There was a move here. No fucking way it was anything else. Rhodey folded his arms over his chest, taking in every smile, every kiss, every hug. He studied Lawson with as much detachment as he could manage, trying to separate the fact that this man was on the list of those he’d sworn to protect. That he’d know him in one way or another for over a decade, even though the man hadn’t known him.
He needed to answer a single question.
Is he a threat to the others on that list?
One in particular.
He’d really hate to kill the man, but if he had to, he’d make it quick. Painless. And out of sight of those his loss would hurt. He could simply disappear again. Maybe this time, Rhodey would stage the arrest. Be in control of the optics and the end results. Everyone had gotten through him being gone once. They’d get through it again. It was better than the alternative.
Give me a fucking sign, my man. One way or another, I need to know where you stand.
That Lawson didn’t look around the room, that his focus was locked on his boy, was a good start. The fucker was honest in his reactions, he’d never been a liar, so any attempt at deception now would be easy to read. His movements were a little stiff, the one thing he managed to conceal from everyone else, but Rhodey wouldn’t hold that against him.
The man was selfless. Already, he was carefully watching Matt and Curtis with that extreme focus he had, seeming to relax a little as though he could tell they’d taken care of one another. When his gaze finally lifted, it was to watch Reed bound into the room, shoving around people to get to him. The huddle grew as Curtis pulled his boy in with them and Lawson kissed Reed’s forehead.
No, Rhodey didn’t believe for one damn minute the man would kill anyone who wasn’t a danger to the people he loved, and he’d never see Wren that way. His analytical mind would tangle with his sense of justice and honor, and he’d throw himself in harm’s way before sacrificing anyone else. He’d proven that when he’d gone after Ezran alone. When he’d tried to do the same for Curtis and Reed.
If anything, Rhodey might have to tie him up to keep him from doing so again.
Next question though...why had he arrived home on the one night Noah was gone? That couldn’t be a coincidence.
Shifting forward as Matt pressed Lawson toward the bar to take a seat, Rhodey observed the reactions of those around them. A lot of chatter, all blurring together, which he didn’t much like. He picked out bits and pieces as he needed them. Mostly excitement. Some anticipation for when Lawson would get in the ring, which was stupid, but he hadn’t noticed high intelligence among most of the members. Too many knocks to the head.
Of course, there was only one other person here who’d have caught Lawson was sporting at least one set of broken ribs. Rhodey slid his gaze to Jared, seeing his own thoughts reflected in those sharp blue eyes, curious whether or not the man would come to the same conclusion. Fear had clouded his judgment, so he might write Lawson off as he had so many others.
Which would suck, because Rhodey didn’t want to have to deal with that fucking hospital again, and Vani wasn’t here to keep an eye on Wren.
Jared slipped out of the bar, toward the gym. Which he’d need to go through in order to get to the on-site clinic. Dallas watched him go, a frown in his gaze.
Rhodey smiled a little, impressed that Dallas had caught the movement, even if he didn’t know what it meant. Everyone else had their focus in one place, but Dallas didn’t take anything for granted. Smart man. Though, just to make sure, Rhodey would have to scare the shit out of him a few more times. That would end when Dallas sensed him coming. Not there yet, but once he got there, no one else would be able to catch him off guard either.
Dallas glanced his way, his question clearly on his lips, but Jared strode back into the bar, his ‘Doc’ face on. Eyes cold, like he’d not only back-burnered emotion, but had it cryogenically frozen until he would need to reinsert it into whatever physical mechanism his mind inhabited.
Before Jared even reached him, Lawson caught on and shook his head. That one was damn quick. Rhodey liked that about him. Could be useful. He should start sneaking up on him too, but first to make sure he could move that fast without further damage.
“I’m fine, Jared.” Lawson accepted the glass of bourbon Reed hopped up on the bar to give him. He managed to hide his wince almost good enough. If he was dealing with anyone else.
Good luck with that, pal.
Jared narrowed his gaze, but for once hung back, seeming to realize he might not have the entire picture. No doubt the man would corner Lawson on his way upstairs, if an opportunity didn’t present itself sooner.
Hmm… Rhodey contemplated any reason for Lawson not wanting anyone to see him injured and came up with only one. To protect Curtis and Matt. Reed as well. If he was aware of any lingering threat, it would be good for them to see he wasn’t at a hundred percent. And...well, sparing feelings might matter to some people, but Rhodey had always found that irritating as fuck.
He met Jared’s eyes, lips slanting. “We might want to avoid another bout of pneumonia.”
“I don’t think he’s in imminent danger of keeling over.” Slipping his gaze back to Lawson, Jared seemed to consider his chances of taking on all four men at once. “And Curtis might be on Lawson’s side this time. I’ll wait a few minutes.”
Yeah, that’s not how this is going to play out. Rhodey lifted a shoulder, deciding on another angle. “Have it your way. Might be easier to celebrate once we make sure the man’s in one piece.” He set his gaze on Matt. “But what do I know?”
Jared let out a rough sound. “Fine. I am so goddamn tired of fighting people to take care of themselves. If any of you had a fucking lick of sense, you wouldn’t need me and I could go into retirement in the Bahamas.”
“Then we’d need to get another doctor. One I wouldn’t like and I’d have to get rid of him. Medical school is expensive and that would be one hell of a waste.” Rhodey shook his head and grabbed the glass of whiskey someone—him, damn it—had emptied and forgotten to refill. “Would it make you feel better if he was unconscious before you treated him, because that can be arranged.”
Slanting him an acerbic look, Jared pushed through the crowd. “Lawson. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The merc is threatening to knock you out again.”
Hand on Matt’s shoulder, Lawson shook his head. “I suppose it’s better than being tied up, but there’s no need for either. I didn’t want anyone to worry. It’s bad as it looks.”
An empty glass thudded to the bar in front of Rhodey. Avery leaned his chin on his hand like it was all that kept his head from rolling off his shoulders. “Can I have a whiskey sour?”
The boy was going to either land his small, round ass on the floor in a minute or risk another pot to the head if he tried to get in the kitchen. Either would be amusing. Edging him in that direction would’ve been a lot more fun before Rhodey’d stopped seeing him as a mild irritation and let himself acknowledge he was...interesting. His other assets were easier to ignore. But his strength and his mind were another matter.
Rhodey decided to be nice. And served him some water. In a whiskey glass with some ice, because he wasn’t that nice to anyone. “Here you go, little snake. Enjoy.”
Avery looked up at him, big navy-blue eyes glinting with accusation. “Are you cutting me off?”
“Yes.” Rhodey tapped his fingers on the bar beside the glass. “Drink up. And stay here.”
“Yes, sir.” Going back to frowning at the water, Avery seemed to dismiss him from his world.
Probably the smartest thing he could do, in any case. That settled, Rhodey brought his attention back to the ongoing scene.
“Lawson—” Several feet away, Jared still cajoled—or what passed for cajoling from the medic—the man into coming with him. “The sooner you let me patch you up, the sooner we can catch you up on what’s happened while you’ve been gone.” Throwing Rhodey a meaningful look, he pushed up his glasses and jerked his head towards the gym. “I didn’t build that clinic for my amusement. I have far better things I could have come up with if I’d wanted to do that.”
It was Reed who moved first, grabbing Lawson’s hand. “Come on, if it’s not that bad you’d have shown it off already.” He glanced over at Matt as he tugged Lawson to his feet. “Besides, we’ve seen you messed up before, right, my man?”
Catching on, Curtis dropped his arm around Lawson’s shoulders. “I’m inclined to take your side, if only because I want to get first dibs at the sex, but you know how it is. Jared knows seven different castration methods, so unless I go with him over you, I’ll never get to get off anyway.”
“I’d feel sorry for you if I didn’t know how much you’ve been enjoying the perks—along with the responsibilities—I left you.” Lawson chuckled and shook his head, looping his arm around Matt’s neck and pressing a kiss to his temple before giving him a serious look. “Stay with me? And promise you won’t get too upset. I really am all right.”
Matt seemed to check in with Curtis, who lifted his brows as if to say ‘We worked on this. You can do it’.
Swallowing visibly, Matt nodded. “I just want to be with you, sir. I can do that.”
“Good. That’s good.” Lawson gave in and let Reed lead him behind Jared, keeping Matt close to his side and glancing over to make sure Curtis was following.
Rhodey caught Dallas’s eye, jutting his chin for him to come with as he trailed after them. Jackson took over the bar, filling orders, giving Rhodey an inquisitive look when he spotted Avery’s glass of water.
One shake of his head and Jackson seemed to get what he was saying. If the sub was served another drink other than water, the Dom would have to worry about being on more than Noah’s bad side.
If The Asylum was full of rats, then Jared was their Pied Piper. Lawson, Reed, Matt, Curtis, Dallas, Keiran, and the rest of the damned bar, tried to follow them all toward the clinic. Rhodey had to push past the welling throng to make it anywhere near the man.
Fingers to his lips, Rhodey let out a sharp, ear-piercing whistle. “Back to the bar. This isn’t part of the fucking entertainment.” He looked over the crowd. “If I have to start throwing people out, I promise you won’t leave intact.”
Grumbling, Jared moved Lawson toward the clinic as everyone who wasn’t part of his immediate circle separated off. With a shake of his head, Rhodey stepped into the clinic, closing the door behind him.
“Take off your shirt, lie down, and tell me what we’re looking at.” Jared set down his bag.
Matt remained within arms reach of Lawson, and Curtis took up a position along the opposite wall, arms over his chest.
Inhaling slowly, Lawson began unbuttoning his shirt. “Don’t forget, I was in prison. Things aren’t exactly...civil.”
Rhodey’s lips thinned a bit at that. The man was holding something back. If this was simply from a few prison brawls, he would’ve said so. His wording was...concerning.