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Chapter 8: Decision Time

Chapter 8: Decision Time

In the late afternoon, the perpetrator looked out over the city with mixed emotions. A dirty brown haze prevented most of the sprawling city from being seen, but that was normal for a city famous for having almost invented the word “smog.” Thousands of hydrocarbon belching beasts roamed the concrete and asphalt highways and byways, each doing it part to make the air unbreathable. Someone, a scientist undoubtedly, had once stated that living in that city was equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. The unfiltered kind.

Also typical for a summer day, the sun beat down on the restless population, lifting temperatures to heights that most auto’s air conditioners could hardly cope with. Every building having air conditioning was running it at full blast, nice for the inhabitants but draining on the power supply. The morning news announced that there would probably be “rolling brownouts” that day. When the demand for electricity exceeded the power grids ability to supply it, the authorities lowered the voltage to prevent blackouts. Better to make the machines run slower than to allow total failures. The areas that were affected were rotated to spread the discomfort around.

But the perp was not thinking about electricity. That apartment was in the foothills and above much of the smog. Likewise, above the worst of the heat. What was occupying that person’s mind was a different problem. The first two times had been exciting; a tense, emotional rush exciting all the nerves and making the perp feel a high not unlike some recreational drugs produced. A strong desire to experience that rush again tugged at the emotions like the overpowering demand for the next drug fix.

Countering that was the logical side that asked if the danger of being caught was worth the reward. Dame Fortune had been kind the first two times. But would she turn her back if pushed again? The planning had been carefully done and the execution had gone perfectly. But there were many factors that could spell disaster, factors that could not always be controlled no matter how careful the planning was. And the penalty for failure would be catastrophic.


The best things in life are worth the risk. Like a speed junkie pushing his car around a raceway, there was a risk, but if you stayed within certain limits, understood the danger, and took precautions, you would survive.

So it was decided. There would be another victim in this exciting game. Another woman would be forced to endure unstoppable and incredibly intense sexual stimulation. Undoubtedly she would wish for it to stop after her body’s responses had exceeded all reasonable limits. But she would be unable to do anything to halt the procedure. The incredibly intense ecstasy would continue and continue until her body was no longer able to respond.

When the drug “Ecstasy” became available and was being used, the perp had done a lot of thinking about it. Being familiar with female sexual response in general helped. Although men and woman respond differently to sexual stimulus and vary considerable in the timing of their responses, there are similarities. But what was most fascinating was the chemical and electrical changes that go on in a woman’s brain during orgasm. There were many bodily reactions. Involuntary muscle contractions begin. Blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are at their highest rates, with a rapid intake of oxygen. Muscles in the feet spasm. There is a sudden, forceful release of sexual tension. The muscles of the vagina contract. The uterus also undergoes rhythmic contractions.

But what was more interesting was the changes that occur within the brain, particularly an area know as the hypothalamus. That small portion of the brain, about the size of an almond, begins “going crazy” as one doctor put it. The hypothalamus goes into overdrive while some areas of the brain shut down. The brain’s response was compared to taking heroin. During orgasm, portions of the brain that control behavior and critical thinking are suppressed, allowing the orgasm to take place without any hindrance and making it the strongest emotion a woman can experience.

That’s the normal reaction of the female brain. But with some women, there can come a second orgasm and even more, after the first. Some women report as many as a dozen orgasms, all coming in rapid succession. Many women, however, like a man, have their one shot and then descend from the high.

Then came the good Doctor Landon and his miracle drug. Now any woman can have as many orgasms as she wants. Just keep up the stimulation and the show will go one. And on.

There was something intriguing and fascinating about the idea of forcing a woman to have continuous orgasms without end. The perp immediately saw the far greater potential for the drug. Potential beyond increased but normal sex. But how to do it?

First, you have to get the drug into the woman’s system. Once word got around about how effective the drug was – and how safe it was – a lot of women began taking it. That was not the major problem. It was how to force the sexual stimulus to continue unendingly. That was the crux of the matter.

Then the perp remembered that woman don’t always need a man. Aside from lesbian sex, there are also the ever popular vibrators. Those wonderful electromechanical devices that provide all the stimulus any woman needs.

Okay. How to assure that the woman cannot simply remove or turn off the vibrator? Again, there was an answer for that. Just tie her down so that she cannot reach the vibrator – or do much of anything else for that matter.

The image of a naked woman, tightly bound, with a large vibrator tied at just the right spot filled the perp’s mind. The images that came up were exciting, to say the least. But mostly it was the idea of how incredibly helpless she would feel. What a mind-blowing experience that would be!

What might have remained an interesting concept only changed when circumstances changed. Fate conspired to present the perp with a reason to want to do harm to a woman. So the perp accepted the victim that fate had indicated, made plans and prepared carefully. Thus, a new form of sexual predator was born.

The first had been so much fun – no, make that intense and exciting – that a second victim had to follow. Now the question was who would become the third star in this perverted game?

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