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Chapter 5: Awkward Moments.

"What did you just say, Erica!?" Lisa asked in shock.

Erica bit her bottom lip nervously. "I think...I mean, the man I slept with last night is actually my professor."

"What!!" Lisa unknowingly yelled, attracting the attention of other students.

"Shh..." Erica instantly covered Lisa's mouth with her palm. "Keep it down, Lisa." She whispered, looked around, and saw that the other students were staring at them. She then smiled nervously. "They're staring at us now." She said it with gritted teeth.

"I'm going to take my hand away now; please don't shout, promise?" She asked, and Lisa nodded in reply.

Erica slowly took her hand off Lisa's mouth.

"What!?" Lisa whispered, her eyes wide in shock. She then drew her chair closer to Erica. "What did you just say!? You slept with your professor!!"

"I...I didn't know; I didn't even remember anything until this moment, and how would I have known that he's my professor? I was drunk, and I made a stupid mistake!" Erica groaned as she slapped herself.

"What have I done to myself now?" She complained as she buried her face in her palms. "How am I going to face him now? What kind of stupid mistake was that!?" She groaned in frustration.

"Things are bound to be so uncomfortable now. I literally just started schooling here, and I've made the first big mistake of my entire life! Oh God!"

Lisa looked at her pitifully; she really can't blame her for what happened; she was drunk and was hurting at that time too. She placed her hand on Erica's shoulder and rubbed it in a comforting manner. "It's okay; you can just act normal and pretend nothing happened; try to move on from it; and I don't think he knows you remember what happened."

"You should have seen how he looked at me, Lisa, the shock on his face. I couldn't tell why he had that reaction when he saw me; I didn't even know anything happened at that moment, but now I know why he had that reaction when he first saw me." She sighed deeply. "My life is ruined!"

"Oh, come on! Just because you made one silly mistake doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Your life isn't ruined, and nobody knows what happened, so it's not going to affect you in any way. Just take my advice and try to act normal in class, okay? Try to move on from it."

Erica looked at her sadly. "It's not going to be that easy, though." She whined, and Lisa nodded in understanding.

"I know, but you've just got to try, babe. Don't let what happened distract you or anything; just try to act normal and pretend you don't remember, okay?"

It took a while for Erica to reply, but she finally nodded in agreement, then placed her head on the table, still beating herself over what happened.

Lisa kept on trying her best to comfort her and kept on reassuring her that everything was going to be okay.


Time seemed to go by quickly as the next day arrived so fast. Erica didn't even want to go to class that morning, but Lisa had to force her out of bed and practically drag her to college, telling her not to ruin her education because of a single mistake.

As Erica stood outside the lecture hall, she began to prepare herself both mentally and physically before going inside. After motivating herself for a while, she finally went in; this time, she wasn't as late as her first day.

During the class, Sebastian couldn't help but notice the change in Erica's behavior; it's almost like she's now the one avoiding him this time. While teaching, he noticed how she only focused her attention on her notebook; she never raised her head once, and this made him wonder if this was related to her boyfriend, whom she just broke up with.

He tried to concentrate on teaching, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the previous night. Could it be possible that she knew who he was? The idea made him feel nervous and uneasy since his career as a professor was at stake if she spoke about what happened between them. Should he confront her and define their relationship, or should he act like he doesn’t know her?

Sebastian's head was literally spinning; he worried about his job if Erica spoke about their night together. He didn't know if he should talk to her about it or pretend it never happened. It was tricky for him since he wanted to keep his teaching job but also didn't want things to be weird between them. He kept wondering what Erica thought about the situation and how it might affect their relationship as students and teachers. He decided that it was best for him to discuss it and end the matter immediately before things got out of hand.

When Sebastian's lecture finally came to an end, Erica grabbed her things in a hurry and wanted to rush out of the hall, but then Sebastian, who'd been watching her the whole time, called her before she could leave.

"Erica!" She heard her name, and she froze for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest and her body starting to get all sweaty.

"Oh shit!" She mentally yelled.

She was confused about how he knew her name, but then she recalled that she had introduced herself to him at the bar. His remembering her name simply means that he remembers every single thing that must have happened between them.

"Double shit!" She bit her bottom lip.

"Erica?" Sebastian called once more.

Erica took in a deep breath and released it, then slowly turned around to face him, a fake and nervous smile plastered on her lips. "Y...Yes professor?"

"Can I have a moment with you, please?"

"I really have to be somewhere right now Sir, so maybe—"

"It'll only take a moment; I promise I won't take your time." He interrupted her before she could even finish her sentence.

Erica knew that a time would come when she would have to face him, but she didn't know it would come this soon. She clearly wasn't ready to have this conversation, but then, what's the need to avoid things? She would rather get this done and over with.

"Alright professor.'' She agreed.

"Come with me, please." Sebastian said as he led the way out of the hall, and Erica trailed behind him.

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