Chloe entered the elevator of the twelve-story office building and pressed the button to take her to the eleventh floor. She’d managed to convince Jim that her idea of applying for a job with Antoh Sudnik was the better idea, since she’d need far less tutoring to pull off her role in the ruse. As luck would have it, they were open to another assistant in the lab. To her surprise, delight, and ego, she was hired on the spot. To her disappointment, it was accomplished via an office manager. She’d never once seen the infamous Dr. Antoh Sudnik.
Now, on her first day of work, she was to report to the corporate office, where she would be given her instructions and then sent to the lab for which she was hired. She’d been told that the lab was not in the city due to the codes that restricted the research being done by Sudnik Research for Humanity. She saw no other option than to follow through with her plan and hope that Dr. Sudnik visited the facility often enough to allow her to get close to him.
“Miss Kensington?” The clear Russian was spoken by a young, dark haired woman with a broad smile, stiletto heels, and a mid-thigh A-line skirt. “I am Lada.”
“Good morning,” Chloe replied in the same language.
She gave thanks that she’d been adept enough with foreign languages to manage in the most common ones. This was one of the reasons she got the job at the investigation agency, and also with the good doctor whose native language was Russian.
She gave a weak smile as she tugged at the bottom of the blouse she’d selected. Because of the change in their plans for her role in the case, she’d forgone purchasing a new wardrobe - even if it was complements of the firm. Her blouse was part of the attire that Jim declared fit for high school. Not only was she acutely aware of the differences in the style of blouse and depth of neckline – Lada’s being low cut, yet tasteful and hers buttoned so high it covered her Adam’s Apple - but the fact that the hem of her skirt touched the top of her knees made her want to run into the nearest ladies room and roll it up. As she caught Lada’s brief assessment of her wardrobe, she decided she should have listened to Jim on the subject. At least her hair was good.
“I understand the lab I’m assigned to isn’t on premises,” Chloe said in an attempt to camouflage her uncomfortableness.
Lada studied her for a moment. “Your Russian is quite good.” With a nod, she added in a stiff, but friendly tone, “There is a car waiting for you. You will not be able to wear your street clothes there. Did they tell you that?”
“No,” Chloe said with surprise.
“I thought not. Most research assistants show up in sweats or something for their first day since they know they have to wear lab suits anyway. We will get you three sets. It is your responsibility to launder and care for them.”
Now that she understood Lada’s reason for assessing her wardrobe, Chloe relaxed and allowed herself to fall into step with the Russian beauty as she followed her to the supply room. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was something about the woman that made her like her; even if she was a bit stiff and formal.
“Did you leave your case downstairs?” Lada asked as she inserted the key to the stockroom into the door and turned the nob.
“What case?” Chloe asked.
Lada’s face colored with irritation as she asked, “Did no one orientate you?”
“On what?” Chloe asked. “They told me that the lab I would be working in was off premises, if that’s what you mean.”
“That is all?” Lada practically screeched.
“Is there more?” Chloe asked with trepidation.
Lada pursed her lips as she pulled the door shut before Chloe had the opportunity to enter the small room. “Before we do anything more, I think I need to have a discussion with Human Resources. Come.”
Chloe focused on the crisp clicking of stilettos on the tiled floor as she followed Lada to a lounging area and sat down to await her fate. Had she lost the job before she even started? All over a silly case that she was supposed to have with her? She couldn’t imagine what would have been in such a case on the first day of employment. After a few months, maybe… but not the first day.
After a nerve wracking amount of time in which she genuinely felt the absence of Lada, the beauty returned to the lounge to fetch her. She was clearly annoyed with the staff’s incompetence and the necessity for her to perform an abbreviated orientation for Chloe.
“Normally, you would sit in a three-hour orientation after being hired,” Lada explained as she walked Chloe back to the stock room. “We do not have three hours, so I will do my best to give you the abridged version. There are strict policies that Dr. Sudnik insists upon.” She stopped short. “Please tell me that you signed a non-disclosure at least.”
“I signed a few things,” Chloe said thoughtfully, “but I thought they were for taxes and social security. I tend to read over everything I put my name to. I don’t recall signing a non-disclosure.”
“This is unbelievable,” Lada muttered as she unlocked the stockroom door and stepped inside. “As long as we are here, we can get you outfitted. The car is waiting so we cannot take too long.” She pulled a small walkie talkie device out of her skirt pocket and held it close to her mouth. “Julie.”
“Yes,” came a female voice through the device.
“Send the non-disclosure and housing forms to the car for Miss Kensington to sign, will you please?” Lada said in a friendly, but firm voice. “We need them post haste.”
“Yes, Lada,” said the female on the other end of the conversation.
“Thank you,” Lada said in a crisp tone as she slipped the compact device back into her pocket.
“Housing?” Chloe asked with surprise.
With her work clothes stuffed into large bags that she carried with both hands, Chloe listened to the brief orientation offered to her about her new work place. Had she realized what was expected of her, she might have gone with Jim’s plan of seducing Antoh Sudnik instead of getting close to him through work. Not only was she required to sign a non-disclosure -which might prove uncomfortable when it came time to blow the case wide open – but she was required to live on premises for three weeks at a time, with one week off in-between.
They reached the car at the same time as the paperwork did. Lada was fast and efficient in making sure she had Chloe’s signature on all documents where required before wishing her a pleasant experience and returning to her office on the eleventh floor.
Chloe sat in silence as the car whirred down the highway to a location she’d signed away her privilege to know. The limousine’s windows were blackened so that she was unable to see the world as it passed by. She’d hoped to at least see out the front, but almost immediately upon departure, the driver raised a barrier between them. It had to be the most unsettling ride of her life; bar none.