Lucia and her two kids have been struggling to make it through life daily. With Estelle as her eldest child who just turned fourteen last month, her little boy Chris would be turning 9 before the year ends. It’s been three years since Laura took a liking to Lucia’s family, doing everything possible to help and sustain them.
Lucia is a single mum juggling different jobs as she try’s to fend for herself and the kids. These days she draws and paints from time to time, and whenever Laura goes to see them she picks up on drawing too with Lucia. Estelle also draws really well and just last year she was to go for an art competition when she got diagnosed with a heart condition. She has a hole in her heart.
“I’m outside Lucia, are you in the hospital building?”
“Yes. I just stepped out to get something for us to eat. Did you come with the pies?” Asked Lucia.
“I told Estelle you were coming and she’s been talking my ear off” sounding excited.
“Let me find your ward first.” Laura ended the call quickly before laughing and wiping off the tear on her face.
Is that her dad?
Standing infront of St. Clement’s hospital building Laura sees her dad talking to a doctor as they both walk out to the parking area. Not sure what this is about she walks up to them.
“Laura? What are you doing here?” Dave spoke with a happy surprise
“Hi dad. I uhm..”
Turning to introduce each other quickly “Ohhh, doctor meet my second daughter Laura. Lulu this is Dr. Manuel”
Why’s he acting like I caught him committing a crime. She wondered.
“Your second daughter?” Dr. Manuel asked as he shoots Laura a warm smile and a questioning look.
Stretching out her hands to him “I’m his niece actually, but I grew up with him as my dad. Nice to meet you Doc.”
“Great. Nice meeting you Miss Ferguson. We were already finishing. I would just leave you both to it.” He gave her dad a side hug and walked off immediately.
Holding Dave by the arm she leads him to where there’s shade so they could talk better
“Dad? Okay before you ask about me, I’m here to see Lucia and Estelle, she called and said they were at the hospital. So what’s your story ?”
“Nothing really Lu. I just came for a routine check up” he avoided her gaze.
“And what happened to the other hospital? You didn’t mention to any of us you were changing doctors. Dad? What are you doing here exactly?”
He hesitated before flashing her a sweet smile “it’s just my routine checkup Miss. You don’t have to worry your little head. And when were you planning on telling me you got the raise!” Tickling her as he got up to leave
“Stoppp dad, I was going to tell you at home. But I see Maddie and her big mouth already did the honors. What were you discussing with Dr. Manuel?.”
For a brief moment fear crossed his face but he didn’t let it linger.
Please don’t lie to me. She hoped.
“Did you know Dr. Hakeem works here?”
“Huhhn?” He’s stalling
“Dr. Hakeem, he works here. I’m just giving you a heads up Incase you run into him. Best behavior Laura!.” Checking his phone he looks up at her with pleading eyes.
“I need to go now Lu. You know how busy the cafe gets these days. See you later and please send my love to Lucia.”
Walking into the cardiology unit and locating Estelle’s ward, Laura took a deep breath before entering.
Poor girl doesn’t deserve any of this.
There are two male doctors there speaking with Lucia as the children were already fast asleep. Going over the situation of things again and again. Asking her if she understands everything they have been saying.
‘I bet she doesn’t. We’ll still have to go meet them in their office later on. ‘
After standing by the side for over twenty five minutes all Laura could gather up was that, they need to perform a surgery on her ASAP. The big medical terms and gestures were just passing over Laura’s head as she began thinking of how she could possibly raise money for the surgery.
One perk of working with Mr McGorritth was using his family’s company insurance on health services. Which she somehow extended to Lucia and her kids. But this is different.
“Your insurance won’t be covering the surgery, I hope you know that.” one of the doctors cleared his throat as he spoke to Lucia.
Immediately the doctors left, Lucia broke down in tears. “I don’t want to loose my baby. I cannot loose my baby. Why can’t they just take my own heart and put in her”
She had never seen Lucia so shaken up like this. Not even when she almost lost Chris to human traffickers. It breaks Laura’s heart to be here right now. More so, not having a feasible plan to work through this. She hasn’t lost anyone so dear to her ever since her elder sister passed— her mum died after having her and no one seems to know anything about her real dad.
“Your old heart?” Laura joked, trying to sound comforting.
“I do not even have a property in my name. Even if I’m to take a loan, what do I use as a collateral. Where do I go from here” she bawled our, as she got up to sit on the bed so Laura can have the chair.
This can’t be happening.
“We’ll find a way. For now let’s eat the chicken pies I brought.” Laura offered her a weak smile.
This definitely cannot be happening. Estelle is like a sister to me. The bond I have with her is out of this world. How would I live with myself if she dies.
Checking the time to see it’s a few minutes left to clocking 8:00pm, Laura decided to head home after saying her byes to Lucia and the kids. Leaving them in this state wasn’t what she wanted, but she wasn’t sure her heart could stay here any longer knowing there was no miracle on the way. And her head aches!
“Hello Miss Ferguson, I’ve been waiting out here for you. Didn’t want to disturb your sad drama up there with your friends. I believe your dad delivered my message?” The tall dark man in his white coat stuttered as he offered his hands for a handshake.
‘Dr. Hakeem? And did he just say sad drama? I never knew he stammers. That grin was too mischievous to be true. ‘
Not acknowledging his hands Laura gazed at him with tight lipped “Good evening Dr.Hakeem, I was just leaving.”
“Understood, and I see you aren’t in the best of moods right now. I don’t plan on taking much of your time, can we just find somewhere to sit and I’ll make this as brief as possible.”
‘He’s staring hard. Daring me to say no. ‘
Laura eventually agreed but not before shooting him a dirty look as he lead them to the cafeteria just behind the hospital building.
“My dad told me about your offer, I’m so sorry to decline Dr.Hakeem but my schedule is tight right now, and and. I just can’t take your son on evening lessons.”
Why the hell has he been smiling for the past five minutes we’ve been sitting here. My head hurts for goodness sake!
“I hope you won’t mind me asking Laura, but why do you insist on calling him your dad.”
“I do actually.”
“I do mind you asking. As that question seems to be of no relevance in this discussion. And it’s Miss Ferguson, sir. “ she said as a matter of fact.
“You’re a shy and feisty one at that. I see”
‘Bitch??? I’m beginning to wonder how this glass of water would sound if I smash it on your head.’
Leaning forward he tried to reach for her hand but she yanked it away rather too fast.
“I will pay double. I don’t mind. I just don’t want him to be idle throughout the weekend. What do you think of five grands. I give you an upfront when you arrive and then the balance when you’re done.”
‘Too good to be true. But that’s a start. Now we’re talking. Dearest surgery, we’re coming for you.’
“What’s his name?” She demanded
“Your son? You never mentioned his name in all the minutes we’ve been sitting here.”
Tapping his legs and shifting uncomfortably on the seat “Ohhh it’s not necessary now is it”
It’s not?
“I’ll love to know his name” Laura insisted.
“We call him Amir.”
“I don’t really know how this is going to work but I’m not available for the weekend. I can only fix something for tomorrow evening. Are you okay with that ? And the fee?”
Without hesitating he agreed, gave her the address to the house. Took the last gulp of water, still tapping his right legs.
“See you tomorrow Miss Ferguson.”
So much for not wanting your son to be idle all weekend. Such a sly being.