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Chapter 2: Not What She Expected

Chapter 2: Not What She Expected

The figure knelt between the wide spread legs and pushed the dress up around the girl’s waist, exposing all of her black lacy panties. From a pocket, the figure pulled a knife. Tiffany gasped at the sight of the blade and her body went rigid. The knife, however, was only meant to slit the panties on each side of the waistband. The small bit of material was then pulled off and tossed aside.

The knife was then used to cut away the dress. There was no bra, so that process left Tiffany completely naked. “Look, go ahead and fuck me. I won’t tell anyone, I promise. Just untie me when you’re done.” The tone was now hopeful pleading. Tiffany had read far too many accounts of what can happen to a woman who is kidnapped. All too often, it is fatal.

The figure in black paused for a moment, perhaps considering the offer. Then it returned to the bag and brought forth a hypodermic needle filled with an amber fluid. Tiffany let out with a cry of surprise and dismay. She struggled and pleaded but it was easy to insert the needle into the flesh on the inside of her thigh. She squealed loudly. Not that the needle was all that painful, but the fear of what was in that hypo was.

The needle was returned to the bag and the whole satchel then lifted and placed down between Tiffany’s legs. The naked woman was whining as she nervously waited for something terrible to happen. Having braced herself for rape, and reasoned that it could be worse since she usually wound up in bed with some guy from those types of parties anyway, she was scared when that did not happen. This was turning out be something else. She was trembling and could not force the words out to ask what was in that needle.

Nothing seemed to be happening. The expected unconsciousness or worse did not occur. In fact, she felt no different. Still scared shitless but with nothing unusual happening. She was not sure if that was good or bad.

The figure took out an electrical extension cord from the bag and plugged it into an outlet on one wall. The end just reached back to the bag. Tiffany now had a new fear. Electricity? What would a man need an electrical outlet if he intended rape? This was becoming stranger and stranger. And scarier.

But nothing else came out of the bag. The figure stood and looked down at the tied up woman. Tiffany fidgeted and pulled against the ropes in useless effort. Both of them were waiting for something to happen, the only question was what would that something be?

Minutes passed slowly. Tiffany’s thinking was a turmoil of emotions, all negative and fearful. Then, slowly, she became aware of a change. Oddly enough, it was not painful or even unpleasant. And it was a familiar feeling. A tingle began between her legs, right in that wonderfully sensitive soft flesh so filled with nerves that, when awoken, make sex so pleasurable. Rather quickly she became aware of a growing heat down there, an excitement she was well used to. In short, she was becoming hot and horny, to use a colloquialism. To her great surprise, the sexual arousal came on quickly and strongly. The tingle was spreading to the rest of her body. She could see and feel her nipples grow rigid even though nothing and no one was touching them. Thoughts of a man shoving is prick into her tunnel came to her and, even though she tried to push them away, refused to leave. In fact, they grew stronger to the point where she was whining and clenching the muscles in her hips and thighs.

“What have you done to me?” she whined.

The dark figure standing over her might have snickered. Or maybe it was just a grunt.

Kneeling down, the figure in black removed a large, plastic tube from the bag. An electrical cord came out of one end, and the other had a round ball on a short shaft. Tiffany recognized the object immediately. It was one of the most useful products of Japanese technology: a vibrator. In this case, made by a well known company and she recognized it as the same model she had played with during lesbian activities. She liked sex with men, but also with other women. This model was the most powerful made and had three settings: mild, powerful, and mind-blowing.

A strange mixture of desire and fear churned inside her. She was sexually aroused, no question about that. And the promise of that vibrator was attractive to her. Also no question about that. But if this guy was just going to use it to force her into having an orgasm, why was she tied down? She concentrated on the idea that kinky sex, while sometimes messy, was usually exciting and often satisfying. The fear began to lessen as she watched the vibrator being plugged into the extension cord. A flip of the switch and it came to life, humming a happy tune that Tiffany knew well – and loved.

Her tormentor brought the ball head slowly up to Tiffany’s sex. Every so lightly, the vibrating head touched there and Tiffany sighed. Without conscious thought, her hips arched up the little allowed them, begging for a more solid and stimulating contact. But the ball was pulled away and the vibrator turned off. Tiffany frowned and had a strong urge to grab the thing and shove it against her sex.

Another length of rope came out of the bag. Tiffany winced as the rope was looped around her waist at the narrowest part. It was pulled tightly and knotted. Then the currently inert vibrator was placed leaning with its ball against her. The rope was then used to secure the vibrator in place. When finished, it was lashed in place with ropes going to that around her waist and to her thighs. The figure tested it and confirmed that it would be impossible for it to fall away, no matter how much Tiffany struggled.

During this, Tiffany said nothing. She had a fair idea what was being done to her. It was a game that a couple other girls had told her about. Tie a girl spread-eagle on the bed and tie a vibrator against her sensitive spot. Then turn it on and watch as the girl is forced to have an orgasm. And maybe more if she was prone to multiple orgasms. Or keep her tied down while she recovers from the first one and then turn it back on to force her into another. Tiffany had never played that game, but had thought that it might be fun. Well, now she was going to find out!

Everything was in place. She was naked, tied down quite solidly, and the vibrator was tied against her sex. All that remained was for her captor to turn it on. She whined in a pleading tone as she realized that she really wanted this to happen. Her body was so turned on that she was aching with desire. She wanted sex, with a man or a vibrator didn’t matter. She had never felt the need this badly before. Deep down, there was undeniably a residue of fear but she knew that sometimes that was the nature of kinky sex and it added to the intensity.

She was about to open her mouth and beg for the damned thing to be turned on when the stranger’s hand reached out and did exactly that.

Tiffany whined with pleasure as the strong vibrations struck her nerves, then gasped. She had never been so excited! No man, however huge and skilled, had ever gotten her so turned on. No vibrator, either, for that matter. As she began to surrender to the incredible feelings, a part of her mind wondered if that shot had anything to do with the intensity of her more intense reaction.

Her eyes were closing when a burst of pain struck her face. She had been slapped on the cheek, hard. The figure was holding up a small card with typed letters on it. Tiffany forced herself to read the message: “You will be released in twenty-four hours. Scream all you want. No one will hear you down here. Have fun.”

Tiffany cried out. Was this bastard serious? Twenty-four hours! Hell, she could feel an orgasm approaching already. The idea of being left like that for a full day was frightening. Oddly exciting, too, but very likely to become an ordeal she would rather not have to endure.

The figure in black stood up and picked up the bag. For a while it stood between Tiffany’s wide spread legs, watching as the intense emotions played across the woman’s face. Then it turned and left, locking the door with a freshly purchased padlock, but not before turning the light off, leaving Tiffany in the dark and already having her first orgasm.

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