Mehdi opens the door, and he says hello to my father, he tells him that he has a surprise for him, so my brother Ryad comes home before me with my suitcase, I came home after him and I found myself face to face with my father ...
He looked at me for a long moment, and finally spoke up.
Dad: Liyah, Aaliyah is that you?
Me: Yes dad, it's me.
Dad: You've changed, you know when I told you to lose weight it was advice for you
Me: I know but the way you said it was hurtful.
Dad: Excuse me my daughter if I hurt you, it was not my goal, you know you mean everything to me, as much as your brothers.
Me: Yes I know dad.
I burst into tears in his arms, he placed a kiss on my forehead, we sat down and I told him a bit about my life in Strasbourg, that I had passed my baccalaureate with honors and that I intended to return to my mother.
I spent a good evening with my father, I somehow found my family.
My brothers had stayed, they apologized and everything went back to the good old days.
Oh done, I forgot to describe myself, so I'm brunette with light brown eyes, I'm now 70 kilos and I'm 18 years old. I am rather tall, 1m73, I had curves but more like before.
I left to put my suitcase in the room and I slept, the journey had exhausted me. The next morning, I had decided to take my life a bit in hand and find a job, I have to earn some money to buy a car so I made CVs using my brothers and I headed downtown to drop them off. I applied in just about every store I could find and then I went to buy a laptop (remember you, I've cut off with the outside world) and a chip. I then did some shopping with the rest of the money I had left and I ended up going back to the neighborhood, my brothers were still downstairs, you don't change old habits, with all the guys hanging out like tramps in front of the building,
My dad wasn't there so I decided to cook as there was nothing to prepare, I waited for my dad who then called my brothers to come upstairs to eat.
We all ate together and I spent the evening playing games with my brothers like when we were little.
During the 2 months I was with my father it was the same routine, I regularly went looking for work without result, he was not looking so I was impatient to return to my mother because there it was on that he was looking for people to work in any profession, but I had a project in mind; open my own store but I already had to earn some money before opening it, so it was decided once I got there, I would immediately start looking for a fairly well paid job. I packed my suitcase, I didn't take all my clothes because I was regularly going back to my father's house, so I only took a few clothes and said goodbye to my father and my brothers, they left me. 'have accompanied to the station and I
Today, D-Day, I return to my old neighborhood, the neighborhood in which I suffered so much, in the distance I saw Aymen; the boy who every time he saw me humiliated me in public without mercy in front of everyone since college, I lived through hell for more than 5 years and I dreamed of one thing, to come back one day and make him regret his words to me, he was with his friends that I all knew, "my old friends", so I decided to go talk to him, he really hasn't changed physically he was rather a handsome man, now that I came back to live with my mother, I had to settle my accounts with people:
Me: hi
They all replied to my salam.
Me: Uh Aymen, can I talk to you?
Him: Wesh how do you know my first name?
Me: It's me Aaliyah!
Him: I don't know Aaliyah
Me: MDRRRRRRR! (it was a nervous laugh)
Are you sure of yourself? don't you recognize the girl who's been putting you through hell since college? Ugly Aaliyah remember? The super fat, ugly girl!
Him: No, I don't see.
Me: Fuck me more.
I took a picture out of my bag and threw it in his face.
Me: You see this girl, well it's me 3 years ago.
Him: Aaliyah! No swear it's you? It's impossible
He made a shocked face and looked me up and down for several minutes.
I decided to speak up and tell him everything that was on my heart
Me: You know what you're really a loser, you don't know all that I've been through since college because of you and your thoughts and shitty nicknames inappropriate for me, yes I was ugly, I I was "fat" as you always told me and repeated every time you saw me, yes I had braces and glasses, so what? What the fuck could you do? You humiliated me in front of all the young people in the neighborhood without pity, because of you I had a complex, I hated myself, I left my house more for fear of being insulted, I remained locked in my room and I envied thin girls, those who had a beautiful physique, I dreamed that one thing was to leave this neighborhood that made me suffer for a while and broke me far from your prejudices and your insults, and that is what i did. I went to my uncle's in Strasbourg and people were like you, without pity, I decided to take myself in hand and make a new start and come back here to make you regret your words, I trained every day without respite, without losing sight of my goal, to give you back your own coin, you who said that all my life I would be ugly, that no one would want me and that I would end up alone, without a husband, without friends well you know what, that motivated me and I managed to lose the 30 kilos that I had too much, the girl complexed ugly, fat, with glasses and braces has metamorphosed, certainly physically I am no longer the same but internally if. I am always hurt by your words and more particularly by yours, you don't realize the harm you could do me just with words, it's as if I had received billions of stab wounds in the heart, every day when I returned home it was in tears because I had once moreover was humiliated in the bus, during recess, I hated myself in the depths of my being, maybe at that time you were only a kid and me then? I was a girl who hadn't asked anyone for anything, just to be left alone, to be left to live my life peacefully, just for a moment they wouldn't forget that I existed. But now it's over, I've made progress thanks to your constant insults and mockery, I'm not as complexed as before, and I've learned one thing about myself, that I will never again allow myself to be insulted in this way by a bunch of idiots like you. I just don't understand how one can be cruel like that with someone just because he/she is "fat". Shame on you.
I went straight up to my house without giving them time to speak, I rang the doorbell, my mother came to open the door for me, she must have recognized me straight away since she started crying in my arms. I gave her a huge kiss, I had missed her horribly, we talked all the time on the phone but it's not the same as seeing her.
We talked for more than 2 hours, she was very happy that I came back, I left, settled in my room, nothing had moved, just it was super tidy and clean, it was like I had left, I opened the wardrobe and I saw my old things, I was in shock, I lost so much weight.
I put on one of my old joggers, stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself..
....: Yes you have seen, you have changed a lot, you are no longer a child but a young woman, tell yourself that the period of Aaliyah who was insulted by all these idiots is over, you have become a beautiful young woman, a new beginning for you, I am proud of you.