I pick up my shorts and pull them on. I clasp my bra and walk to the counter.
A comfortable silence takes us over after that mind-blowing and blinding sex we had. After I mentioned the contract, Johnattan has been quiet. He hasn't said anything regarding it, we just cuddled on the floor - which is a bit weird for me but it feels nice.
Now I'm sitting on the opposite side of the island drinking a cup of coffee and eating bacon strips. Johnattan is staring at me while he eats and I feel a bit self-conscious which is weird because we just had sex on the floor butt naked.
What plagues me is that contract. I want to see what is expected of me as his sub and how or when we switch. I need to know that this contract is flexible or if there are loopholes in it.
A few more minutes tick by and my patience wears thin.
Okay, I can't wait any longer. I need to see that contract. I'm surprised I lasted this long...
I push away the plate and coffee and stare back at him. He smirks and does the same.
"I guess you're ready to see my contract?" He asks as his eyes look me over.
I run a hand through my just-fuck hair and nod. "I'm ready to see it."
He rises from around the island - in a pair of sweatpants, saving me the gawking - and grabs my hand pulling me towards the hall.
We pass several wooden doors on our journey through the halls but it's a red door catches my attention. He stops in front of it and I gulp.
Red means Danger.
He punches in a code on a keypad on the door and opens it.
A grey room illuminated by a blue fluorescent light with a coffee table and two blue chairs greet me.
"Not what I was expecting," I state as I walk in. "I was thinking more like Christian's playroom."
He chuckles and I feel his body move closer to mine. "This is my discussion area and my little Christi I do not have a playroom."
He moves the hair from my shoulder slowly and starts to kiss from my shoulder to my neck. I withhold a moan and he senses this biting down on my neck. I involuntarily moan and he smirks against my skin. His hands roam over my bare stomach - Goose bumps erupting - moving up to my breasts and I start to reminisce on our foreplay. His fingers hook my bra and my nipples stiffen in anticipation.
"I'm going to love you submitting to me little Christi," he whispers in my ear.
"Submit to me."
I pull away quickly as the words play in my head and face him with a hesitant look. He raises a brow and I smirk to cover the fear that sweeps through me. "As will I Mr. Blake."
He smirks and gestures to a chair. I take a seat as he walks over to a wooden cabinet at a corner of the room. He returns soon with sheets of paper and my breath hitches.
The contract.
He hands me a copy and sits. "Take your time to read everything Christi. Especially the fine prints."
I nod as an evil glint flickers in his eyes and begin to read the papers in my hands.
This is a contract between two Dominant parties who wish to join together in an agreement.
The rules and regulations of this agreement remain the same as a normal dominant and submissive contract except for one.
*Seeing that both parties wish to dominate, they both shall but alternately. For every sexual act or pleasure performed the roles change.
This agreement is between ______________________ and ____________________; and the rules and regulations below have been read and agreed to by both.
1) As a submissive, the party is expected to be obedient and respectful to his/her Dominant.
2) The submissive shall agree to any sexual act the dominant wishes to take part in.
3) The submissive when needed by the dominant shall be present to do what the Dominant sees fit and anywhere he/she sees it fit.
4) When requested the submissive shall wear anything the dominant sees fit without objections.
5) No severe physical harm shall come to the submissive.
Other secondary rules will be specified by the Dominant in charge.
It is said above that sexual acts shall be done to any part of the body the dominant sees fit but seeing this contract is between two Dominants, some places the 'submissive' sees unfit may be excluded from the list below.
* Vaginal
* Anal
* Oral
* others that the submissive sees fit list here. _________________________________
Sex toys are compulsory in this agreement, the types however are optional. The submissive shall choose from the list below:
* Vibrators
* Butt plugs
* Nipple clamps
* Dildo
* Floggers
* Whips
* Crops
*others list here ______________________________
* Handcuffs
* Wires
* Ropes
* Masking tape
"Okay, I've seen enough," I say as I place the contract on the table. "This is quite neat how you placed this in a little contract but that's not how I do it. First up, no fucking way you plugging my butt, no anal nothing and what do you think this is Fifty Shades of Grey? Whips are not my thing."
He looks at me amused and a smile plays on his lips. "What do you do then Christi?"
"My pleasure is purely sexual and pain is not inflicted by whips or crops. Bondage is fine, the rules make it interesting and regarding the sex toys, some are okay... others no fucking way." I state as he stares intensively at me. "The condition on which we change roles will keep it fun but in regards to that anal thing no way José."
He smiles and sits forward. "Don't pass it unless you've tried it, Christi. You may say no now but you'll eventually cave in."
"If you believe that Mr. Blake you don't know who you are messing with" I reply pursing my lips. "I don't cave in easily."
He raises a brow. "What did you call what we just did on the floor? Didn't you cave into your body easily?"
"Okay let me correct myself. I am a Dominatrix and I like to be in control, I don't give in to people easily, my body is a different issue."
"We'll see," he states smugly.
His expression soon turns thoughtful and he opens his mouth to speak. "Christina..." he starts. "...those marks on your feet... How did you get them?"
My expression turns into a mortified one and I unconsciously pull my feet towards my chair. "I-I ... It's none of your business."
The memories come flooding back to me and push them back refusing to let them control me. Like Andy marked all his toys, he had said.
"Christina, I didn't mean to-"
"But you did. Now leave it alone," I say heatedly.
He looks at me with a pondering look before nodding. "I'll leave it alone but you. I cannot. You're too special to let go of, sweet cheeks."
I sit back and roll my eyes. The memories fade and my playful mood returns. I huff out a breath as I cross my legs and I feel his gaze on me. His eyes frequently move to my breast then move to my legs as he licks his lips.
The urge to jump over that table and ride him until we're both breathless tugs on me and I start to bite my index finger.
"Stop putting your finger in your mouth before I put something else in there for you."
My eyes snap to him and hold his lustful stare. I take my finger out and trace my tongue teasingly over it. He tenses and I circle the tip of my finger with my tongue.
"I'm not bounded to your will yet Johnny Bravo," I tease.
"Don't call me that. One I'm not a blonde; two, I don't have a pea size brain and three, I don't chase women they gravitate towards me." He smirks.
I uncross my legs and widened them. His eyes linger on my position and I smirk.
"Well I'm not one of those girls. If I remember you were the one gravitating towards me."
He gulps as I place my hands on my thighs, rubbing them. Oh Tina you have him hooked so badly.
"So about this alternate dominating..."
"What about it?" He asked his eyes glued on my legs.
"I'll be starting."
His eyes move to mine in a flash and he smirks. "Your legs are sexy but they won't distract me that much Christi. No, I'll start."
"C before J," I challenge.
"Age before beauty," I smirk at this comment.
"Ladies before men."
"B before H."
"Beauty before the Beast." He glares at me and I put my hand over my mouth while mouthing oops.
"Cock before pussy." Oh, he went there.
"What ever happened to women and children first?" I query.
"This isn't a daddy little girl scenario and if it wasn't for this man," he points his thumbs at himself. "This wouldn't be happening."
Let him take it Tina, all you have to do is play your cards right and you'll take the game.
"Okay, you take it," I say casually.
He raises a brow and interlocks his fingers. "What do you have brewing in that messed up mind of yours?"
"Nothing dear Johnny," I smirk. He eyes me sceptically and his sadistic smile tugs his lips.
"So do we have a deal?" He asks.
I lean forward and hold out my hand. "When you take out that anal fuckery you got a deal."
"Done." He shakes my hand smirking. "This promises to be fun."
I smile knowingly.
You have no idea. May the best player...well in this case- dominant win...