately his consigliere appeared before him, "Get someone to clean the room and throw the body away."
"Sure," Mateo let out. "By the way, he wanted to tell you that the guns have been retrieved and the Kata clan has been completely destroyed." He put in.
"Oh, so that's why he came rushing in, shame, if he waited for a few minutes and didn't disturb me I would have rewarded him." Aiden boredly conveyed walking to his mini bar.
"Jeff, clean the room and get rid of the body." Mateo barked commands at him and immediately Jeff left to do the needful.
"What's the update on the lawyer, Gregory Stone?" Aiden inquired pouring himself some whiskey.
"We got some intel, he's got a daughter a 19-year-old blonde, and his only weakness," Mateo told him and took a seat beside him stealing his glass from him and earning a glare from Aiden.
"Pour your own damn whiskey and stop stealing mine, idiot." Aiden sneered while his goofy friend winked at him, "So I guess we're going to NYC because we need to get Roderick out ASAP before things get out of our control. "
"Pretty much, I've already told Luca to get the jet ready all that's remaining is you decide when we'll be leaving." Came Mateo's response.
Aiden sighed pouring himself another drink and taking it in one gulp. "Tonight, we'll leave tonight, but first I've got some things I need to take care of. " He settled on.
Mateo's brows perked up in inquisitiveness, "And what may that be?" He dared to ask.
"That's, none of your business." Aiden shot out, as he rose from his seat.
Mateo smirked at that, "No need to tell me, I'm sure you're probably going to bang some chick because your peace was ruined." The friend articulated grinning like an idiotic.
Aiden sighed as he walked out of the mini bar, "You know me so well." He summed up with a smirk on his face.
"Amelia I'm leaving you in charge, make sure everything and everyone stays in order and no shenanigans," Aiden instructed his sister wearing his famous scary face.
"Yeah, yeah I got you, there will be no shenanigans, zero absolutely none." She imitated him in speech and stature.
"If you weren't a ruthless assassin, I wouldn't have given you this responsibility." He remarked.
She put her hand over her left chest where her heart is located, "Aww, I'm so touched," She cooed her eyes gleaming, and then she briefly embraced him, "Now if you're done giving me orders, please leave so that you can come back early and oversee your people." She urged him out of the house.
"Bossy, but valid, the earlier I go, the earlier I can return." With that Aiden, Mateo, and some of their men departed and left for New York.
"I'll be resting in the room, don't disturb me." Aiden declared and left to go and rest. He had a splitting headache thinking about one of his top men who was apprehended by the law. He was careless and slipped up which caused his apprehension. He had some important information that Aiden needed so he had no choice but to get him out of there, if Roderick had been apprehended in Mexico it would have been easy to get him out but the fact that it was in New York he needed their best attorney to secure victory.
That's where Gregory Stone came in, for the longest time he's never once lost a case, and if they could get somethingon him that could make him bow to them then they'd win it for sure. He worked for criminals years ago but he ultimately stopped only defending those who deserved it and were found worthy by him.
Finally, Aiden relaxed and fell asleep, looking at him now, he looked like an angel when he was quite far from it.
Meanwhile, one of the tech guys Murphy was looking up Gregory Stone. He found out just like before that the man has a daughter tho there were no clear photos of her, every photo of her that he came across was blurry. 'The man really knows how to hide his daughter from the world,' He thought, he kept on digging and found a name, Cleopatra stone.
"Bingo!" He exclaimed out loud getting everyone's attention.
"What are you yelling on about?" Mateo asked awakened from his peaceful sleep.
He cursed under his breath in Italian when he realized that he said that out loud, "Sorry boss, I just found something important about Gregory Stone." Came his response as he straightened up.
Mateo urged him on, "Out with it."
"His daughter's name is Cleopatra," He began, "She's a model, and her favorite hobby is partying, so if we are to capture and get hold of her we have to find out when next she'll be going for a party," Murphy concluded.
This information put a smile on Mateo's face, "This is why I like you a lot, you," He pointed at Murphy, "You always deliver, every single time."
"Thank you boss, just doing my job." Was Murphy's response.
"Lemme now go and disturb Aiden's little slumber." Mateo grinned and skipped off.
He reached the door and knocked on it profusely causing Aiden to wake up from his peaceful sleep. He arose from the bed with a scowl on his face and the aim to kill whoever was behind that door.
He strode quickly, opened the door, and aimed his gun at the person's forehead.
"Will you ever chill, I woke you up for something important." Mateo let out, used to his friend's outbursts.
"You've got 50 seconds. " Aiden growled not lessening his grip on his gun.
"We've got a name, Cleopatra. " Came Mateo's response as he grinned wider.
"Oh really?" Aiden lowered the gun pitting it away as a smirk appeared on his face. "That's good, what else did you find out?"
"She's a model and a party animal, so the best way we can get to her is through a party." Mateo elaborated further.
This information ultimately improved Aiden's mood, he was now feeling happy about something.
Just then a thought popped up and he asked, "Will she by any chance be at El Salvador's party? "
"I'm not sure, but I'll tell Murphy to find out if she will. " Mateo made a reply to the question.
"If she will be there then our work will be fast and straightforward, don't you think? " Aiden put in as he walked out of the room, despite waking up a few moments ago his look didn't scream out of bed at all, his hair was disheveled but looked absolutely amazing like a model who's been prepared for a shoot.
Aiden and Mateo took their seats and as if on cue the pilot's voice beamed in the speakers, "Attention passengers, we've arrived in New York City, please fasten your seatbelts as we are about to land. "
New York, Here We Come.