Ethan POV
After Mila hissing fit, I put her in the corner for a time out, when she asked if I'm going to beat her I felt my dragon rise to want to protect the little girl. I would never beat her, she will be corrected and punished but never beaten.
I pull her in a hug scratching her ears and making her purr I didn't know she's so sensitive there. I need to do some serious research on my new pet.
But now let's find something for her to do, I don't want to take her out before her collar arrives, unclaimed Neko can be kidnapped and sold on the black market. I decided to give her some coloring books and crayons.
I set them all in her playroom under her watchful gaze she's very curious but acting shy and not touching anything. I sit down in front of her table and pat the seat next to me, she came and sat still eying the different colors. I started teaching her different colors holding each crayon and telling her what it is and making her repeat.
After we went through the rainbow I opened one of her books and started coloring showing how to do it. She squeals in happiness when she saw the colors on the paper. She tried to do the same but holding the crayon in her fist made it hard for her to color inside the line and she pouted.
I taught her how to hold the crayon next keeping my hand over her small one. We colored a few different pictures till Mila started yawning, I think it's time for a nap.
I pull her over my lap and start petting her head and ears making her purr till she finally fell asleep. I place her in her bed and go start my research on my little kitten.
I read the brochure I got from Xavier, it's too general and vague, probably since nobody bothers to read them, and by the time they collect their Neko, they are already trained. This gives me an idea, I do some research and come upon a Neko private trainer perfect. I call him directly not wasting any time.
"Hello" the voice answer
"Is this the Neko trainer?" I ask making sure
"Yes you reached Raphael how can I help you"
"This is prince Ethan Tatsuya"
"Your majesty how can I help you"
"Yes Raphael I need to know more about raising a Neko"
"Congrats your majesty on your pet but what aspect of training would you like to know"
"Not training Raphael I said RAISING. What food can she eat, what to expect, how long till she starts talking properly and can eat hard food? This stuff" I say a bit angry, most people let the training be done in the company and if Mila fears from beating are any clue, I think it's safe to say they don't treat them well.
"Ow okay, your majesty. Uhh, the food you can feed her the Neko food or any kind of soft food. A month or two and you can add hard food but under supervision. Nothing with too much sugar or caffeine, milk, Neko loves milk.
Talking depend on the training they usually talk fluently in a month. You should let her run and do exercise for about an hour daily. And most Neko hates water it's their cat side."
"What about hissing," I ask
"They get punished when they hiss so they'll learn not to it"
"Why do they hiss?"
"Fear or brattiness"
"Thank you Raphael your fees will be transported to your bank account"
"Thank you, your highness"
His help didn't help, he told me things I already know. So I turned to the internet, I searched for ways to train her, food that's safe for her.
Finally, I found a trick to give her the vitamin, mix it with her juice or milk, and just give it to her.
My baby woke up and started crying I went to pick her up when she stopped crying I coach her
"Mila baby when you wake up, you don't cry just call daddy and I'll come to get you okay"
She nods yes and hugs me close sucking on her thumb, that's new maybe she can use a pacifier.
I sat her in my lap and fed her some apple sauce she jumped in my lap happily liking the taste. Since we still can't go out I set her on with movies.
We watched the lion king, her crying when Mufasa died and laughing at the happy ending. We watched frozen too and she tried to sing alone having a hard time but adorable none the less.
For dinner I fed her mashed potato and peas puree, she let me feed her without any problems. I gave her a sippy cup with milk and her vitamin she drank the whole thing.
After dinner it was time for her bath, she was too busy playing with nick pouncing on him like a kitty. I left those two and went to prepare the bath with bubbles and toys.
I went and picked her up while she pouted wanting to keep playing with nick. Once in the bathroom, she saw the tub filled and started hissing and crying.
"Mila use your words what's wrong," I ask first, again she hissed pointing at the tub.
"Mila that's your bath, I need to clean you now look at the bubbles and toys you get to play with" I tried to seduce her with the toys and bubble.
She hisses one final time and runs out of the bathroom, it took me two minutes to catch her she's a fast little thing. I undress her and carry her to the tub, her ears lay flat, and her tail circles my forearm.
"Come on baby I'm here hush look," I say dipping my hand in the bubble, she curious enough to dip her hand too and try to catch the bubbles.
While she's busy I set her down in the water once her tail hit the water the tears began. I let her cry while I washed her quickly, washing her ears and tail in special shampoo. Once I'm done and I lift her up she clings to my shirt still wet.
I take her toward my bedroom and dry her in a fluffy towel and brush her hair and tail.
"Now my little kitten that wasn't bad was it" I coo at her while she's still sniffing.
I dress her in an onesie and sit in my bed with her in my lap, I read her a kids story with lots of pictures making her giggle and smile till she finally fell asleep.