The car they brought was a G wagon, Range Rover. The car is so cool to the eyes. I have never ridden one and my parents don't have one and that doesn't mean I don't know anything about cars.
From the look on Aisha's face, I know she loves the car too.
Bashir held the passenger door for Aisha.
" Ladies first," he said to her.
I guess I'll be sitting at the back with his friend Aminu. He also opens the door for me.
" Thanks," I said with a smile
" you are welcome" he winked
The car ride was cool, with all the fresh air. Bashir and Aisha engaged themselves in a conversation, more like lifting.
" I can see you are not a talker," said Aminu as he faced me. I was surprised he was talking to me. Wow.
" I do talk " lies
"Really?...then why haven't you said anything since the ride started, " he asked. Uhmm how will I answer?
" I just don't know what to say because there is nothing to say" I replied.
" OK then, Let's start a conversation. I'm Aminu and I'm in my final year at London University. I'm also Bashir's best friend. So can you now tell me about yourself? " he asked flashing me a smile
"There is nothing to say about me. I mean, I'm just Ameera by name and I'm still a secondary student. An ss3 student"
" That's nice. So nice meeting you, Ameera" he replied stretching out his hand for a handshake. He seems nice but I still can't trust him yet.
I shook my head at him '' I don't shake guy "
My brother had warned me to beware of rich guys who act nice when they aren't nice.
"Oops, my bad"
" But anyway, thanks," I said
The car later stopped. I don't even know where we are. I think Aminu saw my confused face.
"We are in unguwan Dosa" he answered my thought.
" ok," I said.
We all got out of the car. Aisha came to my side, thank God. I don't trust this Aminu guy at all. He kept sending me this look throughout the ride and I don't like it.
Bashir parked at the front of a fancy eatery and from the look of it, the eatery is for rich people.
" This is a new eatery. I know we will enjoy ourselves," Aisha whispered to me, happily
We all marched to the entrance of the eatery. TThedoorman opened the door for us and greeted us. I showed my gratitude by thanking him. Aisha and the rest did not bother to say anything. I think that is how rich people roll.
The waiter directed us to our seats. Already, Bashir had made a reservation for us so it wasn't hard to locate our seat.
A waitress came to take our orders. I ordered fried rice and chicken. Aisha went for the same thing I ordered whilst the guys ordered something else.
We all busied ourselves with our food. Truthfully, I felt out of place, I felt like a loner amongst them. They were all confident whilst I was so shy.
When we finished our dinner, a waitress came to clear our table. At that moment, Aisha and Bashir excused themselves. I'm quite sure they needed Some time together without disturbance.
That left Aminu and me. I don't even know what to say to him.
" How do you like your meal," he asked
" It was delicious " I answered truthfully.
It was true, the food was so delicious. This is my second time eating fried rice. The first time I ate it was in Aisha's house.
Aminu tried starting up a conversation and I was not in the mood for any. He even tried flirting with me. Can you imagine this guy?
"Ameera I've tried seeking your attention for the past few minutes, you don't even wanna talk to me," he said
Who send you. I wanted to say
" No, you were flirting and I'm not one of your fangirls. I don't like flirts like you period" I said with annoyance.
Does he think I'm one of those girls?
Where did Aisha go to, she is taking so long. How could she leave me with a stranger? I wanted to scream out of annoyance. I looked around, hoping that I might see her but it was all in vain.
I'm so eager to go home.
" You don't need to pretend, I know you are just acting tough so that I'll like you. Don't be shy we could hook up without anyone knowing, even your friend, Aisha won't know. " Aminu said with his signature smirk.
Is he alright? do I look like I'm crushing on him? This guy is crazy.
" How dare you, how dare you propose such nonsense to me. Do I look like a prostitute to you. Because you came from a rich home, that does not give you the right to disrespect a lady." I was fuming
He looked stunned at my outburst
"You must be stupid. Let me warn you, don't you ever offer such nonsense to me. Don't you ever. " I shouted with so much anger,
He looked surprised and scared at the same time. People around turned to see what was going on. I was seeing red, I left the place immediately. I waited for Aisha outside.
Stupid rich people. who does he think he is? I mean, just because he was born with a silver spoon does not give him the right to say such nonsense to me.
I felt like crying, I need my mother right these minutes. I need her to hug. Don't laugh at me.