Normally, when I wake up from sleep in the morning, I usually get up to perform ablution and pray, After that, I do my morning chores. But everything has changed now since I graduated secondary school. The reason why I said everything has changed is that, after I perform my morning prayer,l now go back to sleep. You know that feeling one use to have after you finish your final exams, the feeling of relaxation, happiness and also feeling that you have grown up. That is what I feel right now.
I feel relieved not because of danger but because I've finished secondary school.
I stretched my body as I got up from bed. It's been a long with since I had this long sleep. I took my touch light phone to check the time, and It was 11:00 amm. Wow, so I slept this long?. I yawned
Voices could be heard in my compound, that should be my family. I went out and saw my parents and siblings outside talking.
I greeted all of them each and they all answered.
" How was your night, I hope you enjoyed it, " mama asked, hugging me.
" I slept like a princess " they all laughed at me.
"That's my child" baba teased. I only smiled at him in return.
" is it because you have finished your exams is that why you are behaving like a baby. But whenever I finish my exam you people don't use to treat me like a prince." Aliyu said and pout. He is so jealous.
"Don't worry when next you finish your exam we will all treat you like a prince my jealous child " mama teased while pinching his cheeks. We all laugh at that, it was a funny scene to see.
"Jealousy " I teased him. He only glared at me.
I settled in between them. We talk, joke around and it was so fun, I have missed this. It's been a long since we last have this kind of gathering. Baba decided to stay at home, same with my senior brothers. They said they want to spend time with family today. It's a family day. I love my family so so much.
Since I was the only one who hasn't eaten breakfast, I stood up to get some food After that, I went to sit with my brother, ya' Kabiru. He is the second child and we are so close. He is quiet and gentle.
"I miss our time together, you don't even have time for me, or is it because you have a girlfriend now. I guess that's why you don't value our time together " I feign hurt whilst he only smiled at me.
" Why would you say that, I will never forsake my sister especially my favorite sister," he said with a smile.
"I'm the only sister you have " I corrected.
"yes, something" he tried changing the topic.
" How were your exams and I hope to see a good result "
"In shaa Allah, I will pass with flying colors", I said with enough confidence.
" I trust you "
"How is your girlfriend, Hamidah right? " I asked and he was already turning red. He is just like me, a shy type.
" yes, she is fine and she also wants to meet you " he answered with a smile.
" Wow!.... I'd love to meet her. I want to see the lady my brother falls in love with. " I teased. That only made him blush. It's so funny seeing him blush, you would think that it's only a lady that like blushing but my brother can blush for Africa
Whenever he is shy, his cheeks all turned pink d it never goes unnoticed since he is very fair in complexion. We refer to the nature of the house. He is really fair and very handsome. Mama said he is just as fair as her brother who passed away before she got married to my father. Although I'm also fair but not as fair as Yaya Kabiru. Our eldest brother, Ahmad, is chocolate in complexion same as my little brother and they are also good-looking in their way. They both look like our father while I and Yaya kabiru look like Mama.
We later ended our talk because he had to meet one of his friends stood up and went to take my bath. I have to meet Aisha later because of the pending issue she has to solve.
" How are you doing ? and how is everyone at home?".Faisal asked. He came to see me as it was already planned that we would meet.
" Everyone is fine and how are Khadijah and everyone also" Khadijah is his junior sister.
" Khadijah and everyone is fine" answered Faisal.
" Have you thought of my proposal?"
"yes, I gave it a thought that's why I called you here to tell you the answer. ". His eyes widen, he was scared of rejection. I can see it in his eyes.
" so, what is your answer," he asked nervously.
" My answer is yes " I replied. Hsssmilesely at me.
" Thank you Ameera, thank you. You just made me the happiest man alive " Faisal is a very handsome and intelligent guy quite alright. I know even if I'm to get married to him, he will treat me right.
" That means I can bring my parents over to ask for your hand in marriage? "
. Oops, this is not what I expected. I want to take everything slowly before going to the next step.
"That's the thing, Faisal, I want us to take this slowly please, I'm not ready to get married right now. I want to take things slowly, I hope you understand" I said, truthfully. The smile on his face slip.
"No problem I'll wait for as long as you want. I just want you to know that my love for you would never change, I can wait forever " the sincerity was there in his eyes as he said these.
I entered into my compound as I finished talking to Faisal. Mama was arranging the firewood, she heard when I said my entry greeting so she turned to answer with a smile on her face.
" How did your talk with Faisal go,," she asked. I told her everything that has been happening between me and Faisal and she said whatever is my decision she would support me because she trusts me.
"My child, whatever you feel is right I will always stand by you. I want you to be happy and if Faisal is the one for you then it shall be. " said mama, with a smile.
That brought a smile to my face, Mama is the best mother ever. She is patient and so understanding. She has always and will continue to be my rock.