Eclipse Academy
Chapter two
The sun rose from it's slumber of darkness,he wormed the land with his rays of light. Birds sang as they felt the sun's rays,wolves ran to their home as they shifted back to their human form,witches flying around with their broomsticks.
Eclipse Academy
Chapter one
Many stories of the supernatural world would be of a young soul fighting the forces of evil,falling in love and saving the life's of those who be taken by evil itself.
But what is that's not how all happily everafters work. Would you stay to read what happens when one is of evil,but is unsure which path is right.
Let's go a see....
Music playing of it's full hight,teens living their fullest as they party on in a luxurious mansion. Many having the time of their lives,drinks from every sight of eye,make out in each corner as many young parties would have.
But just then the door bell rang and as it open,the she was holding 32 boxes of pizza,in a red and black pizza uniform.
"Dude you made it,damn how can you carry that man"Of cause he couldn't see her behind all those pizza boxes"Dude you got to share with you secrets,anyway"
The guy called forth his friends and each by each they took the pizza boxes away. He gave placed the money in her hand and shut th door before her face.
"Okay?'"Unsure what just happened,but she fixed her cap and turned to her pizza car. As she turned in the engine a she drove free to the streets.
Walking into the store she saw that a few customers were still awaiting for their orders,to that she went to the kitchen to see some co-workers were at hand,while others were nowhere in sight.
"Hey you done with the order,to carry 32 boxes alone. I still don't get how you do it"She turned to see her boss walking."But damn when are you ever gonna cut those bangs of yours?"
"Hey boss"Lifeless on her tone,her words to that of a whisper"Done with the order,need anything for me to do?"
""Hey I need help here,the are a few customers waiting for their orders. Would go and serve them?"One the co-workers voice as she was busy making some of the orders.
"Whatever"She walked off taking some of the orders and went to serve the hunger customers.
Time had hit midnight and the store was closed,a few workers went on home,but she stayed back. She set on the on of the tables as she looked at a necklace,it was of silver cane with a crest blue moon stone.
"You just love staring at that thing don't you"She looked at who spoke to see it was her boss.
"Of course when it's the only you have of your family,not many people are lucky like you sir. You've got your old family and the family your growing right now"Even tho those words can touch the hurt of a mafia king,on the way her voice sound it was of that lifeless death
"You'll never change,well it's time to go...Oh before I forget a letter was here for you"
"Huh? A letter for me?"
"Yeah,now wait for a second"With that he took to his feet,by a few minutes pass he came back with a black envelope."Here"
She took it,she turned it from back to forth. Her lips shifted to that of purot. But she lifted her head and nodded at her boss and took her leave.
Upon getting to her apartment she throw her back on to the sofa,but..
"Hey!!"A voice echoed through the room. She stopped and to that she turned to the sofa to see her bag moving"Let me out of here!!"
"What the heck?"Her voice of whisper as she walk close to the sofa as she lifted up her bag. She slowly opened it and quick as sound something jumped out.
Startled she dropped the bag,but looked around to see what jumped out.
"I'm over here!"Quickly she turned to see the black envelope floting mid air,fear shot her to hurt as she stood Frozen on spot"Don't be scare,I won't hart you. But I bring forth great news. You miss Max Flames have been chosen to school in Eclipse Academy. You will not need to bring to much lurgage,for the Academy has all that you may need"
"What is happening?" She said"And what are you saying?!"
"Max,you are of age now"
The flying envelope then started to explain everything of she(Max)would be in a school of supernatural creatures. Where she will learn to control her magic and that of her beast within her. And by the time it was done explain everything,Max was in a world of confusion.
"Now are you ready?"It said,buts Max got you her feet and started walking up stairs"Hey wait were do you think your going"
"I must be going crazy,yep I need to sleep it off"
"You think this is a joke,well prepare yourself"
As Max was to take another step the ground opened up and she fall into the darkness with the letter laughing.
"What he'll kind of dream is this and you why are you laughing"Max screamed to the top of her lungs
"Your life is about to change big time kid"
This is of how her life took a 180 degree change
Who is she you have to wait and read
"NOOOO!!"She jolted out of sleep, quickly getting control of herself she looked around the room. And saw the was another bed at the other end of the room.
She turned her head from left to right. The room was lovely next to her bed was a closet. Before her bed was a study place and upon it were a lot of schooling items,from different pen,pencils,books just name it and something made her frown.
She got to her feet and walked forth the table she lifted the one of the items and saw that they had her name. She then looked at the others and they too had her name,but what made her frown more was tat they were written in gold,in a wealthy way.
"Do your finally up"Max turned to see a girl of her age,the girl had of red wine hair, brown eyes."Wow,when they say you'll be different. They weren't kidding,not because your black. But damn have you ever gone to the salad?"
"Huh?"Confused on what was happening,but as if slapped memories yesterday come raining on her. A wave of uncontrollable rage came upon her.
"Woohoo,calm down. Before you destroy the room. So come on we're gonna be late for classes. Your the new girl and do you really want to be late"The red head said
'Just breath Max,you need to breath. You remember what happened last time you let your anger take control,wait how can you remember when you black out and wake up in the middle of the woods covered with blood?!!'
"Hey new girl?! You good?"The red head said walking up to her,but Max took some steps back to make sure nothing happens.
"Yeah,just not sure where hell I am"She said but the red head started to laughing"What's so funny"
"The name is Riana Black,and you need to take your bath. And to say it. What kind of girl wears mens clothing and to mention their over your size"
"Whatever,which is the bathroom door?"Riana point behind her and without a word more Max through the bathroom"Okay,so to make this more easy for you we're in the supernatural realm. So don't freak out okay?"
But she didn't get a reply,with just sigh Ria looked around and then walked up to the closet and took out some clothing. Just as she was placing some books and schooling materials in a bag,by that she stood before the bathroom doors Max walked out.
"Hey!"Ria beamed,but Max tilted her head"What?"
"Your an moon elf,right?"Ria gasped on hearing her words.
"How did you know?"
"I read a lot of supernatural novels and watch a lot of anime"Her tone had not change,lifeless as always.
"Wait are you saying your an geek?"Shock even tho she says the words with just one nod"okay that makes things a bit easy,now let's get you dress"
The two walked through the hallways,Max had her head on seeming to be embarrassed. Why wouldn't she when she dress like a cheerleader. To that she noticed that the clothing on her back was the uniform.
She wore a cream white shirt with a red tie,the skirt was of black it stopped at her highs,the socks were so long that they stopped u see the skirt. But thank God that she it was allowed to wear tights,but they would be of black color,but to that they were of panty shorts size.
"Would you stopped being embarrassed you look amazing in those colors" Ria voiced,but that only made her to lower her head more.
"Why do we have to wear something so embarrassing,I look like a freaking cheerleader!"
"Wait your face is red,wow never seen a that before. So blacks faces can also turn red,but we need to take care of your bangs"Ria voiced trying so hard to hold her laughter.
"Your enjoying this"
"Of course,you look so cute" Sh teased"Hold on this is our this is our first class"
"Let's just get this over with"Max said as she quickly walked into the class with Ria following from behind laughing.
"Let's go to my table"By saying that the bell rang and students started walking in"Come on"
Both girls set at the back of the class and Max was so grateful for that,as all the students walked in a man in different clothing walked in for he was in a gray shit.
"Okay class. Now I hear we have a new member joining us...let's see"the man lifted up a paper"The name of the new comer is Max Flames,would he stand up?"
Max was speechless,did the man in the gray about call her a HE,she heard a noise next to her to see Ria trying to hold her laughter.
"Max?"The teacher said,she balled her fist trying to hold her anger. She stood up and all the students turned to her as to the teacher.
"Hello everyone my name is Max Flames"Everyone was shocked for words,they really thought it was a boy and that got Max more pissed.
"My apologies for making the mistake"
"It's okay"
'Control, control your breathing. Don't black out, don't black out'She told herself.
"It says your from the human realm"Again many shocked"To that your beast is a wolf"
To that she was the one shocked