As was what he revealed when he took off his shirt. Damn it, the man might be a shitty liar, but he could bite back a hell of a lot of pain. Most of his chest was mottled in bruises in different stages of healing, along with a few gashes that looked like they’d been made by someone wearing a ring.
Curtis straightened from the wall, his grip going to Matt’s shoulder to pull him back when the sub fisted both hands and snapped up his head, nostrils flaring. Arms going around Matt’s middle, he whispered something in his ear that sounded from a few feet away like ‘Settle’.
Jared breathed deep and nodded to himself. “What caused the contusions? Point out which ribs you think are cracked.”
Gaze on Matt, Lawson wet his bottom lip with his tongue, brow furrowing as he shifted his focus to Jared. “Mostly fists.” He brought his hand to his left side. “Here seemed to have been the focus.”
Letting out a breath between his teeth, Reed lifted himself onto a nearby counter. “Noah didn’t look like that when he got out. What the fu—hell? This isn’t… Why?”
Jared glanced up at Reed as he helped Lawson lie back on the exam table. “If you can’t allow me to conduct the exam, I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Pale, gaze shuttering, Reed nodded and slid back against the wall, hugging his knees to his chest. The questions were good ones, but Lawson needed to be checked on first. The rest would come. At least the boy seemed self-contained enough. Gaze going to Dallas, Rhodey took a moment to make sure Keiran’s weak grip on his hand was enough to steady him.
Curtis crooked his finger to Reed and pointed in front of himself. He held out one arm in invitation.
Slipping off the counter, Reed moved to obey automatically, but Rhodey stopped him for a second, pressing something into his hand before sending him to his Dom. Reed’s dimple made a brief appearance as he moved to Curtis’s side, unwrapping the lollipop and sticking it in his mouth. His gaze was still troubled, but the candy seemed to put him in a better place and Rhodey preferred to keep them on hand so he could avoid a repeat of the poisoned candy dish.
Then he decided to make his own observations and draw Jared’s attention his way. “Some nice boot prints in those bruises. No lack of enthusiasm there.”
“I appreciate the marks if only because it tells me where to look.” Poking and prodding, Jared watched Lawson’s face for signs of pain. “Stubborn. Why can’t you tell me when it hurts, like a normal patient? Most would be crying for their mommies by now.”
“I’m sure she’d be entertained if I was ever so inclined.” Lawson’s brow creased slightly. “I’m human. It hurts. But I didn’t see it as a priority.”
Rhodey let out a soft laugh. “I’d say you were a masochist, only you clearly aren’t enjoying yourself. A shame, that would’ve added an interesting angle to your dynamics.”
Curtis snickered. “One fucked-up head per relationship, please.”
The smile on Lawson’s lips thinned slightly at another poke from Jared. He lowered his head, black hair falling forward just enough to brush over his brows. “Are you still seeing your… I noticed you’ve been fighting again. And you’re dressing on the left.”
“I got cleared. No worries, my man.” Though his smile was tight, Curtis’s brown eyes flashed gratitude. He clearly appreciated having been noticed.
All around, the two close friends, their bond with one another and their subs, seemed fairly stable. Which would be important going forward. With Lawson’s tendency to distract himself with work and caring for others, who knew how whatever he’d gone through would come out? But he had support. And people who read him well, despite his best efforts to shift the focus away from himself.
Jared stood back, snapping off his gloves. “No tape. You’ll breathe deeper. No fighting, in case I need to say it. But...talking is good. It’ll get air into your lungs. So start. Maybe with what kind of prison gives a release day party like—” He motioned to Lawson’s ribs. “—this.”
Carefully pulling his shirt back on, Lawson kept his gaze trained on each button as he did them up. “I was released because they had nothing to hold me on any longer and...I wasn’t as useful as they’d hoped I’d be. It helped not having the information they wanted.” He drew in a measured breath before lifting his head. “Refusing to make any calls to increase the impact of my absence didn’t make me any friends.”
Dropping his foot from the wall, Curtis let go of Reed and Matt. “He’s tired. We’ll all chat when he’s had a chance to rest.”
“Yes, we will.” Rhodey’s mind went over the facts Lawson had provided already, finding no lie there. More to be explored? Definitely. But at least if he had to...pressure the man for more, half the work had been done for him already. He wouldn’t get anywhere with his men around him, though, and why stress everyone out when letting them relax would produce better results?
Jared turned to wash his hands, waiting until he wasn’t facing Lawson to throw down his gauntlet. “You’re not allowed on the fourth floor.”
Rising from the exam table, tucking in his shirt before reaching for Matt, Lawson stilled. Frowned, then nodded slowly. “No offense, but I could do with some time before dealing with Noah. I hadn’t planned to make any house calls anytime soon.”
“Well, you’re in luck.” Dark blond brows twitched with Curtis’s knowing smirk. “He’s gone for the night. Took Jamie to the airport and booked a hotel. I hope they’re not both arrested for disorderly conduct. Sub has pipes.”
“Aww, he’s not so bad. Keiran likes him, and Keiran’s picky A.F. about who he puts up with.” Reed shot the other sub a conspiratorial look, then swirled his tongue around his red lollipop. “Just don’t insult his Dom or you better duck.”
Jared cast Reed a dark look, his gaze softening when it went to Keiran. “Those pretzels for Wren will buy you a ladle toss...or two.”
Lips curved slightly in response, Keiran lowered his gaze and leaned against Dallas’s arm, where they both stood outside of the open, light blue privacy curtains. He obviously had some thoughts about Jared’s recent exclusion of Jamie from Wren’s life, but Dallas’s boy was a smart one. He’d keep them to himself until he was alone with his man.
And Rhodey, but it was pretty much understood that he was a fixture in their lives. Like their new sofa. Only...more protective. And dangerous.
In all the best ways, of course.
“Well, since the four of you will be doing the reunion thing, I guess I’ll pretend to be an employee again.” Rhodey cracked his knuckles. “Should I man the bar or serve tables?” He deferred to Dallas, knowing it fucked with people, who tended to forget he had a say in how the club was managed. “Up to you, boss.”
Dallas caressed Keiran’s shoulder with his thumb, looking to his sub. “I can start the clean-up if you two don’t mind manning the bar up front?”
“Can’t Jackson…” Keiran inhaled roughly. Nodded once. “Yes, sir. I can do that. The kitchen’s closed for the night anyway.”
Leaning close, Dallas smiled into Keiran’s eyes. “And the bar will be quiet now. You’ll be able to relax and chat or not. Call me if it gets to be too much?”
At Keiran’s nod, Rhodey shot him an encouraging look, then a meaningful one to Dallas to convey he’d stick close, as he preceded them to the door. He held the door for them, letting it go for the others to deal with, since they were moving slower.
He kept his voice low as they made their way through the now empty gym. “This should be interesting. How long do you think it’ll be before he and Noah are growling at each other over paperwork?”
Dallas chuckled. “I say you pull a Solomon and split the ledger in half.”
Grinning, Rhodey shoved open the door to the bar. “I like that idea. Lawson will lose his damn mind, but I’m not opposed to that either. Man needs to unwind a bit. Who the fuck is that composed after getting out of lockup?”
“Maybe we found his secret kink—the one he’ll flip for. Everyone’s got one.” Eyeing Rhodey, Dallas ushered Keiran toward the bar and turned toward the supply closet at the rear of the gym. “Bet yours is playing Houdini with chains.”
Is that so?
Rhodey waited until Dallas opened the closet, then moved up behind him, speaking low. “Actually, it’s dark places. But you know that already.”
Hand spasming around the doorknob, Dallas looked over his shoulder, his gaze darkening. “That wasn’t bottoming or submitting. Unless I was so freaked out I didn’t notice where my dick was, and...I’m pretty sure I would have noticed.”
The man was funny. It was risky to play these games with him, but sometimes Rhodey couldn’t help himself. “It was surrendering to my baser instincts in a way. Definitely counts. Besides, I knew where your dick was. Might be the only reason you still have it. You’re welcome.”
Tongue pressed to his bottom lip, Dallas nodded minutely. And reached over to flick off the bank of lights.
He decided to take pity on the man, since he liked him and all. And they were sticking to Rhodey’s own rules. Giving him some space, Rhodey went to the bar to deal with last call as Keiran fulfilled a few drink orders, using the instructions for the ones he hadn’t memorized yet. Once he was done with them, Rhodey served the members, which cut the chatter to...well nothing.
Just the way I like it.
As the bar emptied out, he jutted his chin at Keiran. “Take care of whatever you need to in the kitchen, I got this and you’re not putting in extra hours again.”
“Yes, sir.” Keiran disappeared into the galley as though he’d been held under water and was finally being allowed to come up for air. The man definitely preferred being in the kitchen any chance he got.
Not that Rhodey could blame him. Even with the bar this empty, it could get fucking loud…
He frowned. The shouts, the jeers, weren’t coming from inside the bar. The volume of them rose every time the front door opened. Crossing the short space to the galley doors, he entered the code and went in to check the screens which fed from the cameras at the gates.
A crowd had formed, the fucking gang again, mostly ignoring the departing cars. They were focused on something...someone else. His jaw hardened as he leaned closer, hearing Keiran’s breath catch behind him.
“Go tell Dallas what’s going on. No one comes in or out until I’m back.”
“Yes, sir.” Keiran hesitated, just a moment, already halfway to the galley doors. “Who...who is that?”
Through the blood slicking his face, it wasn’t surprising Keiran couldn’t recognize the man, but it had taken Rhodey a split second. Those deep blue eyes. That pouty bottom lip, with a glint of metal on either side like little fangs. A small form that held so much strength and skill, but not enough. Not with those thugs all around him.
“It’s Avery.”