I push the glass door as I step out of the hotel. The sun is out, shining and reflecting on the skyscrapers adorning the sky.
A sudden gust of wind blows by, causing a chill to run down my body and I pull my coat tighter around my body. It is mid-spring so the cool breeze is expected. I walk down the street with my wedges in my hand and my feet on the cold concrete.
I am too tired to struggle in heels. My ponytail is whipped behind me as I rummage through my bag for my phone. My face is makeup-less - I washed it before I left - and I look exhausted. I finally find the device and ring up Lexi.
'Chrissie, why the hell are you calling me at seven in the morning?'
"Hey, where did they put my car?" I ask as I walk towards the club.
'At the back, the usual place. Why do you sound tired and pissed off?' she asks.
"I am tired and pissed off," I reply abruptly.
'What happened? Mr. Tall and sexy wasn't a good fuck?'
"We didn't go that far."
'What? Why not?' she is wide awake by now, judging by her voice.
"I have one word... Dominant." The word rolls off my tongue in disgust.
'Yeah I know you are... What does this have to-?'
"No, you idi-!" I breathe in and exhale, calming my sudden burst of anger. "He is a fucking dominant."
I hear her suck in a breath. 'Did he? Chrissie are you–? If he touched, you I'll push his head so far up his ass he'll be seeing shit for the rest of his life!'
I turn towards the club, walking to the back and look under a rock beside the back door to find my keys.
I walk over to the garage, I immediately locate my car, open it, slip in and drive out. This is like a norm for us, when I don't take my car after I leave the club, she takes my keys to hide them so I can easily retrieve them in the mornings. I throw my heels on the passenger seat along with my bag as I turn onto the road.
"He didn't. I wasn't going to let him." Her end goes silent and I know she's worrying about me. "Hey honey, I have to drive home now so I'll talk to you later... Don't worry about me I'm going to be okay."
'Ok Chrissie. See you later, drive safely.' she hangs up and I sigh.
I have this nagging feeling at the back of my mind telling me that this is far from over. The look in his eyes when he challenged me, the smile that plays on his lips and the overall authority he held in his body language was that of a very determined person, someone who will do anything to get what he wants. And he wants me. This has danger written all over it, Johnattan is dangerous and I need to avoid him. At all costs.
I enter the office with an aura of confidence and authority. The elevator doors close as I step out. My black stilettos tap on the cherry wood floor as I walk in. An employee opens the glass doors for me as I approach them; I smile and walk farther in. I clutch my black Michael Kors bag in my left hand, my right holding a chocolate mocha and a black blazer hanging on my right arm.
I am outfitted in a royal blue dress that starts at the base of my clavicle, has no sleeves, stops above my knees and hugs my body perfectly. At the back is a visible golden zip that runs from my butt to the top of the dress - it shines brightly giving the back of the dress a splash of style and complements the colour of the dress.
I enter my office and place the bag, jacket and coffee on my mahogany desk.
I walk around the white room, taking out papers from the metal cabinets at the left of the room before taking a seat in my black leather chair. I grab the coffee and sip it while reading over a few of the papers. Most were schedules while others were requests by clients. I place the papers on the desk, log into my HP laptop and checked my email.
"Ms. Hase!" Gloria, my assistant, sings as she practically ran into my office.
"Hi Gloria," I chirp taking in her appearance.
She was in a grey pencil skirt, white top, black shoes and her red hair in an elegant bun. She was in her mid-thirties but had the body of a twenty-year-old.
I turn around in my chair staring out of the glass windows. I watch as the sun shimmers on the buildings and sigh at the beauty. It looked like a field of shimmering diamonds.
"Miss... the boss and guests are waiting for you in the meeting room."
Oh shit!
I forgot I have a meeting today. Some big company has this orphanage that is recently built in New York and they want to enlist our company to be the 'decorators'. The boss sees this as an opportunity to create a competition in the workplace. The person to come up with the winning idea gets a promotion and a raise. My boss took the pleasure of adding me to that list of participants and gave us a week to make a presentation and I left the damn thing at home.
"Fuck... Damn... Hell," I curse as I get up pacing the room and Gloria watches me worriedly with her green eyes.
"Miss, what's the matter?"
"I left my presentation," I reply angrily.
It is because of that cocky, dominant bastard, Johnattan. He messed with my brain. Why did I even let him in my head?
I rush out of the apartment this morning with his challenge on my mind and look at what happened. I leave my fucking presentation.
"Miss, you need to go now," Gloria states. "Just wing it, you always do great."
I smile at her effort at cheering me on and thank her. She nods and exits with a smile. I sigh, grab my bag and jacket, making my way over to the glass door. I tuck a strand of hair out of my face angrily.
What's the point of putting your hair in an up-do if it keeps on falling? I puff out a frustrated breath. Guess I'll just wing it...
I walk into the vacant beige coloured hall and make a beeline for the meeting room, my heels scarring the red carpet. I come to a stop at a wooden door and take in a deep breath. I knock on the door waiting to be grant entry.
"Come in."
I grab the knob twist it and enter. Here goes nothing.
My eyes run over the room taking in the caramel walls and the large, rectangular pine table in the centre of the room. The bright sunlight emitting from the glass windows at the back of the room blinds me momentarily and I cover my eyes using my hand. I place my things on the table before me and wait for my eyes to adjust to the light.
When they do, I scan the faces of the women and men before me in suits. I smile at them, receiving the same and my eyes scan until they come to an abrupt stop at the right end of the table.
Those electric blue eyes capture mine and they cast me a mischievous look. His pink lips tug into a smirk and his body language shows his amusement. His eyes hold mine in a more intense gaze and they relay a secret message to me.
They say... 'Your move'
I gulped, my eyes locked with his.
"Ah, hell no..."