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Chapter 2: You Cheat, I Cheat.

Erica couldn't even stand the sight of what she was seeing; she wanted to yell at him; she just wanted to scream so badly, but her voice failed her; all she could do was cry; it felt like her world just came crumbling before her very own eyes.

"Erica." Mark called, and this time, she sharply turned around and ran out of there, while Mark kept on calling out to her as he got off the girl.

When Erica got outside, she knew she couldn't go back to her dorm this way; she wouldn't want to go back and let Lisa see her like this. She then remembered Lisa's words about a bar being in the opposite direction. Without thinking twice about it, she got into her car and drove off. Going to the bar seems like the only logical thing to do at the moment because she would want nothing more than to get drunk and try easing this pain she felt.

It wasn't difficult to locate the bar; before she got there, she could already hear the loud music from a few meters away. When she arrived, she hurriedly went inside; unlike what she had expected, the place wasn't too crowded. She made her way to where the bartender was and took a seat.

"What can I get for you, lady?" The man asked.

Erica wiped off her tears. "Can I get a bottle of whiskey, please?" Her voice sounded hoarse, even to her own ears.

The man looked at her for a little while; it's clearly obvious that she's going through something and probably needs to drink her pain away, but a young lady like her trying to get drunk all by herself isn't safe as there are so many people who might actually want to take advantage of her in that vulnerable state.

"Are you sure, Miss?" He asked, and Erica, who was already so frustrated, replied to him in a rude manner.

"Should I go somewhere else, then?" She replied rudely.

"No, I'll just get the bottle." The man said, figuring it's best if he just minds his own business.

The man grabbed a bottle of whiskey; he opened it first before giving it to her. Erica brought out some cash and gave it to him without even asking for the price. When the bartender calculated his pay, he saw she'd paid him a little over and gave her the change, but she asked him to keep it instead.

She opened up the bottle and gulped down a large amount of the drink. Each time she asks herself what could have possibly gone wrong and why Mark would cheat on her and make her look like a fool because she's been keeping herself for him, but he's been messing around with other girls!

Back at home, she had so many guys flocking around her, but it never crossed her mind to cheat on her boyfriend despite being so far from him. She ignored other guys, not even sparing them a glance, all because she cherished her relationship with Mark; after all, he was her high school sweetheart, and they've been together since they were in high school. They made so many plans together, but he threw all that away. She even came to this university because of him!

She began to wonder what would have happened had she not gone to his apartment today. Obviously, she wouldn't have known that he was cheating on her and would have continued to follow him blindly. Her love for Mark was just too great, and that's the reason this sh*t is hurting her like hell! Was she stupid to have kept herself for him? She could have cheated and he wouldn't even know, but she never did; rather, she was the loyal and faithful girlfriend who trusts her boyfriend completely and sees him like a demi god who could do no wrong.

"Ha!" She scoffed bitterly; her eyes were red, and her face was starting to get puffy since she's crying so hard at the moment. She wasn't even going easy on the whiskey and was starting to get drunk.

An idea suddenly flashed through her mind, but she waved it off. After some time, she decided to just do it. If he had the audacity to cheat on her, then she might as well do the same to him. She doesn't even care about the consequences; she's going to betray him the same way he betrayed her; she's going to hurt him back the same way he hurt her.

She slowly turned around, and her eyes scanned the crowd for the perfect person she could cheat on her so-called boyfriend with. She just planned to sleep with any guy she found attractive.

When she noticed a handsome man with dark hair and nice features sitting at a corner in the bar, she smiled sheepishly. He looked so attractive to her and was the perfect candidate for this night.

She got off her chair, grabbed her drink, and staggered to where he was.

"Hey." She greeted me with a smile.

The man who was also having a drink raised his head to look at her. He had a straight face, but one could still see the look of pain in his eyes.

"May I sit, please?" Erica asked, and he nodded in reply before pouring himself another glass of his drink and gulping it down in one go.

Erica chose to sit beside him; at least that would make things easier for her. She didn't think she would ever find herself in such a situation, but there wasn't any other way she could think of at this moment than this.

She managed to engage the man in a conversation, and then she spilled everything to him about her boyfriend's betrayal. It also happens that the man has just been betrayed by his wife, and she left him all because she thinks he's a loser for not having a job.

While they talked about their pain, Erica suggested they have sex to forget everything.

The man who was stunned decides to confirm if he heard correctly. "Are you sure about that?" He asked, and Erica drunkenly nodded.

"I see no reason why we shouldn't; it's just for tonight." She said it with a smile.

After thinking about this for a while, he figured that since they might never see each other again, doing this wouldn't hurt, and it's also going to mean nothing.

He surprised her by wrapping his hand around her waist and pulling her closer to him so that her breasts were pressed against his chest. He then leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"Fine then, let's make this night worthwhile."

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