?? Eclipse Academy ??
Chapter four
In darkness itself were on was lost in their own world of aloneness. For one would stay and make darkness his forever home,in the upper class Dom and figure lad one his bed eyes closed,if one were to look at him. They would think he had met his end,but to those who looked closer they would notice that he was awake.
The doors open as light with it,the light was not enough to win over darkness for it rays were only to that to shine much. But to that the light was then shaded a bit to that of two figures stand their.
Both walked in power and respect screamed upon them to that of the ocean itself. One walked to the side of the door and with one moved the lights were lit.
"The is something called knocking"the figure laying upon the bed voice,his voice deader the dead.
"My baby boy"A fair female's voice rang through the room,as she quickly moved to the bed and pulled the boy with no struggle as if he weigh nothing to a hug"It's gonna be okay, you'll find your mate and she's make your live worth living for,but"
Without a word more,she gave him one hell of a smack upon the head which made the boy wince to the pain and looked at his mother.
"Mother,father what are you doing here. Isn't a King and Queen to rule the realm then to waist their time"For his tone and chose of word he got a other smack
"We came to see how well our son is doing,Lance you can't keep doing this to yourself. We it's been 4 centchries of looking-"But she stopped upon her words and she remembers the broken look he once had for searching so hard,but found nothing.
"Son"Now a makes voice to control as the boy looked to his father"You need to get yourself together and "But of course he stopped to to his words.
"Lance you've been in this room for 2 years now, please go to your next class. For me?"Her voice lowered with pled as her words come out.
"Fine, I'll go to class"She smiled at his words,for truly he need fresh air and mingle with his peers.
"Good,now we will take our leave"She peaked the boy's check as to that she got to her feet,but pulled him by the ear to his feet."Now get to class"
Many could not believe their eyes as HE come out from his cage of darkness,but what could he do for his father gave him one hell deathly glare saying that he will not seen walking back to his chamber's with out making one friend.
'But would that even happen? I mean this is me were talking about,I don't even remember ever making one friend in one friend in my life'
Walking through the halls with no care,but the students were the ones who looked as if seeing a ghost. The female of all kind drooled as he walked pass them with one glance at them.
For he had some white hair, fair tend skin,he was at the hight of 7feet 6iches,his well built no as if he were a one were looking at a Greek god themselves. His face was that coved by angles,even tho his had frown he still looked beautiful to that of his brown eyes,they were an ocean of chocolate itself. Truly he was perfection to it's word.
He walked with both hand in his lower packets walking like a gangster,but to those around him they saw a man walking with power around him as if self-righteous.
But the bells rang on tell that's school for the day,even tho it was the coming of the end of the day. His mother's words were not to be changed at all.
He walked through the hallways as if nothing more matter.
"Where are you?"A hard sigh left his lips,he was drowning in his world of aloneness was it going to be like this,was he to be a alone forever,was he-
But a intoxicating scent of roses stopped him,he froze to his steps. He stood the shocked for so many words. It must be a mistake,but the scents slapped him awake as it's waves came to him.
"Mate"His feet's took to control as he let out those words,he ran fast as if the wind himself. Passing many in the way,other opened path for for,for now his ora was licking out and just by the feel of it many panicked.
Max set on the bench as she watch her friend train with her team,Ria seemed to be having a good time with her team. Which made Max envy the girl,Ria was beautiful,lively,had many friends and to top it she was the main star of the team. Something she'll never be,but as she was dieing within her thoughts she was suddenly in the air and moving fast to that.
"What the-"Her words stopped on seeing high she was,she looked as who was flying the broom,but was frozen still on seeing who it was"Vaca?"
"Hey the bitch,I told you I get my revenge. Now it's time to say good bye"Max had no time to say a word as she was pushed off the broom.
"Hey Ria isn't that your roommate?"Ria stopped on what she was doing,she looked at the benches,but didn't see Max there. Confusion clouded her thoughts.
"Oh my God, she's gonna die!" "Holy shit Vaca has lost her mind"
"What?"Ria froze still on the sight before her"Max"the words barely a whisper.
Max only looked up at the sky, thinking it was the end. Many other flyers tried to get to her,but she was falling fast and other looked away from the sight already knowing the out come.
"Is she dead already?" "What the hell just happened?" "She's alive,but how?"
Others gave back their sight and we're shock for many words to she that the girl was alright. Ria flue to her,but as she was close enough she hugged the girl in tears.
"Oh may goodness,Max your alright."Ria looked at her to see any injuries,but the were non."Max"She hugged her again.
"Max how did you do that?"Ria asked once they were in their Dom,both sited upon their beds looking at each other.
"I don't know,all I know is that I was falling. But then-"
"I stopped falling as if a force hand stopped my foll."
"I'm just happy that your okay,I wouldn't want the prince throwing a pinca to who killed his mate"But the girl got a pillow thrown to her face.
""Stop talking nonsense,I don't think that can ever happen. And if it were to be,I'd be rejected on the spot."
"You don't know that"