The game was simple. Spin the bottle and the person it pointed to got to pick what they were willing to do. ‘Truth, Dare, Bite, or Kiss’. If the bottle stopped between two of them, both took a turn. A shot for every ‘pass’.
Brave eyed Tate, not sure how far the drummer was willing to go. Or, honestly, if there was anything he wouldn’t do.
Shiori was a different story. Was she still trying to prove herself? Simply living for the moment? She’d only had two drinks, so she wasn’t drunk, but definitely tipsy enough to go further than she normally would.
Which meant he got to play the game and be the ref. He was feeling the whiskey too, but still sober enough to throw down the red flag if needed.
There were limits none of them would cross tonight.
Including him.
Especially him.
He clenched his jaw as Tate sent the bottle spinning.
It stopped. Pointing at Shiori.
“Truth.” She blushed and ducked her head. “Yes, I’m a total coward.”
“It’s the first spin.” Tate shrugged, making Brave love him even more. “Since we were talking about blowjobs, what’s the longest you’ve ever given one?”
Shiori fiddled with her short red skirt. “Ah…I haven’t.”
“Haven’t given a long one?” Tate looked confused and Brave wanted to smack him until the drummer’s eyes went wide. “Oh, you mean… Never?”
“Never.” Shiori made a face. Then grinned. “Maybe you can teach me.”
“Still learning myself, but I can try.” Tate grinned back at her. “Your turn.”
First few rounds were all truth and dare—the dare which had Tate wearing only boxers and Shiori sitting there in one of the band’s T-shirts, soaking wet—but Brave had a hard time thinking beyond her first answer. He could tell she was innocent, but this was more. She had absolutely no experience.
And she was playing a fucked up game with two metalheads in a band.
And I’m fucking going to hell for letting her.
The bottle stopped, pointing at him after her next spin. He was tempted to go with truth again—she wasn’t good at asking revealing questions—but he needed to up the ante.
This game was important to her. Whatever had held her back so long wasn’t here now. But he was.
If they only had tonight, he’d make sure it was a night she remembered.
Setting his hands on the floor behind him, he leaned back. “Bite.”
Without hesitating, she crawled over to him, bracing her hands by his hips as she rose up on her knees. He closed his eyes as her lips brushed his throat. Trembling, her breasts pressed against his arm, she inhaled softly. A warm caress on his skin, nothing but her breath, but enough to have his pulse pounding low. His jaw ticked as he forced himself to hold still.
This game was hard. With how many he played, this should be nothing, but his games only had one rule. Mutual satisfaction with zero expectations. He’d toyed with those he considered a challenge, but Jesse had been his last victim. After tossing the man’s heart in the blender, he’d gotten a serious wake-up call.
No one was gonna tolerate his shit anymore. And he’d begun to hate the man he saw in the mirror. A man who carelessly destroyed others. Who would crush his own brother because lashing out was easier than facing the damage he’d done.
Putting himself in this situation had been stupid, but maybe he wanted to punish himself. He had no control over what happened tonight. He always took what he wanted. He wanted Shiori.
But he couldn’t have her.
Which would be much easier to accept if he’d kept his distance. If he’d gone to bed with his damn book.
The graze of her teeth on his skin drew a rough sound from his chest. A little pressure and he ground his teeth together, fighting back a hot wave of lust. He wanted to lift her into his lap. Claim her lips and her body and get her out of his system. He never resisted temptation.
That had to be why he was painfully hard. Sure, he’d been on his best behavior lately, but that only meant he didn’t fuck around in his own playground.
Shiori bit down, giving a nice edge of pain to the pleasure of her mouth on him.
He hissed through his teeth. Groaned as she flicked her tongue over the lightly throbbing spot on his neck.
“Stop.” He gently nudged her away from him. “Careful, little moon.”
She giggled, sitting back on her heels. “Sorry, I was enjoying myself.”
“Why ‘little moon’?” She settled back to her spot on the floor, her cheeks rosy red and her eyes shining. From the alcohol or the thrill of being a little naughty, he couldn’t tell.
She didn’t seem as affected by what had just happened as he was, though. Which was good. Safe.
He focused on her question. “Your eyes…” He shook his head and laughed, willing his blood to cool enough for his brain to function. “Just seemed fitting. I’ll stop calling you that if it bugs you.”
“It doesn’t.” She held his gaze for a long time, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth.
One taste. One more taste and he’d get the hell out of here. Take a long shower. Set temperate to artic.
“I think Brave’s ready to call it quits.” Tate smirked when Brave blinked at him. “Yeah, I’m still here.”
“I know.” Brave put his hand over the bottle. “And I’m not done yet.”
He gave the bottle a hard spin, sitting back to observe both Shiori and Tate as they watched it go round and round. So far they’d had all the power. Kept the game light, completely stacked against him. Fine, he was sporting wood and could do fuck all about it, but he’d raised the stakes.
Either could back down. No harm, no foul.
He wouldn’t.
They both swallowed hard when the bottle stopped. Shiori glanced over at Tate. Tate bit the tip of his tongue and shook his head.
Brave looked at the bottle.
It had stopped between them.
I am so fucked.
* * * *
If Shiori hadn’t been so nervous, Brave’s expression would be funny. He’d been both tender and distant, confusing the hell out of her after she bite his neck. For a moment she’d felt something between them. She thought he might kiss her. Try to seduce her.
He wouldn’t have to try hard.
Letting herself even consider anything beyond this game was dangerous, but she couldn’t help it. She let her gaze trail over his long, hard body, covered in black from his knee-high boots to the hair tightly bound at the nape of his neck. His face was pale, but his eyes were almost as dark as everything else about him.
There was challenge in his level gaze. He expected them to end the game before things went too far.
Tate wouldn’t end it, but when she caught his gaze for some kind of direction, his eyes mirrored her uncertainty. They’d climbed into the lion’s den. Both careless about the risk until the beast had them cornered.
Brave hadn’t moved an inch. He’d trapped them without even trying.
She took a sip of her drink. Then another, meeting his eyes as she considered her options. No one would blame her for laughing and saying the game had been fun, but she was out. Nothing much had happened. She could face them tomorrow without a hint of shame.
But why be ashamed if she didn’t retreat? Both men lived up the rock star image. The fans worshiped them, some up close and personal. Fine, she wasn’t a member of the band, but she wasn’t in her isolated bubble anymore. She’d escaped her cage, if only for a little while.
Tate had told her not to do anything she’d regret.
She’d regret not playing this game for all it was worth.
“Kiss.” She settled back against the sofa, ready for whatever would come next. If Brave changed his mind and walked away she would deal. Her chest ached at the thought, but she didn’t expect anything from him.
She knew better.
Innocent and stupid didn’t go hand in hand. Whether this ended with a kiss or…or more, it would end. He wasn’t a man looking for something long term.
And she wasn’t a woman who could ask for it.
But tonight? Tonight she could have.
Brave’s jaw ticked. He nodded once, then looked over at Tate. “And you?”
“Whatever you want, man.” Tate rubbed his hands on his thighs. “Is this gonna be weird? I thought it would be fun. I’m not sure it—”
“Shut up, Tate. You’re about to get exactly what you want from me.” Brave pushed to his feet and moved to the sofa, settling down and patting the cushion beside him. “Come here, Shiori.”
She slid onto the sofa, heat gathering within while goosebumps spread across her flesh.
He curved his hand around the side of her neck. Ran his thumb lightly over the tender skin of her throat. “We shouldn’t do this.”
No. He couldn’t stop now. She’d accept any warning. Assure him she wasn’t going to get her heart involved. It wasn’t available. Not after what happened to Kyoko.
Love wouldn’t have saved her sister’s life, but her son would have his father.
The past was the past. She’d learned from it. What she needed from Brave wasn’t sweet talk or promises. What they did tonight wouldn’t change what she decided to share with him.
So far, he’d changed her opinion of him. In a good way.
He was a good man.
Cared about people more than he let off.
Not enough yet, but a good start.
As for tonight? She was done playing. “You owe me.”
His brow lifted. Lips slanted, he shifted closer to her. “Do I?”
“Yes, you do. Our first kiss was ‘too sweet’. Our second you were an asshole.” She touched her bottom lip with her thumb. “I don’t think I like it rough.”
He made a gruff sound in his throat. Stroked along her pulse again. “I’m not gentle.”
“But you were.”
“My kiss was gentle. I was being careful. That’s not me.”
“I can go.” Tate was sitting by their feet, looking uncomfortable. Like he knew he didn’t belong.
Reaching out with his free hand, Brave latched on to the front of his shirt. “Tonight, Tate. You get what you want from me tonight. And never fucking mention it again.”
Snagging his fingers in Brave’s belt, Tate rose up on his knees, slamming his lips against the other man’s as he tugged the belt open. Shiori watched them, forgetting how to breathe. Brave’s strength as he tightened his grip on Tate’s shirt. Tate’s complete surrender to the moment.
Everything she wanted, so close.
As Tate undid Brave’s jeans, drawing the zipper down, bowing his head, Shiori caught a brief glimpse of Brave’s thick, hard dick before Tate’s lips slid over him. Darker than his skin, with a smooth head that Tate focused on before taking him in deep.
“Now you’ve seen it.” Brave’s tone was soft, yet cold. Like he was keeping his distance. “He’s good.” Brave cupped his hand around the back of Tate’s head, thrusting up into his mouth. “But this means nothing.”
“Why?” She forgot the kiss she’d asked for, lowering her hand to Tate’s shoulder, entranced with the way he moved. “You care about him.”
“I do.” Brave’s relaxed his hold on Tate’s head, letting the younger man glide over him freely. “But he’s not mine.”
“Do you want him to be?” She wondered what Tate thought about the conversation. He hadn’t slowed down. Didn’t seem to notice Brave’s distraction.
Running his hand lightly over Tate’s hair, Brave chuckled. “No. He needs someone stronger than I am. Someone that won’t use him.”
“You’re using him?”
“I am. And he wants me to.” Brave curved his fingers, putting a little pressure on her neck. Reminding her she was part of this. “Do you?”
“Want you to use me?” She snickered at his frown. He didn’t get who she was. Not really. All he saw was the fragile girl with so much to lose. Not a woman who could play at his level. “You haven’t been paying attention. All I want is a kiss. Are you offering more?”
“No.” He brought his lips to hers, his tone low. “Not if ‘more’ means anything.”
“It doesn’t.”
“Good.” His eyes drifted shut as Tate moved over him faster. “I want you to feel what I do. Complete fucking freedom. It’s good. So damn good.”
“Show me.” She was done being scared. That fear hadn’t gotten her anywhere. But Brave’s lips on hers sent her pulse racing, like she’d strapped into a car going so fast she couldn’t see anything but a blur flashing by.
His kiss was deep, delving past the last of her restraints. His tongue touched hers and she moaned, splaying her hands over his chest as she rose up to take more.
She whispered against his lips. “Please… Show me.”
Slipping away from Tate, Brave leaned her back on the sofa. He kissed down her body, lifting her damp shirt over her bare breasts. He curved a hand under one breast, lifting it to his mouth. His lips on her nipple shot a sizzling string of pleasure to her core. Her feet shifted restlessly on the floor as he shifted his attention to her other breast.
Fuck, she’d never known having a man’s mouth on her breasts could feel so amazing. When he moved away from her, pulling her hips off the edge of the sofa, her breath caught.
He stopped suddenly, his grip tightening against her thigh. “Tate. Slow down.”
“No.” She smoothed her hand over his hair, pulling it loose. “You don’t have a say. It’s our turn.”
With a gruff sound, he continued down her body. He tugged at her panties with one hand. The other rested on Tate’s head. He had her bared to him in seconds, positioning one of her legs up over the arm of the sofa.
“You asked for a kiss.” He breathed out a laugh, bringing his mouth to the base of her stomach, bracing his hand on the cushion by her hip. “You didn’t say where.”
“But you already gave me one.” Not that she was complaining. She might be if she didn’t want him exactly where he was. The brief urge to cover herself disappeared as he licked along the crease between her hip and her thigh. He sucked on the flesh right above her pussy, using his tongue and his teeth to make her squirm.
“I did.” He ran his scruffy cheek along the inside of her thigh. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Brave.” Her hips jerked as his tongue flicked over her clit. The tiny bundle of nerves sent off sparks of pure, desperate need. “Oh god…”
“I’ll take that as a no.” He traced his tongue between her folds, then back up over her clit as she writhed on the edge of the sofa, bitting into her cheek to keep from crying out. “So fucking sweet.”
His mouth covered her, licking and sucking, drawing out the pleasure until it built up, coiling tight within. Bursting into a million flares, lighting her up inside and out, release tore a sharp cry from her lips.
He dipped his tongue into her, thrusting deep, drawing out the exquisite sensation until she lay beneath him, her heart pounding and her strength gone.
His grip abruptly tightened on her thigh. He cursed, pressing his forehead against her stomach and shuddering.
Rising up from his place on the floor, Tate leaned over her, kissing her as she gasped for air. His lips were slick and salty. He tasted like Brave and she wanted more.
With a low growl, Brave jerked Tate away from her. Made a frustrated sound when Tate whimpered and kissed him, both men above her, struggling for control.
Brave pulled away, chuckling as he ran his thumb over Tate’s bottom lip. “You’re not playing fair. What did you get out of this?”
“Everything.” Tate nuzzled his head against the side of her neck. “Can we keep her?”
“Maybe.” Brave slung an arm over Tate’s shoulders, while idly brushing his fingers through her hair. “Still want to stay?”
Yes. But she shouldn’t. Feeling good was shallow. Brave dividing his attention so quickly made it very clear that the game was over. And that’s all this was. All it would ever be.
Exactly what she’d wanted.
But her body was not making this simple. How could she have his mouth on her and pretend nothing had changed?
You knew it wouldn’t. Be like Tate. This was fun. It’s over now.
“Mmm, definitely staying.” She curled up on the sofa, moving just enough to cover herself with the shirt before closing her eyes. The shirt wasn’t comfortable, but the damp material kept her from feeling exposed as the hum of pleasure drifted away.
“Good.” Brave stroked her hair, which really wasn’t fair. Tenderness from him was the last thing she needed.
And he didn’t stop there.
“Tate, go get her one of my shirts.” Brave leaned close, smiling when she peeked at him. “Come on, sweetie. Let’s get you comfortable.”
“I am comfortable.” She sighed when he arched a brow at her. All right, sleeping in a wet shirt probably wasn’t smart. And the leather of the sofa was sticking to her skin. “Ugh. Fine. But then you have to quit being so nice.”
“Do I now.” He helped her sit up, quickly changed her shirt, then lifted her into his arms. “I’ll make you a deal. Tomorrow I’ll be a jerk and make up for it.”
Suddenly exhausted, she rested her head on his shoulder with a little nod. But when he carried her to the bunks, easing her onto one of the middle beds and tucking her in, she struggled to stay awake.
Tomorrow would be different. She could go back to focusing on her job. On her future and Hiro’s. Keep her goal in mind and never stray from it again.
But tonight…
She didn’t want tonight to end.
“What’s wrong, Shiori?” Brave folded his arms on the edge of her bunk and rested his chin on them. “Talk to me.”
“I think… I think I was wrong.” She pressed her face into her pillow, frustrated. “I don’t know how to feel about all this.”
“Feel relaxed. Satisfied.” Brave reached out to brush a strand of hair off her cheek. “Free.”
“I’m not free.”
“Maybe not.” He rested his hand on her shoulder. “But you felt it tonight. And no one can take that away from you.”
His words, the way he stroked her hair, speaking softly about the long ride to come, about the other bands, about random things she wouldn’t remember, soothed her. She stopped thinking about what tomorrow would bring.
She was here. Now.
And that taste of freedom… Brave was right.
It was something she’d never forget.