"You haven't said a word to me this morning. Come now, sweetheart... what makes you so angry?"
Magnus walked beside her. He had skipped his lesson with the captain this morning, waiting in front of her home very early to walk her to the market.
"Magnus, what were you thinking, bringing me to the ball last night? Has it never occurred to you that your family would not like me at all?"
"I don't care what they're thinking. All I care about is you and me, us..."1
"But it's not that simple, Magnus. Sooner or later we will have to face their rejection... Your family will never let you have a relationship with a woman like me..."
"No need to worry about that, my dear. They won't bring us down. I love you and you love me. It's all that matters."
"Magnus, the duke drove me out last night!" Ava said desperately. Magnus' face went pale.
"What... what did he do to you?" He stopped and held her arms tightly.
"He humiliated me in front of some guests, very badly. He pretended to mistaken me as one of the servant. I managed to escape, but he found me and told me to leave at once."
"Bloody hell!" He cursed.
"I swear I'm going to break his neck."
"Magnus, don't you understand? It will never work between us... Your parents will do exactly the same. A woman like me has no place among the peers, among your family."
"I don't give a damn about the peers. My family, they may go to hell... I'll never let you go!"
"Magnus, there's something I need to tell you..." After a moment's hesitation, Ava continued
"The duke, he knows who I am."
He frowned in confusion.
"I've wanted to tell you the day I knew who you really are. But you just revealed your identity, and I thought it would be too much to take. I'm not just another country girl, Magnus." For a moment, she was thinking how to start.
"Do you know Desiree Marlowe?"
He was silent for a while, thinking.
"The once famous actress? If I'm not mistaken she had long disappeared, rumor has it she has become a duke's mistress... Wait, I remember... she is the one people call Livingston's whore?"
A tinge of red stained her cheeks upon the way he mentioned her mother. She nodded.
"She is my mother, the duke of Livingston is my father."
He froze instantly, but a second later he chuckled.
"Nice trick, sweetheart."
"That's true, Magnus. I'm not joking."
"Christ..." He whispered as he began to recognize the clear resemblance of her feature with the picture of the iconic actress he once saw in a newspaper.
"Have you heard the scandal about the duke's illegitimate daughter running away from her betrothal with Roger Irving?"
"Holy Mother of God..." He expelled a hiss. He knew that, the scandal had caused a commotion in the ton and made the poor Roger Irving an object of derision ever since. Faintly, he recalled the woman's name from the news and talks.
"I am the woman, Magnus. Roger Irving is my betrothed."
A long silence filled the air. She had never seen Magnus in this state before. He seemed quite taken aback.
She took a deep breath.
After she told him the truth, would he still feel the same for her? Would he believe her story? Would he still love and want her the way he did before? A scandalous, shameful woman is even worse than a peasant.
But she couldn't keep it from him forever. Besides, if he couldn't accept her as she truly was, there was no reason for them to keep seeing each other.
'Come what may' she heard her inner voice said. Then she told him everything. Everything at all.
She had prepared for the worst, but as her story had neared to an end, fear crept through her mind. What if everything changed after this? What if he didn't want to see her again? What if it was the last time she walked together with him, holding hands, talking to each other? Suddenly she felt like it was too much to bear.
The duke would tell him anyway, she thought. If she told him first, at least she had a chance to explain the reason behind her scandal.
"Now that you know it" she couldn't help her voice quivering a bit. "Do you still think about me the same way?"
Magnus turned at her and look at her straight in the eye. He had been silent throughout the revelation. She caught her breath, suddenly turned her gaze away, couldn't abide his gaze any longer. She bit her lip, feeling restless in anticipation.
"Nothing of it can change my feeling for you."
Her breath came in shuddering relief, she almost sobbed. She felt like a heavy burden was just removed from her heart. Magnus came closer and embraced her in his strong arms, stroking her hair gently.
"I'll never leave you..." his voice soft yet firm and reassuring. "Never..."
"If he ever offends you again, my dear, I swear I will beat him to pulp."
Magnus said later as they walked together to her home.
"It's extremely unnecessary... I will not take pleasure if you do that." Ava said carefully. She remembered Magnus once said he was never be able to defeat his cousin in swordfight. With a sideways glance, she studied him briefly. Magnus was way more strong built and muscular, but there was something that made the duke somewhat fearsome and menacing.
"If only he is not that damn perfect, that pompous ass. Is there anything he can't do? He can do anything exceedingly well. I wonder what is he made of. He graduated from the university with excellent grade. He made an outstanding performance in the House of Lords and the parliament. Even in art, he is so damn talented."
"My father is only listening to him. He is proud of him like he is his own son instead of me. Sometimes I think, he has more significant resemblance with my father instead of me... Not in appearance, obviously I'm a young version of my father. But they both have the same excessive pride in theirselves, their conceit are extraordinary."
Ava felt a surge of fear squeezed her stomach as he mentioned how conceited his father was. He would undoubtedly despise her like hell. She would entirely be considered as a misfit to his noble family. She couldn't imagine living with so much hostility surrounding her.
"My parents admires him. The people praises him. They say Evergreen prospers under his reign. He is everything I can't be."
"That's not true." Ava touched his hand.
"Had you been given a chance, I believe you would be a better ruler than him, a greater one. You have many inherent qualities that he is lacking. I've never met a man as compassionate, sincere, and caring as you are..."
"You don't need to fortify my vanity, my sweets..." A mischievous smile played in his lips.
"I know very well in what matter he cannot touch me. No matter how good he is,
it's a well known, indisputable fact that women love me better all the time..."
He winked wickedly and laughed at her scowling expression. She had no doubt about it. With the hard, stony look on his face, no woman would ever dare flirting with the duke.
Early morning the next day, Ava got a message from Magnus through a peasant boy. He never sent her message before. Ava smiled at his messy handwriting. He told her that he couldn't walk her home from the market, but he would meet her at her home in the afternoon.
Later in the afternoon, they met and he told her that from now on, he would send her message to meet somewhere. Because his training with the captain was getting more intense, probably he would not be able to walk her home from the market everyday.
"There's something I want to show you. You'll love it. It's not something you can see everyday in the city." He said as he pulled her hand.
"But where are we going?"
"The Moonlight Tower in my house."
"Your house?" Ava took a halting step at once.
"I'm not going with you. I will never set foot in your house ever again."
"Don't worry." He smirked. "We're not going through the front door. Nobody will ever know we are there."
"Magnus, I don't understand..."
"We'll go through a secret passage. My house has a few ones. I'll show you this one first."
"All right, perhaps nobody will know when we enter the house, but what if somebody find us there?"
"No way. Nobody has set foot into the Moonlight Tower again for a long, long time. It's simply isolated."
They went through the forest, crossing a pathway Magnus seemed very familiar about. The shortcut lead them to the back of Vermont Manor. There was a small gateway in the high wall surrounding the manor. It must be a back door.
Seemed like the gateway had been abandoned for decades. Almost all the railings were entangled by vines. Magnus drew a key from his pocket and unlocked the gate.
At first, Ava hesitated. But the back side of the manor seemed very quiet and secluded, hidden under the shadow of tall trees, far away from other parts from the building. A gracious tower stood tall before them.
They entered the building through an unlocked door and climbed up the small spiral staircase. They reached the top in the perfect time. The golden flame had risen up from the horizon spreading the brilliant rays of light over the blushing sky. The land below them bathed in the shimmering golden lights. From a distance it looked like a small miniature of a village. The various cottages, the windmill, the river and the wooden bridge above it, the stony road, everything looked softly luminous in the radiant glow.
"Magnus, it's ... it's magnificent, I've never seen something so magical..."
She was wonderstruck at the breathtaking, picturesque scenery. It reminded her of some beautiful paintings she had seen in a gallery in London.
"Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as this?" She turned to meet his unwavering gaze on her.
"I have" He replied in a husky voice.
"And it's even more beautiful..."
"Really, what is ..." She ceased at once as his hand lifted to caress her face.
"Actually I'm looking at it right now..."
"Magnus, you're such a flatterer..." She turned her blushing face from him. She rested her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her. The world dwindled to the place they were standing now and there were just the two of them, lost in the beauty of heaven passing by, and she wished she could make time forever frozen still at this very moment.
A few days later, Ava received a message from Magnus to meet at the tower in the perfect time, she knew what it meant. Sunset. He had given her another key to the back gate so she could come anytime. He had been very busy in his training recently, so they didn't often meet. She went to the tower through the back gate.
At the back of the manor, it was as quiet and peaceful as usual. The shaft of afternoon sunlight through the leaves added a glorious touch to the silent beauty.
She climbed up the stairs and reached the top. She was just about to step outside when a sight struck her and she nearly bolted from shock. She moved aside quickly, hiding herself behind the wall, her heart was pounding wildly. The duke was standing in the tower's balcony. She recognized his silvery locks at once. Ava felt her whole body quivering. She had to go as fast as possible. Peeking from behind the wall, she intended to rush down quickly without making any sound. Something held her still in an instant.
The duke was painting on a canvas held by an easel. He seemed completely absorbed by what he was doing. The exquisite details caught her attention. He undoubtedly had an exceptional ability in this particular thing. But what made the painting so moving wasn't the perfection of the composition and balance, neither his expertise to play with the light and shades. In the most tantalizing way, it captured the glorious sense of the moment, arousing a feeling of amazement as if she was watching it in real, like he painted the spirit and soul of it.
She stared in wonder. She didn't believe such a heartless creature could create something so deep and soulful like this. She glanced across his tall figure, just noticing he looked different today. He didn't wear his waistcoat and other formal attributes. He dressed casually in white shirt and light grey colored vest, his trousers was in the darker shade of his vest and his black leather boots were knee-high. His whole clothing was almost as casual as Magnus, yet he looked nothing of a country man. There was something that made him indisputably regal regardless of what he was wearing.
His sleeves were rolled up to his elbow. Some ink splash stained his hand caught her eyes. He had beautiful hands. His fingers were long and slender, his skin fair and smooth. Certainly this man had never done a day of manual labor in his life. She wondered if he had callouses or scars. She totally forgot to flee, fascinated by the way his hand moved on the canvas, so delicately precise.
All of a sudden, unexpectedly he turned around very quickly and caught her in the act. She gasped and hid herself behind the wall swiftly. It was too late, he already saw her. Panic struck her like lightning and she raced to the stairs in long hasty steps. Her foot almost reached down the first stair when her wrist was grabbed suddenly from behind and she was pulled back with a strong force.
She nearly cried, but she held back, however it was her being the intruder here. She was forced to turned around and faced him. Fear and shock paralyzed her as she met his refined face. Her limbs got weak and if not because he kept hold of her wrist very tightly, she might have fallen down to the floor.
"Trespassing is a serious misconduct." He gazed down at her under his lowering lashes. Although his voice was flat, his eyes sparked with undisguised contempt and his steely grip hurt her wrist. Even in a great anxiety, she couldn't help noticing he was devilishly handsome. In the natural light at a very close range, he looked younger than when she first saw him. His silver hair and his innate maturity belied his actual years. Towering over her, his unusual height just made her feel more intimidated.
"I come by invitation." She replied beneath unsteady breath, somehow managed to keep her voice from quivering. Inside, she was scared to death.
After a moment of consideration, he released his grip from her, Ava stepped back and rubbed her aching wrist. He raised an eyebrow in a scornful manner.
"Really? To my knowledge, Vermont Manor is very particular about the person we invite."
She braced herself to look up on him. He was positively not a man she wanted to lock gazes with. But his jewel-like blue eyes fascinated her. No one had a pair of eyes like that. It was ironic that such a beauty possessed no warmth and any enchanting qualities. They were cold and ruthless. Still, they held her spellbound. She tried to remember what she was about to say.
"Lord Magnus is a good friend of mine. He sent me a message this morning, inviting me to see the sunset. I'm bringing the letter with me."
"Did he? Show me the letter." He spoke in such an arrogant manner, she got stung instantly.
"With all due respect, Your Grace, I would like to keep it private."
She dared to deny him. Ashton studied her with a brief glance, considering how much effort it would take to suppress her.
"Look like my careless cousin is being forgetful these days. He didn't show up and I don't see the smallest sign that he is coming. I have to apologize for him."
His remarks was sarcasm and mockery disguised in politeness, and she knew he did it deliberately to taunt her, but she had no choice other than to respond in the same manner.
"That's very kind of you, Your Grace. But it's absolutely unnecessary. Since Lord Magnus has not shown up, I shall be leaving now."
Ava made a quick yet proper curtsy and turned around, intended to rush down the stairs as fast as possible. She definitely would kill Magnus after this, for leaving her alone trapped with this villain.
"Hold on, Miss Marlowe."
She caught her breath and cursed, halted at once. But perhaps he would only tell her which direction to go. She turned around again reluctantly, hoping greatly this tormenting situation to end very soon.
"I need to know how you could enter this manor. Apart from family members and the servants, nobody is allowed to come and go at will."
She froze on her feet, didn't know what to say. She didn't want to get Magnus into trouble. Would it be considered as a terrible mistake for Magnus if she told the truth? Or possibly it might be considered as just a little mischief. She was certain the duke had known Magnus was the one to show her how to enter this house secretly.
"Miss Marlowe." He persisted.
"I'm asking you. How did you come in here?"
There was no way to escape. He wouldn't let her go until he got the answer.
"Lord Magnus showed me the way to the back of the manor and he gave me the key to the back gate."
His brows were furrowed in a disapproving expression. Clearly he considered it intolerable. A tinge of guilt crept over her. Seemed like Magnus would have to bear some consequences for this.
"Miss Marlowe, you shall be informed that this place has certain rules regarding our guests. The key to this manor is our private property and we don't share it with some random visitors."
He let his words hovered for a moment before finished his sentence.
"Especially the uninvited."
"I'm glad I'm not the kind of guest that you just mentioned, Your Grace."
She made a quick reply. She had let him expressed his distaste toward her without any resistance, but he had made continuous effort to taunt her.
"I believe Lord Magnus was just thinking of my convenience when he lent me this key, since he meant to invite me. But I understand very well about your rules as much as I respect it."
She handed the key to him before he asked. Better like this, before he pushed her to give it back with more intimidation. He received the key without any hint of appreciation.
"Now if you will excuse me, I shall be leaving." She turned swiftly without bothering to curtsy. She couldn't wait to disappear from him. She couldn't take it any longer.
"Wait a second, Miss Marlowe. There is one thing you should know."
She stopped immediately. He didn't wait for her to turn and face him this time.
"Invited or uninvited, you're not welcomed here. I prefer you to never set foot again in my residence."
She resisted the temptation to answer back as a surge of rage and pain engulfed her.
"Have I made myself clear?" He said the last sentence with a resolute affirmation.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before she replied without a backward glance.
"Darling, I hope I didn't make you wait too long..." Magnus came to an immediate halt when his gaze met another person waiting for him there. Ashton turned from the canvas, leaving the paintbrush and the palette to the easel.
Damn, Magnus thought. What a perfect timing.
"Ash... I think you're someone else."
Ignoring his taunting reply, he looked around at a glance. He hoped Ava had not come here yet.
"She has gone."
Magnus got stiffened at once.
"You've met her? Damn, what have you done to her?"
"It's nothing important. I have to tell you, forget that wench. She's not right for you, at all."
"And I have to tell you, mind your own fucking business."
"Anything regarding our family honor is my business. Do you know who is she?"
"I damn well know." Magnus snapped. "She is Livingston's offspring."
"So you know she is far below our socially acceptable standard. I have to remind you, you're obliged to avoid everything that will bring shame and disgrace on this family ..."
Magnus held out his hand and shook his head while deliberately giving him a dramatic sigh.
"Pardon. I'm not the least bit interested in listening to your paramount lecture."
"Fine." Ashton replied with the same indifferent tone.
"From now on, you're done with that chit."
Magnus took a quick step toward him, standing just inches away from him, challenging his gaze.
"You don't have authority over me. Damn you, you might be the bloody duke, but you can't dictate my life!"
He considered to do something entirely shocking like gripping his collar and putting a fist into his proud face. God, that would feel terribly great.
"And if you ever, ever offend her again, I swear I will break your neck."
"Go ahead, then." Ashton arched his brow in a mocking way, challenging Magnus' scathing glare.
"Because I don't plan to stop as long as I see it necessary."
Magnus squeezed his fingers until they hurt. He had sworn that the next time he had a duel with him again, he would take nothing but victory. Unfortunately it was still too early now, and he knew better than anyone that Ashton was as dangerous as he was with his sword in fistfight. He couldn't risk another defeat.
One day, he promised to himself. One sweet day.
Standing by the bedroom window, Ava stared at nothing but darkness in the distance. The recent incident had left her in turmoil. Soft moonbeams shone through the room and she looked down at her wrist. A tiny yellow dirt stained the delicate skin there, it must be the spattered ink from the duke's hand.
All the bitter rejection was only a beginning. If she wanted to carry on with this relationship, there would be millions of obstacles to come in the future. Would they have the strength to stand in the storm? Would they ever make it through?
Have faith, she reminded herself again. If a little setback could weaken her will, how could they face a bigger challenge? A great storm might be on its way, but she believed, they would overcome no matter how hard it could be.+