It was the same morning like the ones before, but today the sun just shone a little brighter, the birds sang a little sweeter, and she felt her feet swayed a little lighter. She was going to the market as usual, then she had to go to the captain's house. She promised to bring him some food as long as he couldn't move his leg. But it was not the reason why she felt like swinging and humming along the way. He might be there. Magnus. He didn't say a word yesterday but she knew he would be there.
The captain's cottage came in sight, her heartbeat began to race wildly. Suddenly she feared he wasn't there, that there was no chance to meet him again. She sighed in relief when a naked bronze back caught her eye. He was instantly aware of her presence and turned back at her.
She sucked in a breath as his naked torso was exposed completely to her eyes. She had never seen a half naked man before. Or maybe she had but it was definitely nothing close to this. He was a living sculpture, a Greek god embodied in flesh. His chiseled chest was coated with a thin layer of sweat, gleaming under the sun. His golden locks was tied behind his neck. He held a saw, looked like he was working with some timber. A glittering spark flashing in his eyes when he saw her.
"Good morning." Ava greeted him awkwardly, her mouth went dry.
"Nice to see you coming." He showed her his brilliant smile.
"What are you doing here?"
"I promised the old man I would replace his precious planks, so here I am"
"What are they for?"
"Looks like he wanted to make a more sufficient stable for that little fellow." He motioned his head to the donkey rested idly by the fence.
Ava watched him as he continued sawing the timber into rough planks, savoring the mouthwatering sight. His muscles was flowing with every move beneath the glowing suntanned skin, so tempting to touch. He noticed her thorough observation and halted, meeting her gaze. A mischievous grin played in his lips when he said,
"There must be something really interesting around here that has caught your eye."
"What?" She blinked in confusion.
He shrugged nonchalantly. "Seemed like you're going to stand there all day watching. You know, I think the captain is getting hungry now."
"Oh..." she blushed "I'll see him now."
She hurried to the house, hearing his quiet laugh behind her. When she stole a glance at him in the doorway, he already turned around to gather some planks. Giving one last look to his pert buttocks, she stepped into the house.
He walked her home again that day, and the next day, again and again. Days turned to week and not a day passed without them seeing each other. She was glad the captain's solitariness had been a good reason to keep coming.
He was everything she had ever wanted in a man. He was clever, he was funny, he was the most sincere man she had ever known. And he was handsome like the devil. His mischievous eyes and his rakish smile were impossible to resist. Most of all, despite his humble background, he was truly a gentleman. Nobleman at heart. He was a man who paid special attention and respect to women. He was chivalrous.
However, Ava found that she was not the only one who was being secretive about her background. Regardless of their closeness, Magnus never spoke about his family, his work, where he lived. She had tried to find out more but seemed like nothing she could get.
One day, he brought his sword and showed it to the captain. After almost two weeks of recovery, the old man had returned to his normal state. He studied the weapon intently.
"Impressive. Who's your mentor, young man?"
"My father."
"So, you're coming from a military roots, I suppose?"
He smiled, said nothing in answer. Suddenly he looked mysterious in her eyes. Seemed like the captain didn't care as much as she was, the old man didn't push him further about that. The captain promised to show him some moves the next day.
Ava was just coming when the sound of metal clanged and clashed in the peaceful morning. A breathtaking sight caught her eye in an instant.
Magnus looked exceedingly gallant with his sword, reminding her of some knight she heard as a child once upon a bedtime story. The fine weapon was gleaming under the sun. His unbuttoned white shirt was all damp with sweat, clung tight to his body. He was standing face to face with the captain.
Ava watched him in awe as he swung the sword with an amazing ease as if the sword was a natural extension of his hand. He was a magnificent swordsman. A brave man like every woman's dream. She needed a man like him to protect her from Roger, who had been proven to be cruel and brutal at times.
"Good Lord, old man! I thought you just bluffed, but you're really good!"
"I haven't showed you half of my move yet." The old man replied nonchalantly.
The practising continued day after day. Ava didn't know precisely when they had officially become mentor and apprentice, but looked like they had been doing it forever. The intensity of the training increased every single day. Ava would never understand something like friendship between men. They didn't have to share every little secret like women did, but somehow the trust grew just as strong. The captain barely knew him, and so did he, yet he gave him everything he had. The swordplay had become a shared passion between them.
"I have a nemesis." He said one day when he was standing toe-to-toe with the captain, their eyes locked, swords pointed at each other.
"A long standing rival, a considerable opponent. I've never been able to defeat him no matter how hard I try."
They began to circle each other, eyes alarmed.
"And who is this mighty enemy of yours?
Magnus smirked. "Actually, he is not really an enemy..."
He stepped to the side just in the right time when the captain advanced with a sudden thrust.
"A brother?"
"Kind of..."
"Ah! Sibling rivalry I see. An all time classic life story. Brothers are the greatest rivals. What's he like?"
"Exceedingly fast and merciless. And extremely confident."
Magnus slid forward to seize an opening but the captain was fast despite his age, he pushed Magnus' weapon off.
"What's his weakness?"
"I don't know. If I do I had already defeated him long ago."
"Is he as tall as you? As big as you?"
"He is about my height, but not as big as I am."
Another clashes and clangs as both danced in thrusting and parrying.
"So I suppose you're stronger than him?"
"Maybe, but he's so damn fast, like the wind. And he bends and moves with a killing ease, like a panther. In a blink, his sword already caught me in the eyes."
"Have you ever killed somebody?"
"God, no! My conscience would not be able to tolerate it."
"Has he?"
For a moment, Magnus was silent. But finally he made reply.
" A ruthless warrior he is, isn't he? While you are a merciful one. That's why he is unbeatable for you. He has the guts."
"If I have to kill somebody to defeat him, I'd better never be able to defeat him forever."
"I won't suggest it either. I've seen too many massacres in my younger days and there was nothing glorious about it."
Magnus charged with a forceful thrust but the captain blocked his sword and disarmed him, made the weapon flung away.
"Damn, captain! You're hell of a warrior!"
Magnus stared at him in astonishment when the captain said
"Listen, we'll turn his strength to be his weakness. You said he's extremely confident? And you have never been able to defeat him? Good. He will underestimate you, and you can take it for your advantage. Watch until the moment is right... and make your move at the time he least expect it..."
"You never told me you have a brother." Ava tried to sound idle as she started a conversation. She was walking home with him.
"Yeah" he replied after a short while, sounded reluctant. Seemed like it was an unpleasant topic for him, but she didn't care. She needed to know more about him.
"What does he look like? He must look a great deal like you."
"Even better." He grinned, staring at a distance. Ava doubted it. Nobody could look better than him.
"He's better than me in anything. Absolutely anything. It was always like that since we were kids. He's the pride of the family."
He said it in a nonchalant way but Ava could sense a tinge of jealousy and bitterness in his words. Although she had been raised with a bold, fiery sister, she was glad she had never experienced something like siblings rivalry. On the other hand, from his talk with the captain before, she guessed his family was not a common farmer. He was a good swordsman and he had just mentioned something like "pride" and she assumed that he and his brother were raised and educated well. Probably his family was a prosperous farmer or a middle rank military. A sudden thought occurred in her mind. Maybe he was a soldier on leave.
"How about your parents?"
Ava changed subject to shake him off from the thought of his brother, but he still couldn't get rid of it.
"They adore him, they praise him, they speak highly of him all the time."
"I mean ... are you close to them? Your father or your mother?"
"Not at all" he chuckled as if her question was amusing.
"My father despises me, I was never good enough for him. He always regrets the fact that I am his son instead of ..." He halted at once.
"That can't be true." Ava protested. "You're such a fine, intelligent man. Your parents should be proud of you. I've never met a man with many excellent qualities as you are."
"Really?" Her heart skipped a beat as he smiled at her, looking right into her eyes.
At the moment, they reached a small wooden bridge over a trench. She had passed the bridge many times before, but this time she stepped on a broken path and almost slipped away. He grasped her arm swiftly, saved her from falling, then he held her hand, guided her safely along the way.
He held her still when they walked out of the dangerous track, and didn't release her hand afterward. It was the first time she had ever walked hand in hand with a man.
She ceased to talk, suddenly forgot about digging up details. His hand was rough and calloused against her dainty hand. She loved the feeling of his hand carrying hers, firm and assuring, as if he would lead her through any long, winding road. As if he would keep her safe and never let her go. They walked in silence, yet she felt like they had shared an unspeakable something worth more than a thousand words.
Again, the way home was far too short. He didn't release his hold on her until she was right in front of the door. They said farewell and she entered the house, leaning her back to the door after pushing it close and smiling alone as she closed her eyes. Something had happened today, and it was a good thing.
Shortly after, Lady Byrne was coming. Ava was glad Magnus had already gone.
"I heard you've always walked home accompanied by a handsome lad recently."
The lady didn't bother to hide her curiosity. Ava glared at Polly, it must be her telling the lady.
"What's his name? I know almost everyone in this town, maybe I know his family."
Ava kicked Polly under the table, hinted her not to tell. Ava really liked the old lady, but she was a terrible gossiper. If she knew anything about Magnus, she would spread the gossip over the town, and Ava didn't want it to happen. Polly got her message very well, she stared back at her in answer.
With each passing day, she managed to keep it a secret from the lady. Ava had been very careful every time Magnus walked her home, she had always checked from the distance if Lady Byrne's carriage was around. The lady was desperate to know, but Ava managed to avoid talking about it in a friendly way, eventually the lady gave up, but still glanced at her curiously sometimes, and she pretended to be unaware. She didn't know how long she could keep it a secret, but when the time came for the lady to find out, she could only hope she had already knew Magnus' feeling for her. She had no doubt he had something for her, but thus far, he barely said anything about it.
It was an enchanting evening. The whole country was having a May Day celebration and people had started to gather in the town square since the afternoon. A Maypole had been erected at dawn, brightly decorated with colorful ribbons, boughs and garlands. Soon after the sons and daughters of May proceeded the ritual, the festivities began. Men and women danced around the Maypole in loud music and merrymaking.
Magnus pulled her into the dancing revelry and they were blending with dozens of couples. He was swinging, twisting, spinning her on her heels till she felt dizzy and they couldn't stop laughing. She was absorbed to the gaiety and music, completely oblivious about how long they had been there.
Thereafter, he lead her out of the noisy festivities into a quiet trail leading to an immense barley field. The stars above looked like a million bright specks sprinkled over a black canvas.
"I think I lost something." He spoke in a muffled voice.
"What? Let's get back, maybe we can still find it." Ava was about to turn around, but he held her back.
"No, someone has stolen it."
"What? That's too bad... What's lost?"
"My heart..."
Suddenly he pulled her so close until their bodies crushed. He kept hold firmly on her waist. Her heart stopped as he looked deep into her eyes.
"You're the one who stole it, pretty little thief..." His eyes were sparkling like starlight.
"What I got to do with you now?"
Her voice was a bit shaking when she replied
"I will give it back to you..."
"Don't," His warm breath brushed her cheek like a sweet caress.
"Just let me have yours"
And he bent down and settled his mouth to hers. The stars over the sky were shining so bright tonight, but the fireworks she saw as she closed her eyes were even brighter. It wasn't her first kiss since the disgusting Roger had her first. But it was her first kiss indeed, for it was real. It was mutual, consensual, from the heart. It was a kiss from a man she had fallen in love with, for the first time in her restricted twenty years. It was a first kiss that she always dreamed of.
When he walked her home later that night, she prayed he was the knight heaven sent, coming into her life to save her like a tale she heard long long time ago, once upon a bedtime story.
They walked along the same path to her home the next day in the afternoon, hand in hand, fingers entwined. Last night he had confessed his feeling for her and she had let him know she felt the same way. After lots and lots of exchanged glances and stolen kisses, her home finally got near. Ava scanned along and found no signs of Lady Byrne's presence. There was no carriage around. They walked until they reached the wooden fence of the cottage.
"It's hard to say goodbye." He gazed into her eyes, bending to kiss her one last time. "See you tomorrow, love."
The door swayed open behind her and a woman's noisy babble burst from the house. Ava turned her head in shock to the doorway, knowing instantly who was standing there.
Lady Byrne looked as surprised as she was, even more. Her mouth dropped open like she was seeing a ghost.
Ava totally agreed Magnus' entire appearance could be described as jaw dropping, but Ava had never seen the effect on women so literally. She was just thinking Lady Byrne was overly dramatic when the lady hurried toward them and performed a low, elegant curtsy.
"My Lord! What a pleasant surprise! I sure didn't expect to see you here!"+