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Chapter 1 : Getting To Know Each Other

Anabelle's POV

"Stefan dear, come and join us for breakfast,'' said gran. Then turning towards me she introduced, "Anna sweetheart, this is my eldest grandson, Stefan." Looking at him, she added, "Stefan, meet Annabelle, I told you about her, remember?" He nodded at gran. I looked at him, trying to be as nonchalant as possible but I could feel the warm flush creep up my cheeks at his continuous stare. His piercing blue eyes seemed to stare right through into my soul.

"We meet again,'' he said as he stretched his hand out for a shake over the table.

"Yeah, sadly, we do," I put my hand forward but a jolt of electric tingles ran upwards causing goosebumps to erupt as soon as our hands touched. He might have felt it too, as his eyes dilated. I snatched my hand away immediately. I could feel his eyes on me, checking out my whole body, shamelessly. I glared at him instead but he seemed the least bit affected, the knowing smirk on his face making my blood boil.

Gran seemed oblivious to our little encounter as she enjoyed her delicious pancakes, adding more fruit toppings to each bite. Throughout breakfast, I felt his intense stare taking in my every move. Duke was no different, his wide-eyed gaze upon me also had me nearly rolling my eyes. He was thankfully taken away from the room by Martha to be fed and cleaned. Although I felt like a worm under a microscope, gran's continuous chatter taking updates of all the Henderson siblings made the time pass by quickly.

After breakfast, gran went to her room as her physiotherapist had arrived and I went back to gardening. Stefan disappeared upstairs to his room along with his beast, and I was thankful. The soft summer breeze kept me cool as I successfully planted the geranium seeds. I was done, so with a wave towards John, I left the garden and went up to my room for a shower. Feeling fresh, I wore a pink tank top and denim shorts and left my hair open for air drying. I went to the terrace and sat on the swing, my favorite place in the whole world. I had with me the book I'd been reading "Murder on the Orient Express (Poirot)" by Agatha Christie.

I was so engrossed in reading the book that I didn't feel the swing sway and was startled when someone whispered "Breathe, it's only fiction", in my ears. I fell off the swing along with my book and landed on my butt. My eyes went wide seeing none other than a grinning Stefan standing a few inches away. The amusement in his eyes again made me mad with anger.

"God, you're impossible, you scared me," I huffed and got up and whirled around, ready to leave. He caught my wrist, stopping me, and brought me back to the swing, making me sit with him. I turned my head in the other direction.

Coming closer he said, "Ok, sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity of his apology.

He didn't move away and his eyes intensely scanned my face and hair as if peering into my soul. I forgot to breathe in his nearness. He had the most stunning eyes, electric blue, sparkling from the reflection of the sunlight outside the sunshade. His eyes held my gaze in a hypnotic trance. I couldn't look away although my conscience told me to.

After our staring contest, he abruptly looked away and moved out of my personal space, "So you love suspense thrillers? What else do you like?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, I like those as well as romance, and philosophical books too. What about you?" I couldn't help but ask him. I wanted to know so much about him.

"Romance? Do you believe in those? In true love?" he asked incredulously, staring at my face, his eyes boring a hole in my face and neck.

"Yeah, I believe we all are destined for someone. True love happens once in everyone's lifetime," I said looking up in the sky at the creator of this universe who writes our destinies too.

"You are very innocent and naive. There's nothing called true love. Man makes his own destiny. Everyone is after something, some gain, or just for some personal benefit out of a relationship. It may sound cynical to you, but it is the bitter truth," he explained to me.

I looked at him and pondered over what he said. Maybe he was hurt by someone, turning him so bitter against the thought of love and relationships, I concluded.

"How old are you?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"Seventeen, and you?" I asked.

''I'll turn twenty-four in three months," he informed me with a small smile. I realized that he was still holding my hand, I looked up and I tried to free myself, feeling self-conscious. He took the hint and released me.

"You are very attached to gran, I noticed," said Stefan.

"Yeah, she's all I have," I answered in a small voice. He again took my hand and squeezed it.

"Gran loves you a lot and talks to us about you all the time whenever we call. Thanks for being there for her, she needs company. We are all so busy and far away, she misses all her grandchildren," he sighed as he spoke.

I looked up into his blue eyes and felt warm and grateful. Apart from gran, someone else appreciates me for the first time. My dad had always proved to me how worthless I was. I knew Stefan had a twin sister and three half-brothers as gran had told me, and they were all busy with their studies. They hardly came over to spend time with gran. She was lonely when I arrived here, but ever since I started living here, she has been happier. So his appreciation made me all the more confident that I could take care of gran, the way she took care of me.

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