Chloe eyed Jim’s tall, lean figure as it strode with a deep-rooted confidence into the coffee shop. He had the build of a sleek athlete which he maintained with regular visits to the gym. His sun kissed hair feathered over the cutest little ears she’d ever laid eyes on. His bright blue eyes danced merrily beneath dirty blonde brows that had been lightened by the sun. His aquiline nose rested perfectly in the center of his face, stopping just above a slender mustache that he’d just started to grow. Even though it looked as if it was broken a few times over the years, his nose didn’t detract from his good looks. As she surveyed the reactions of a few female patrons in the coffee shop, she realized she wasn’t the only one who thought so.
Perfectly straight and recently whitened teeth gleamed against his newly acquired Hawaiian tan as he smiled at a few people that he recognized as they patiently waited in line to order. When he spotted her sitting at a table in the corner, she raised the cup of coffee she’d taken the liberty of ordering for him and he nodded his approval.
“I’ll bet you miss Hawaii,” Chloe said as he sat opposite her at the table and accepted the coffee she offered.
“That’s an odd comment,” he said as he opened the lid and took a sip of the steaming caramel colored liquid. “I’ve been back for a few months now.”
“Has it really been that long?” she asked with surprise as she tried to cover up the fact that she was so nervous around him that she was at a loss for what to say. “I guess I got lost in time.”
“It’s not good to get so involved with your cases,” he warned. Then, with a smile that practically turned her legs to jelly, he added, “You’ll learn as you go along.”
After a brief- and what she thought was an uncomfortable- silence, he said. “I understand we’ll be working together on this next case. That’s a first.”
Her face reddened. “I need lessons in casual conversing.”
He did his best to hide his amusement, as he choked -just a little- on his coffee. “It went down the wrong pipe,” he lied.
Chloe could feel her face burning with humiliation under Jim’s silent, blue eyed inspection. In the best of circumstances, she found it difficult to remain calm when he looked at her; really looked at her. She could only imagine what thoughts rolled around inside that handsome head of his about her upon hearing she didn’t know how to hold a decent conversation. Country hick? Uneducated moron? Mentally challenged? At the very least, he had to be questioning how she managed to land an internship at one of the most prestigious private detective agencies in the city.
“You have very pretty eyes,” Jim said in a matter-of-fact way that detracted from the complement. “They’re an odd sort of green.” Her eyes darted nervously under his inspection. “They’re like a mix of green and hazel. They’re weird, but they go good with that copper hair of yours.”
“Thanks… I guess,” she said as she brought her coffee cup to her lips.
“The boss thinks the guy responsible for the missing girls is a womanizer. If that’s the case, we’re going to have to do something about your look before you try to get close to him,” Jim mused. “Truthfully, I was surprised he gave the case to you instead of Janice. She wouldn’t need as much of a touch up.”
“What’s wrong with my look?” Chloe asked defensively.
She’d been jealous of sexy Janice since her first day at the agency when she witnessed Jim hovering over her chest enjoying her exposed decoupage that was described as delectable on more than one occasion by more than one male. To be openly told that she didn’t compare with the woman was out and out painful.
“You look like an innocent little girl instead of a sexy, hot woman just ripe for the taking,” he explained. “Innocent little girls repel womanizers. They have marriage and babies written all over them.”
“You know this, how?” she asked, still on the defensive. “Are you admitting to being a womanizer?”
He shrugged and grinned that grin that hooked her every time. “I’m a man, sweetheart. That’s enough.”
“What do I need to change?” she asked warily.
“Your hair for one,” he said.
“I’m not cutting it,” she grumbled with forceful determination as she took a thick lock in her hand and caressed it.
“You could ditch the hair band. There are ways to wear it that don’t look so much like high school,” he mused, seemingly ignoring her defensive mannerism. “I have a friend who owns a salon. We can ask him to figure out a style that won’t compromise your length.”
Satisfied, she leaned forward and asked him what else he felt needed to be changed about her. After all, she’d mooned over him since she’d started her internship almost a year ago and not once had he given her a second look. Discovering this about her appearance and what men like him wanted -and she said like him because he, too, was reportedly a notorious womanizer, but with looks like his it was to be expected – she could do something about it and possibly get that date with him that she’d been longing for. Just one night in his arms and she’d die a happy woman.
“Your clothes,” he said. “They suit the high school innocence look, but they won’t do for this case.”
“Is there anything about me that’s okay as is?” she said in a hurtful tone.
He looked at her for a moment and smiled sympathetically. “I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that I know what’s needed to get Antoh to give you the time of day. I’m sure you’re just as eager to score this case as quickly as possible and earn points with the boss as I am. I’m just trying to help. You’re hiding your beauty behind that look. I just want to help you bring it out.”
“You think I’m beautiful?” she asked hopefully.
He opened his mouth to say something and then shut it, as if thinking better of it. After a moment, he reached over and laid his hand on hers. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you’re very beautiful.”
“How could I take that the wrong way?” she asked with hope that he was trying to tell her something; such as he liked her after all.
He sat back and shrugged. “Most girls hear a man say they’re beautiful and they immediately think he’s got the hots for them. Here’s a surprise for you… A man can appreciate a woman’s beauty for no other reason that the fact that she’s easy on the eye.”
“I’m not like most girls,” she assured him in a soft tone while struggling to hide her disappointment.
“Good,” he replied with a satisfied grin. After tipping his cup back to get the last drop of coffee from it he added, “Let’s get you to that salon and then we’ll hit the stores. Complements of Drury Private Investigators.”
“Right now?” she asked as she watched him stand.
“The sooner we get you presentable, the sooner we can crack this case,” he said as he headed for the door.
She did her best to disguise the pain and disappointment his words caused as she followed him out the door while she silently chastised herself. She’d placed Jim on a pedestal based on his good looks without considering the fact that he could be a real ass. She had no one to blame but herself for the way things turned out. It was a lesson well learned