The thing with being extremely wealthy is that everyone wants to have something to say about you. It seems as if their two cents matter —well public opinion does matter in the grand scheme of things— but this generation has made it an unwritten rule to always have their eyes on the rich. It’s an obsession people these days use in order to get through their shitty lives. An evasive obsession. Art of escapism?
“Mum did you call me this morning because of the loads of nonsense these tabloids have to say about me?” King spoke with a glint of unbelief in his voice.
There’s a lot of smoke in the air and every where seemed to be in a frenzied state right now. Thank goodness his building is not a affected, just the back of his office and he’s trying to join in salvaging the situation. Yet! his mother chooses this moment??.
Cutting her short as she tried reasoning with him “I really don’t have time to do this with you ma, you are very much aware fire from the next building found its way to the back of my office.”
“Lucas it’s just 6:48am aren’t you cold?. I know you’re cold. Did you drink your warm lemon mix this morning?. And can’t you read the headings on these news? They are saying my boy has some mystical powers. There’s already a campaign going on that you’re not human!. Someone even suggested a vampire” Sniffing and sounding as dramatic as possible.
This woman cannot be serious right now.
“Mum I will, for the love I have for you pretend like for the last ten minutes you haven’t been avoiding saying anything about the fire. Talk to you later?. Alright . Bye. “ quickly ending the call. He breathed out a huge sigh of relief.
Walking over to his car he noticed Brian leaning on it, he began to ponder on what the morning news would release about him and the company, coupled with the fact that he was yet to even debunk any of their ridiculous accusations. Now this? He was a workaholic who happens to love philandering a lot but doesn’t get satisfied in quotes. And so what?. Would he be the first to be medically inadequate? —not like anyone knows that of course.
“Before the day ends you will be trending again.. but picture this king.” Brian sets his body in a dramatic pose like he’s conducting an orchestra.
“The CEO of McGorrittane’s Global holdings, Mr Kingston McGorritth seen setting fire on his family’s company’s building in New York, walking out of the premises unharmed. His eighteen million dollar Armani suit still intact. Nothing about that billionaire is real.”
“I see you’ve been keeping yourself busy with the news too mr man” king faced him with a grimaced face stifling his laugh.
“Brian get off my car I need to go home”
Gripping and shaking Kings shoulder Brian whispered in a flat voice to him “One day someone’s going to break those stupid walls of yours. I’m your best friend remember? And you still won’t acknowledge me as you lover.”
“I’m going to bite of your hands if you don’t get off me. You have a girlfriend don’t you? Can’t you quit breathing down my neck for a day?. Stop giving me that face. You’re a grown ass man. And as the head of the legal department in this building you better start coming up with a plan.”
“You smell like shit. I wonder what these women see in you. How does Miss cotton even cope with you ?”
Miss cotton. Shit. She should be in the house right now.
“By the way, I and Chase would be coming over today. It’s Wednesday we’re coming to keep you company at home and maybe watch the opening EPL game. See you later frog.”
“Wait, I never even agreed to this. No I don’t want to see any of you in my house today and guess what? My sister already said she’s coming over.”
Brian started walking backward extending his middle finger “Great. We’ll have a family meeting then.”
Sitting in the car for over three minutes since they got home. King losts in his thought, Andre had been watching him from the mirror since they left the office.
“Mr King, do you think this is another message from your dad?”
It has to be him.
“I honestly think he won’t stop coming after me anytime soon. But why go as far as pulling a stunt on the head office. This is his family’s company! His father’s hard work for crying out loud. Just to get my attention?” He replied bitterly.
“Not just your attention. He still wants you to go see him.”
‘There’s no way in hell I’m going to see that man in prison.’
“You already know my stance on that. Thanks Dre for this morning. Now I still have my mum to face. And my sister is coming over. And Brian. And chase. And there’s still No improvement down there you know. The doctor should be tired of me by now. And and.. f**k these tabloids.”
Andre had been with him for the longest of time and knows that in moments like this he just wants to rant, get things off his chest, cry, breathe. Not necessarily looking for a reply. Just someone to be there with him, his world is in so much disarray. A day doesn’t go by without a trouble. The man is in dire need of his peace.
Stepping out of the car . “I’ll be upstairs.” His rough voice back on.
The house is quiet, he observed and breakfast already served. —she must have seen me coming in.
There was a sound coming from the kitchen and he was pretty sure it’s hers. Walking over to the door he peeked at her as she moved around the kitchen doing different things at a time, while on the phone having a conversation with someone.
Has she always had these curves or I’m imagining things. Two years with this woman in my house and I’ve never for once acknowledged the calm and order she brings into my life. Everyday I’m blessed with a home to come back to all thanks to her and yet she never try’s to react to my tantrums or ill manners. Laura Ferguson. What is it about you.— he thought.
“Under no circumstances should you go to my room. I will have you in tears if I should ever find out” she shouted over the phone with a mimicking voice.
‘Wait. Is she mimicking me right now?’
She has been washing a particular plate longer than usual “Miss cotton this. Miss cotton that. Miss cotton no. Yes. Wasn’t he loved as a child?. Maddie you need to see the way I baby him in this house. But he’s so hot. I can’t even complain”
‘Trust me. I wasn’t loved as a child. And hot? I think I’ve heard enough.’
He cleared his throat to get her attention but didn’t think she will be catching a heart attack from him startling her. The plate in her hands shattering on the floor as she turns to scream.
‘Is she reallyyyy looking for where to hide? From me? Her eyes are so blue. God. And she got a new color of paint on her fingers.
Isn’t it too early for this King?’
Leaning on the door frame with his hands in his pocket, cracking his knuckles— a habit he does to mask his anxiety “Good morning miss cotton. I’m sorry was I disturbing?” deliberately sounding as hoarse as possible.
Say something Laura! Goddammit
“Well if you’re just going to stand there. I don’t mind really. Make sure to get rid of the broken plate .”
“Right. Uhm good morning Mr McGorritth.. I uhm..” her voice breaking as she steps away from the mess.
“Right has to be the favorite word in your dictionary. So I’m going to make this quick, my friends are coming over today— Brian and Chase. My sister too would be coming over. I’ll love to ask if you can please stay longer for the day and help me make things down for them. I probably won’t be going to the office today. Can you stay till they leave?”
“Ohhh, I’m not sure about that …I uhm”
‘Stuttering? And why does she have a habit of scratching parts of her body whenever she’s anxious.’
“I actually have a place, places to be today. And uhm Its kind of a work thing. I planned on leaving early today, it’s just that ..”
‘Biting those lips again? Laura get a grip. This isn’t entertaining.— King’s thoughts were all over the place.’
Interrupting her he began “Okay you know what, you can leave before they come. Just get everything in order. And you bake right? Yes. I remember. I’ll need you to bake whatever bakeables you can. Please leave the dishes. I want it looking like I made everything myself”
“There’s no problem then. I will have to rush to the market. Is there any other thing you’d like for me to do?” Offering him a warm smile.
“You have a cut on your leg Miss cotton. See that it’s well taken care of.” He turns to leave.
‘I should have stopped my eyes from roaming all over her body. Even counting her toes? How many did I expect her to have before. Damn. I really want to know what she looks like when her hair isn’t packed up. And her body..’
“Yes. One more thing. I’ll need you to clean my room. Clear the dining, the breakfast should be cold by now.”
‘I need a cold shower.’