Mila POV
Outside was amazing, I had so much fun playing and running around with daddy and uncle nick. He even let me run on the grass barefoot, it was cold and trickled my feet making me laugh.
After a few hours of playing I was exhausted I didn't even complain when daddy picked me up and started walking toward the dorm. We're on the last floor, I don't like stairs they make me tired but daddy said we can use the elevator.
I fell asleep before we made it there, waking up in my bed alone. I didn't cry daddy said not to, I just called him but he didn't answer so I called again. When he didn't come yet I started tearing, does he not want me anymore. The door opened but it wasn't daddy, it was uncle nick.
"Hey kitten your daddy is in a meeting but I'm here to get you," he says and picks me up, checking if I need changing, good thing I didn't. I only like it when daddy does it, where's daddy.
"Daddy?" I ask uncle nick
"He's busy kitten, let's go see how much unhealthy food I can give you before he's back," uncle nick says laughing.
Uncle nick fed me my dinner and then gave me something red and jiggly he said it's jello. I took the first bite still suspicious, it tastes fruity and very good, I ate the whole thing. I love jello.
"Hey baby you behaving" came daddy voice startling me, I was so taken by my jello.
"Dadddddyyyy Mila love jello," I say
"Jello huh," he says looking at uncle nick who smiles.
"Say good night Mila," he says as he unbuckles me and holds me on his hip.
"Night night" I call.
We walk toward the bathroom and he set me on the counter and start talking, distracting me from the fact the tub is being filled and I'm getting undressed.
"Mila baby tomorrow daddy and uncle nick have to start school and we'll be away for most of the day"
"Mila go with you?" I ask wondering if he'll leave me alone all day.
"No kitten Mila also has to go to school. You'll meet other nekos who you can play with and make friends with. You'll learn how to write and read but you'll also have fun"
"Me and daddy?" so we're going to school together, if daddy is going to be there it won't be too bad.
"Mila you'll go to your class and daddy goes to his. We'll meet to eat lunch together and then we'll leave together" he says making me think about it, I'll be alone but I'll see daddy again.
"My pretty kitten is thinking about it," he says washing my ears, weird when did he get me in the tub. I don't fight this time, it feels nice to be washed.
Daddy finished washing me and put me in some PJ, he took me to my bed and got me a story to read it. If I go I'll learn to read and I can do the reading for daddy. I made my decision
"Mila go to school with daddy"
"Thank you kitten," he says and kisses the top of my head.
He read me a story about three bears and a girl with gold locks (Boucle d'Or). I fell asleep with no trouble thinking about tomorrow.
Daddy woke me up a bit early, he and uncle nick both had matching clothes black pants, a white shirt, and a black blazer with some logo sewed on it.
I was dressed in an onesie with a skirt, they decided to eat breakfast here and I didn't object not knowing where else we could eat. Daddy fed me my breakfast while talking to me.
"Kitten daddy and uncle nick are two important people okay" he started making me think back to the story he's been reading me.
"A prince?" I ask making uncle nick fall on the floor from laughing and daddy to chuckle.
"Yes sweetheart daddy is a prince, a dragon prince"
"What a dragon" I interrupt
"I'll show you later kitten, don't interrupt" he stop me when I wanted to ask when later. "you belong to me. Nobody touches you. Nobody hit you. Nobody can take you anywhere except me and uncle nick. If anyone tries you tell daddy"
"Okay daddy," I say.
After we finish eating daddy, uncle nick and I get our bags, mine is pink and light enough for me to carry although daddy had it. We walk toward another building it's full of people, some look at us weird, some bow for daddy and uncle nick while eyeing me.
We keep walking toward a blue door with lots of decoration on it and something else written. Daddy knock on the door and a lady open it, she's tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She bows to daddy and smiles at me saying.
"This is the little Neko I heard so much about," she says nicely and I hide behind daddy feeling shy.
"Yes this is Mila, you got all your objective and orders," he asks the lady making her nod and bow again.
He then turned to me and went on one knee
"Mila this is your teacher Miss Clara, do what she asks you to and behave for me. I'll come to get you at lunchtime okay kitten" daddy says and hug me.
"Have fun sweets" uncle nick call to me, and I said thank you.
Inside the room, there were six other Nekos, all dressed differently, none like me.
Miss Clara showed me where my bag goes and sat me on a chair, she sat on the one opposite to me. And taught me how to hold a pen correctly and let me color a few pictures telling me to stay in the lines. The other Neko were each doing something different but apparently, I'm the only one who didn't know how to read or write since the rest were doing one of those.
I spent most of the morning coloring and learning the ABC song. I was having fun until one of the Neko snapped at me calling me dumb for singing this stupid song out loud.
I started crying wanting my daddy while the other Neko teacher gave her a few slaps on the hand with a ruler. It reminded me of the lab teacher making me cry harder.