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Chapter 2: The Planet Diana

After the space ship docked at a space station, orbiting Diana, they came off with other passengers. Then they took time to look at the planet from a viewing platform. The guide informed them that Diana was a similar size to Earth and had been populated with Earth animals and plants and so it looked similar to Earth but with different shaped continents and islands. It even rotated at a similar speed to Earth so its days and night was only an hour different.

Then they needed to go through security to be able to board a shuttle that would take them to the planet’s surface. They were guided to a security booth and nervously went inside. They knew that if they said the wrong thing they may not be allowed to land on Diana and would have to stay on the space station, and then take the next space ship home. So they had been briefed to say whatever the Diana security personal wanted to hear. Inside the booth they found a woman in uniform sitting at a desk.

“Please sit down,” said the woman. “Can you please turn off the privacy protection on your wrist computers.”

The two Asha women did this and knew the woman was now accessing their computers and personal data. They waited patiently while the security women did this.

“So you are Luna and Amora,” said the woman finally looking up from the commuter screen in front of her.

“Yes that’s right,” said Amora.

“I have to ask you a few questions before we will allow you to land on our planet,” said the woman, “You have applied for a permit to live on Diana, why do you want to live here?”

“Because we have been told you keep men under strict control,” explained Amora, repeating what she had been coached to say.

“So why it that so important to you?” asked the woman.

The two Asha women were ready for this question.

“We just want to live in a world where men are not always competing with women for power,” explained Amora.

“Yes,” said Luna, speaking for the first time, “on our planet we have laws where men and women are supposed to be equal, but it never works out like that. Men always seem to get most of the more important jobs and better pay.”

The woman smiled.

“That is a story I have heard so often,” she said, “equality between women and men is very difficult to maintain. That is why it is best to not try and realise that it is a straight fight for power. If we fail to dominate men, they will find ways to dominate us.”

Both women nodded in agreement, as they had been trained to do.

“In your application you both said you want to know what it is like to completely dominate men,” said the woman, “don’t you ever get the chance to do that on your planet?”

“We do,” said Amora, “but it’s not real, it is all fantasy play, because of the laws on our planet you cannot dominate a man without his consent. I gather you don’t have such laws here.”

“No,” agreed the woman, “we have a law that men must at all times obey women. That is why we are not a full member of the Federation of Planets, as they disapprove of legislation like this.”

“Even though there are many planets in the Federation where women are dominated by men,” said Luna remembering what her coach had told her to say.

The woman sighed.

“Yes, male dominated planets can get away with not having explicit laws like we do,” she said, “this is because men can dominate using their greater size, strength and aggression. Yet we are condemned for making strict laws that protect women against male violence by keeping them under strict control.”

Amora decided to take a small risk and fish for information.

“Part of the reason could be that people in the Federation do not know how men are controlled on Diana,” explained Amora, “so there are all sorts of incredible stories told about how you treat men on your planet, but no-one knows the truth.”

“Yes,” agreed Luna, “there are all sorts of femdom and lesbian fantasy films and books about the planet Diana, is there any truth in any of these stories?”

The security woman smiled.

“No,” she said, “they are only people’s fantasies.”

“Yes but many people think these stories are true,” pointed out Amora.

“We know,” said the woman, “but we once had an open society where people from other planets were free to come and visit us but that was used to against us. It seems our way of life greatly upset the Smali government and used it as a pretext to invade us. While the Federation which was supposed to protect us, was very slow to respond and allowed the genocide of all our men, children and half of our women, before they put a stop to it. So, that’s why we now do not allow anyone in the Federation to know about our way of life on our planet.”

“Yes, we saw a film about the Smali invasion,” said Amora, “I never realise how horrific it was, until we saw that film.”

“So you can understand why we now do not trust the Federation to protect us,” said the woman, “and why we now have our own robotic defence shield.”

“That is one thing I have learned in my young life,” said Luna with feeling, “you can never trust men.”

“You are aware,” said the woman, “that we have large numbers of applications from women who want to live on our planet. Unfortunately, far too many for us to deal with, our planet would be overcrowd if we let them all in. This is why we have to weed many out. Because of that, you will be living on the Freda islands for five weeks and we will see how you adaptable you are, to our way of life.”

“Five weeks is not very long,” commented Amora.

“Our planet is becoming very popular with tourists,” said the woman, “so we have had to cut down the amount of time tourists can stay here.”

“We learned that you don’t have men born on Diana living on the Freda Islands,” said Amora fishing for information again.

“Only a few,” replied the woman, “we have more than enough men from other planets who want to be dominated by women. We have many men also applying to live here and they serve a useful purpose because they become the slaves of our women tourists.”

She then looked again at her computer screen.

“I see you two got married, just before you came,” she said.

“Yes, this is our honeymoon trip,” explained Amora.

“So I assume you will be going to Sappho Island,” said the woman

“Yes, off course,” said Amora.

“Are you aware you have to apply in person on Freda, to go there?” said the woman.

“No, I didn’t see anything about that,” admitted Amora.

“It’s a new rule they made,” said the woman, “They are now getting too many women wanting visit it. So the woman in charge now only wants genuine lesbian couples to go there and not straight women who are not serious about lesbianism. This means they will want to have a look at you first.”

“We will be able to go to Sappho Island,” asked Amora anxiously, “that’s one of the main reasons we came to Diana.”

“There should be no problem, if they think you are a genuine lesbian couple,” said the woman, “by weeding out the straight women it will make it now a lot easier for genuine lesbians to go there, as there will be more places for them.”

“I hope your right,” said Amora with a worried look on her face.

“We of course encourage lesbian couples to come to Diana,” the woman said, “but how do you feel about having male slaves? We know some lesbians would object to this.”

“We don’t mind men, providing they are totally submissive and obedient,” said Amora.

“All right,” said the woman, “I’ll assign two male slaves to you, until you are able to find a booking on Sappho Island.”

She stood up and the two young women did the same. All three women kissed each other and within a short period of time both women found themselves on a shuttle flying to the Planet’s surface.

“Five weeks is a short time,” complained Luna, “considering it takes so long to get here and back.”

“Yes, and considering we are supposed to be wealthy you would think that would give us more time,” agreed Amora, “I just hope we have to time to do what we want.”

As they approach Freda they could see out of the Shuttle’s windows an archipelago of large and small islands in the blue sea.

“They look beautiful,” remarked Amora.

“Yes,” agreed Luna.

After the shuttle landed the two women made their way out of it into the space-port. There they saw something that slightly shocked them even though they were warned to expect it. They saw women walking along, with naked men following behind. Each man wore a collar, and a lead went from the collar to the hand of the woman in front of him. Both women knew this was the custom on Diana but it still looked very strange to them and they couldn’t stop giggling.

“Oh gosh, what a scream,” cried Luna trying not to laugh too loudly.

They lined up in a small VIP queue because of their wealth and were soon assigned a young dark-skinned woman to look after them.

“My name is Kade,” said the young woman introducing herself, “You have applied for two slaves, and an apartment.”

“That’s correct,” said Amora.

“Come with me,” said Kade.

She let the way into a room and inside was two naked muscular young men.

“This is Mike and Jacob,” said Kade introducing the two young men, “they are experienced slaves.”

The two young women could see that both young men had a collar with a lead coming from it.

Kade turned to the two young men.

“Pay homage to your new owners,” she ordered.

The two young men immediately went on all fours and crawled up to the two Asha women and kissed their feet. Luna and Amora couldn’t stop themselves giggling again. Kade’s face was impassive as she watched the reaction of the two Asha women.

“It is custom,” explained Kade, “to place one foot on the slave’s head after he kisses your feet,”

The two young women did this, even though it felt strange to them and continued to giggle.

“Now, remove your foot,” said Kade, “and they will know you have finished with them.”

Luna and Amora did this and the two young men back away, crawling backwards.

“I’ll take you to your apartment,” said Kade, “just take hold of the lead from their collars, but before you do, I’ll show you something.”

She then grabbed hold off the lead from Mike’s collar.

“There is a small button here,” she said, showing the two women the end of the lead. “This is what happens when I press it.”

She pressed the button and Mike cried out in pain.

“It’s a shock collar,” explained Kade, “so you can use it to inflict pain on your slave whenever you feel like it.”

“When would you use that,” asked Amora trying to not look horrified.

“Whenever you like,” explained Kade, “you can use it if you feel they have done something wrong, but you don’t have to give a reason to use it. They are slaves and therefore have no rights, so you can use it whenever and however you like.”

The two young women picked up the ends of the leads.

“Would you like to try out the shock button now?” asked Kade.

Both women could see no good reason to do this, but a refusal to use it could make Kade suspicious of them and jeopardise their mission. So both women press the buttons and saw both men cry out in pain. Both felt terrible seeing this but covered it up by giggling again. They then followed Kade out of the room holding on to the lead that led a slave. Kade led the way to the outside the main building and where there were three rickshaws and another young man looking after them.

“This is our transport,” explained Kade.

“It’s a very antiquated means of transportation,” said a surprised Amora.

“I know,” said Kade, “but it keeps the slaves fit. Of course with robots we don’t really need slaves, so we have to find them things to do.”

The three young men knew what to do, as they helped the three women step into the rickshaw seats and then picked up the rickshaw rails and they were soon on their way. They drove along a wide road three abreast.

“There is a whip you can use,” explained Kade.

“Do you need to use that?” asked Amora.

“No not really,” explained Kade and laughed. “They are generally keen to run as fast as they can. But it is a good idea to give them the taste of the whip every now and then. I’ll show you.”

She picked up her whip and lashed it across the back of the young man pulling her rickshaw, he grunted in pain.

“Do you want to try it,” she asked the two young women.

The two young women did the same, as they feared Kade might be suspicious of them if they refused to do it but didn’t want to hit them too hard.

Kade laughed at their efforts.

“You don’t have to be timid about it,” she said, “you can hit them as hard as you like.”

She demonstrated by giving the young man in front of her another hard crack across his back and again he groaned.

The two women did the same trying to hit the men as hard as they could with their whips and the men they hit also grunted in pain.

“I see you don’t have much practise in doing this,” said Kade, “try to use your wrists more.”

She then demonstrated as she gave the young man a third lash across his back.

Luna and Amora realised that if they didn’t get it right quickly, the three young men will be whipped many times. So they tried again and attempted to whip them to Kade satisfaction.

“That’s a bit better,” admitted Kade, she then lashed the back of the young man again.

Amora and Luna looked at each other no knowing whether to they should lash the young men in front of them once more or not.

“We better go in single file,” said Kade suddenly, “we are coming up to the main road.”

The three young men manoeuvred the rickshaws into a single file and turn into a busy main road. Then both young women saw many more rickshaws pulled by young men with female passengers. The Asha women were used to being driven around in robot controlled cars and found rickshaws very slow in spite how fast the young men were running. It seemed to them the journey took a long time.

They finally came to a block of flats. The rickshaws stopped in what looked like a rickshaw park with many rickshaws. Then men helped the women climb off them. Kade led them to a lift, the Asha women again used to leads on Mike and Jacob but the other young man stayed behind. The lift that took them to their apartment and Kade showed them inside and explained where everything was.

“Do you think you will be happy here,” she asked when she showed them every room in the luxury apartment.

“Oh I think so,” said Amora.

“If you want anything just ask your two slaves,” said Kade, “they have been living on Freda for a few years, so they will know.”

“All right,” said Amora.

“One other thing,” said Kade, “I know you are not used to having slaves, but it is something you need to get used to. It is important to use them as slaves, because on Diana slavery is the status of all men.”

“So what would happen if people don’t do that?” asked Amora.

“There stay here will be terminated,” said Kade, “we won’t tolerate people coming to our planet who will not respect our customs and lecture us on what we should be doing. Women who criticise our policy of male slavery will be sent back to where they came from.”

“Oh I agree,” said Amora, “you must respect the customs of other people, if your guests on their planet.”

“The two boys will guide you,” explained Kade, “they are totally devoted slaves, that are why we use them for women new to our planet, and so they will explain to you how you must treat them. But you are free to use them however you like.”

The three women hugged and kissed each other and Kade left. Then two Asha women looked the two slaves and were unsure what to do.

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