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Chapter 3 : Shattered

"Long after I've given up, my heart still searches for you without your permission." - Rudy Francisco

Stefan's POV

Gran was very happy with us and I could see it in her eyes that she wanted me and Rosy to always be together. I know it was impossible, but I just didn't have the courage to face it. It was strange that I had never been so happy in all my twenty-four years of life as I was now with Rosy. She didn't need to make any effort at all, a little smile, a little moment with her was enough to have me in an eternal state of bliss. She was strangely oblivious to the effect he had on me and that endeared her more to me. It seemed that a mere teenaged girl had won my heart more than anyone else I knew. I just wished that I had met her before! I just wished that my life wasn't such a complicated mess as it was now! What I would do to be able to be with her forever! I could die to just see a smile on her face.

After a fortnight of happiness with Rosy, reality struck and I came out of my dreamland, with a phone call from my dad, asking me to return immediately as Claudia had gone into labor and had been admitted to the hospital, and would deliver the baby soon. I felt guilty for having completely forgotten about Claudia and my messy, sh*tty life. I immediately packed up my stuff and decided to pay Gran a visit before leaving for New York.

Gran was alone in her room, lying down and reading a magazine. She sat up when she saw me and smiled. It was a sad smile as if she knew that I was leaving. Maybe dad had informed her before calling me up.

"Stefan, are you leaving?" She asked, keeping the magazine down and giving me all her attention.

"Yes Gran, dad called, Claudia is admitted, she's gone into labor," I answered with a poker face. I knew that gran hated Claudia as did everyone else but she was the biiter truth of my life. My mistake!

"What about Anna, Stefan? Won't you talk to her before leaving?" Gran asked with concern. Gran knew everything about me but that question was something I didn't have any anwer to.

"Please gran, don't get your hopes up for something which is impossible,'' I said, irritated that gran took up the topic which I wanted to avoid the most. However my scowl didn't deter gran and she prodded further.

"She likes you, Stefan, I saw the way you look at each other, please speak to her before you leave," gran persisted. I knew that gran was very attached to Rosy, even more than she was to me, but I couldn't give her any false hopes. I didn't have the courage to face her and talk about us if there was any possibility of an 'us'.

"Gran, please understand that Annabelle is not my type. I am married to Claudia and she is expecting a child. There is nothing between me and Annabelle and there never could be. Please let us drop the topic here," I said earnestly. I could not look at gran after uttering the harsh absolute truth. It was the harsh reality and seeing gran's pale face made me feel like a devil. She nodded gravely nd sighed and thankfully didn't prod any further.

A gasp made me look towards the door. My heart broke when I saw Annabelle's pale face, as she stood there frozen and shocked. She must have overheard every word I had said. I stood like a statue transfixed to the spot, not knowing how to comfort her. I knew that I had hurt her and maybe broke her heart as well. Would she start hating me for it? It was better that she hated me. She ran out of the room and I didn't have the courage to follow her and explain myself. My life was a mess and I knew that no one could understand what I was going through. Annabelle was just a teenager and beyond my league. She was a distant dream for me, a dream which I should forget. I quietly left the mansion with Duke. That was the last time I saw Annabelle.

Annabelle's POV

My heart shattered into a million pieces when I overheard Stefan. I hadn't in my worst nightmares expected this. I felt unwanted and a burden on the Hendersons for the first time after my grandfather's death. I never saw a ring on his finger, but he was married and his wife was expecting his child? I couldn't believe it. My seventeen-year-old heart had started weaving dreams of a happily ever after with him only to be painfully reminded of the reality. His words rang in my ears. I wasn't his type. It hurt me to even think about how foolish I had been to have fallen in love with him in such a short span of time. He was the first man I ever spoke to about myself. The first whom I had opened up to. I could feel that he was equally attracted to me just as I was to him. Was it all casual flirting? I really was too inexperienced to know. I knew I had to forget him and move on. I had loved and lost and this was the hardest reality of my life.

I flung myself onto my bed and cried my heart out, till there were no tears left. I couldn't face gran and decided to stay locked up in my room for the rest of the day only coming down only for food. Gran left me at peace and allowed me my space. So it was a relief when my school reopened and I could keep myself busy with my studies to block out all thoughts and feelings of Stefan.

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