“Come on,” said Amora to Luna, “we were supposed to be shopping today.”
Then they went into the next room.
“Do you know where the nearest clothes shops are?” Amora asked, “I’m told you have very old fashion clothing shops here.”
“Yes of course,” said Mike, “it’s generally the first thing women want to do when they come here.”
The two women looked at each other.
“Shall we go now,” said Amora.
“We have to get dressed first,” said Luna.
“You don’t have to,” said Mike, “nudity is acceptable here for both men and women.”
Amora frowned.
“I don’t think I would be comfortable walking around naked in public,” she said, “even if it is socially acceptable.”
The two women dressed themselves and the young men led the way out of the apartment to a lift and then to a rickshaw park with many types of rickshaws.
“Don’t you have hover-cars here?” asked Amora.
“Only important women born on Diana are allowed to have hover-cars,” explained Mike.
“Why is that?” asked Amora.
“I don’t know,” confessed Mike, “you can choose whatever rickshaw you like.”
The two women picked a double rickshaw so they could sit together. In a short while they were sitting in it while the two men were pulling it side by side. It didn’t take them long before they come to a street of clothes shops. They young men parked there rickshaw on the side of the road and the two women excitedly went into the nearest clothes shop. It was nearly two hours later they came back with boxes of clothing and the two men took them back to their apartment. Then they began to put on the dresses they brought in front of a full length mirror.
“So Freda fashion is all about short skirts and no knickers,” said Luna, looking in a full length mirror.
“Short skirts do show off your long legs to their best effect,” commented Amora.
“Yes,” agreed Luna, “but if I was to lift my shoulder I would show everything.”
She then demonstrated this to Amora by lifting her hands over her head and her dress also lifted enough to just see part of her pubic hair.
“They did sell longer dresses,” pointed out Amora, “I didn’t buy anything that short.”
“Yes but you are older than me,” replied Luna, “all the girls my age seem to wear very short dresses and I don’t want people thinking I’m older than I really am. But don’t you think their fashions are very provocative?”
“They would be on Asha,” admitted Amora, “but as men all men are slaves here, women don’t have to worry about what they think.”
“Yea, I can see that,” said Luna, “did you see that woman menstruating? I saw blood running down her leg and it didn’t seem to worry her. Is that normal behaviour here?”
“Yes, I saw that,” confirmed Amora, “I did read that it is perfectly acceptable for women to menstruate in public on Diana.”
“Yea and not have any men telling them it’s disgusting, or something like that,” said Luna.
“Women do that to each other as well,” pointed out Amora.
“Yea but not here, so it seems,” said Luna.
“I’m guessing that any woman making remarks about another woman menstruating in public would be sent home,” said Amora.
“I suppose that is why we are not allowed to wear trousers,” said Luna, “which is a pity as that’s what I use to wear on Asha.”
“I don’t think it is a law,” corrected Amora, “but it seems Diana women stopped wearing trousers after the Smali genocide, so I suppose it is because men wear them.”
“Yes, it’s funny how rape and genocide has made Diana women anti-men,” said Luna ironically.
The women then spent another hour trying on the clothes they brought and showing them off to the two young men. Amora by now had got over her shyness and stripped off her clothes in front of the two slaves to change clothing. Then they had lunch.
“Is there anything worth looking at around here?” Amora asked Mike as they were eating together.
“Do you want to look at buildings or the countryside?” asked Mike.
The two women looked at each other.
“I think we would prefer the countryside,” said Amora, “just take us to the local beauty spots.”
After they had finished eating they again went down the lift to the rickshaw park and used the same double rickshaw again. They set off and within a half-an-hour they were clear of the town and driving through the countryside. Then they came to a hill and soon the two men had to slow down to a fast walking space to climb up it. Then as they climbed higher they overtook another rickshaw and what they saw horrified the two women.
They saw an overweight woman with one man pulling her rickshaw. She was not only swearing and shouting at him she was also hitting him with her whip. Normally the two women would have intervened if they saw this on their home planet, but they knew that saying anything could jeopardise their mission. So they tried to ignore it and carried on.
Not long afterwards they came to the top of the hill and saw a beautiful view over the sea with seating for people to sit and admire the view.
“All right we can stop here,” said Amora to the two men who were now breathing heavily. The two women alighted from the rickshaw and sat on a nearby seat while the two men sat on the grass in front of them.
“So what did you think of the poor man being beaten as we came up here?” asked Amora looking at the two young men.
They both shrugged.
“It has happened to both of us,” admitted Mike.
“I didn’t ask you if that happened to you,” said Amora, “I asked, what you thought about it.”
The two young men looked at each other.
“If a man cannot handle a whipping like that,” said Jacob, “he shouldn’t come to this planet.”
“Yea,” agreed Mike, “we knew what we were in for before we came here. We were shown films of women abusing men on Diana before we even arrived.”
“And in spite of that, you still wanted to be here,” said Amora.
“Yea, of course,” said Mike, “that was the reason we wanted to come to this planet.”
The conversation was interrupted by the overweight woman finally coming up to where they were.
“I see you have two fine strong men to pull you,” she shouted out, “I’ve got a lazy, useless man whom I wouldn’t have got up here, if I hadn’t kept whipping him.”
The two young women stared at her in disbelief, for a moment they feared she was going to stop and talk to them, but then she continued on her way and she came to a stop further down the road.
“Doesn’t that stupid women know the reason why that poor man had problems pulling her up the hill?” asked Luna when she was out of hearing.
“It obviously can’t be anything to do with her weight, it must be because he is lazy,” commented Amora ironically.
The two young men laughed at Amora’s comment.
“So you think it funny,” said Amora, “don’t you care about the poor man being abused like this?”
“A similar thing did happen to me once and Harry thought it a great joke,” said Mike, “he wouldn’t have any sympathy us if we were in the same situation.”
“So you know the poor man,” said Amora.
“Well yea,” said Mike, “and he wouldn’t want any sympathy from us. He will be later showing off his back to the rest of us and boasting about it.”
Amora looked at Luna
“I think I’ll like to go for a walk,” she said.
They both got to their feet.
“You two stay here and look after the rickshaw,” said Amora as they walked away.
They walked quietly along a path admiring the view.
“I think we are out of range of any hidden cameras or microphones,” Amora said.
“Do you think they have them on Freda?” asked Luna.
“They can be anywhere,” said Amora firmly.
“Alright,” said Luna.
“I just want to talk about things,” confessed Amora, “I find keeping quiet and bottling everything up so difficult.”
“I know what you mean,” remarked Luna, “it is terrible what we just witnessed but according to Mary, how they treat men who are born here is even worse. You have to wonder what they do to them.”
“Perhaps the difference is that these men are volunteers, they want to be used and abused by women,” said Amora. “Perhaps men born on Diana don’t have any choice in the matter and can be abused against their will.”
“Perhaps,” said Luna doubtfully, “though that is not unusual. Didn’t you say on the planet you were born, rape is encouraged.”
“Yes,” admitted Amora, “but it is more a custom and a tradition. It is supposed to be against the law to rape women but the law is never enforced.”
“Whereas here, it is a law that men are slaves,” said Luna, “and they don’t pretend otherwise.”
“Agreed,” said Amora, “the Diana government could make men slaves without making it law. But I cannot think of anything worse than making people slaves. So what would they do, that is worse than that?”
It’s a mystery.” said Luna.
“Yes, I don’t know why our informant just doesn’t tell us,” said Amora, “instead of saying she has to show us.”
“Well hopefully we will be soon meeting her and find out,” said Luna. “Perhaps we had better get things organized.”
“Yes, we must do that when we get back into town,” said Amora.
They went quiet for a moment looking out to sea.
“That’s a lovely view across the bay,” commented Amora, “it’s a pity we didn’t stop here.”
“Yes, it is lovely,” remarked Luna.
Then they heard a crying noise.
“Is that someone getting hurt or something,” asked Amora.
“It’s coming from those bushes over there,” said Luna.
Both women quickly made their way over to the bushes but when they looked around them they saw the overweight woman whom they previously saw, was lying on the ground with her legs apart and Harry had his face buried between her legs. They could also see the whip marks on his back. The woman then spotted Amora and Luna looking at her then smiled and gave both women a wave. They gave a polite smile in return.
“He might be a useless in pulling a rickshaw up a hill,” shouted out the woman, “but he knows how to give head.”
“We’re sorry,” said Amora, “we didn’t mean to intrude.”
“That’s alright,” said the woman, “It’s a lovely place to have sex isn’t, I always love to do it in the open air.”
“Yes,” replied Amora, “we will leave you in peace.”
Both women quickly retreated.
“She is hiding behind buses,” commented Luna as they walked back, “but she is still making a lot of noise.”
Then as they got further away they heard the woman scream out.
“I assume that scream was because she orgasm and not because she got murdered,” commented Luna.
“I don’t think I care either way,” said Amora.
They then made their way back to the rickshaw and the two young men.
“I think it time we got back into town,” Amora said to Mike, “do you know the agency that deals in holidays to Sappho Island?”
The two men looked at each other.
“Yea, I think I know the place,” said Mike.
“Oh good,” said Amora.