"As you heard," Was her response.
"But I haven't even represented someone before you can't do this to me, and on gun point." Kaia tried making a case for herself.
"Well, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn how to do it." She deadpanned, then she turned to Marianne, "If you don't want her to defend you then you can go look for another lawyer."
"What! How can you say that, the hearing is starting in 20 minutes." Marianne pointed out.
"Well, looks like you better make your decision quickly, 'cause time is ticking." Mrs. Knight chastened her.
Marianne sighed in defeat and made a tough decision, "Fine," She seethed and turned to Kaia, "But, if you ruin this for me, I'll make sure you can never work anywhere else ever." She threatened Kaia.
"I'll try my best ma'am." Was Kaia's response.
"You better." Came Marianne's reply and the three of them headed towards the courtroom, after arriving they sat at their designated stations. When the judge arrived everyone stood up until he instructed them to take their seats. The court proceedings began, Kaia's heart was beating so fast she thought she'd probably pass out right there, 'Just keep calm, put your chin up, and use your knowledge' she gave herself some pep talk.
"Your honour, these photos right here show that my client's husband was clearly having an affair with her best friend before they got divorced and didn't even regard the presence of their children. He is not fit to have custody of them." Kaia presented.
" Objection Your honour." The opposing lawyer spoke out.
"Objection overruled, continue counselor." The judge pronounced.
"Thank you, now this other photo clearly shows how irresponsible they are, and to prove the authenticity of what happened I'd like to call Mr. Ramone to the stand, that is with your permission your honour." Kaia proposed.
"Permission granted." The judge said and immediately Mr. Ramone stood up and went to the witness box. He made the oath of telling the truth and nothing but the truth then Kaia approached him.
"Mr. Ramone, did you or did you not get drop dead drunk for three consecutive days and leave your three year old triplets to fend for themselves?" Kaia asked him with a profound face.
He gulped and stared at his ex-wife, then at his children and back at Kaia, "I did." He said in one breath as the people in the court gasped.
"There you have it your honour, he just proved that my claims are valid," Kaia stated, "That will be all Mr. Ramone."
He left the witness box and went back to where he previously sat.
Kaia turned back to the judge, "I rest my case your honour." She bowed and went to take her seat feeling proud.
"Not bad, that was actually good." Mrs. Knights congratulated Kaia as she took her seat.
"After hearing the evidence and claims laid by both sides, I've finally come to a decision regarding the custody of Ryan, Ryder and Ralph Ramone ," The judge paused. "The court is granting full custody of the triplets to their mother, Marianne Ramone and giving their father a few days and other special holidays to visit them at their mother's house. He is allowed to watch their extra curricular activities and so on. The court is adjourned." The judge gave the ruling and stroke the gravel.
The triplets ran to their Mother and embraced her, and she embraced them back. After hugging her children, Marianne approached Kaia.
"Thank you so much for winning this case for me, I really thought that I didn't stand a chance against him," She paused a bit as she wiped the tears that gathered in her eyes, "And I'm sorry for not believing in you and for threatening you." She summed up with an apology.
"It's alright, we're cool." Kaia said in response as she shrugged it off.
"Can I have your card, so that I can call you whenever I need a lawyer or recommend you to any of my friends that might need a good lawyer." Marianne asked her and Kaia didn't hesitate to take out her card and handing it to her. "Thank you again, we'll be off now." With that she left with her children.
"You did well Kaia." Mrs. Knights told Kaia patting her on her left shoulder.
"Thank you, but, why did you choose me to do it?" Kaia inquired of as they both walked out of the courthouse,
"Because, I wasn't quite feeling up to it, and I knew you that wouldn't say no." Mrs. Knights bluntly let out.
'What the actual' Kaia thought, "So, because you were not feeling up to it, you decided to put my career on the line!" She was pissed at this woman's audacity, 'What the actual hell'
"Pretty much." Mrs. Knights said in a bored tone as she proceeded to entering her car.
Kaia couldn't believe the nerve of this woman, she was as cold as a woman can be with zero compassion. Kaia stood there motionless, glued to the floor.
"Are you coming or what?" Mrs. Knights asked resulting in Kaia moving forward and entering the car.
When they reached the firm, they were met with hushed mummers all around, this only meant trouble. Immediately they entered where they worked from, they found the owner Mr. Stone waiting for them and this confirmed Kaia's suspicion. Kaia was frightened at what awaited them while Mrs. Knights looked unbothered.
"Bloody hell Jenifer, what were you thinking?!" He yelled at Mrs. Knights the moment he spotted her.
"What? I wasn't feeling like doing it so I gave the work to someone else." She defended herself and by passed him, going straight for her table and taking a seat.
"Someone else, wow," Mr. Stone clapped his hands, " You gave this important case to an intern gosh, there are so many experienced people here, you could have easily gotten one of them." Mr. Stone pointed out wearily.
Mrs. Knights just rolled her eyes, she was imprudent because she came from a wealthy family and her father was Mr. Stone's business partner making him one of the shareholders.
Mr. Stone turned to Kaia, "And you, why didn't you refuse when she asked you to do it? Don't you know that if you lost that case your whole career would have gone down the drain?" He firmly asked her.
"I'm really sorry sir, but she didn't give me much of a choice," Kaia said in her defense making him sigh.
"This incident shouldn't repeat itself, am I clear?" Mr. Stone Firmly stated.
"Yes Sir!" They all chorused.
"And Kaia," Mr. Stone spoke, " I'd like to talk to you in my office, now." With that, he left.