almost blew it. I forgot for a while that I was at the damn party to watch and learn more about the enemy, but I ended up sharing glasses of tequila and fraternizing, it was so natural that I didn't realize it's making it easier and relaxing, in jail keeping on alert is what keeps you alive , it's not the guards who are there to supposedly watch over us and "protect", much less their saddle partners, the only reliable person in that environment is yourself, so I never relaxed and trusted.
Well, until yesterday.
The idea was to make her drink until she says what she shouldn't, being very clear, even she's drunk enough to throw out the dirt of every member of the Leal family, counting on her own. The plan seemed brilliant as it formed in my head, as I watched her sneak up to the bar.
My eyes gleamed in anticipation as I saw her so vulnerable right there, the mask failing to disguise the sadness in her clear, beautiful eyes. Shit, maybe it wasn't the tequila's fault.
I believed Aurora when she told me her stepmother was a gold digger, the one who slept with her father when her mother was gradually dying in a hospital bed. I also believed her when she told me that the brat, the bastard she refused to call her sister, had taken after her mother in that regard. Until then, I didn't know either of them, but I blindly trusted my ex"wife's words.
Deep down, I knew it could just be teasing and jealousy. But gossip sites claimed that Anna Maria, Amélia's mother, was Augusto Leal's lover for almost a year before his wife's death. I hate betrayals of any kind. My parents had always maintained a happy marriage, kept the fire of desire burning, and made me fantasize about having something like this one day, so I picked up a certain staleness of both before it was even formally introduced.
However, at the time the scrawny girl appeared in the middle of my room for the first time, distractedly playing with a chicken, she didn't strike me as someone sneaky and ambitious, in fact, she looked like a scared dog that loved to show her teeth and roar. At that time a strange feeling occurred to me, something I ignored and didn't tell anyone, but it happened at the exact moment that the girl turned to face me and gave me one of her cheeky answers, the ones she usually gives when she forgets to hold her tongue and keep your good girl composure.
She gave me an equal look, lifted her little nose, and stole all my breath. I remember thinking that kind of beauty was surreal and I felt like pulling the sadness out of the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen.
"So you want to talk about what we saw on the girl's birthday?" I look at Guilhermino's serious face, he's been trying to talk about it since we arrived from the party two nights ago.
"There's nothing to say.’’ I grumble. Filling my glass with soursop juice and bringing it to my mouth. Guilhermino and I have always been close, the type that shares anything. But I'm not interested in debating how it hurt to watch my ex kiss another one in front of me, even though she didn't know I was there watching the entire time and the other was her current husband.
The fact is, it hurt, but not as much as he's thinking.
"Okay, but I'm not going to put up with this bad mood of yours." If you don't want to talk, then try to put a smile on that ugly face and let's ride. You need to relax.
I frown at his words, disagreeing with his statement. I'm not in a bad mood, just disappointed.
He gets up from the breakfast table, dragging his chair with his jerky movement and making noise.
"My horse died." Remember. He gives me a sideways look, looking bored with my argument.
"Mount Lexus, he hasn't let himself be tamed by anyone until now." He says, picking up his hat and fitting it on his head. Leaving me without arguments and heading out of the house.
I blow the air out, feeling guilty that I'm keeping secrets from him. I know this attempt to reminisce about old times and call me for a ride is just another attempt to get me to talk, he knows something is wrong and believes taking me away will force me to speak.
Well, I'd rather keep you away from that part.
Riding a horse won't extract all the anger I have inside me, I dream of that revenge and nothing will stop me.
I finish breakfast alone, go upstairs and lock the door securely. I reach for my disposable cell phone in the pocket of my jeans and call one of the two saved contacts.
" Hello?" the man on the other end of the line asks immediately.
"Do you have something for me? I say, skipping the introductions part.
He laughs low.
"Calm down, my boy. Your men have already given me some important information, but I need more. Everything I have can be taken down in a few days.
I rant, cursing under my breath.
"Okay, but I'm not going to wait for you to act. I'll do it my way."
"Careful, boy. Last time you spent three long years behind bars.
"Don't worry, that BOY doesn't exist anymore."
I end the call, giving no chance for an answer. I click on the other saved number on my cell phone, but instead of calling, I send a message.
"You little shit, what the hell are you doing locked in this room?" Don't tell me you're hitting one. I think you need a woman, all you think about is that blonde, I don't think she's really blonde.
I roll my eyes, ignoring his knock on the door.
" I was thinking here, you spent so long in that prison, do you still like women?"
"You like it, don't you?"
I huff, giving up and going to open the door for him.
"Let's ride, but please shut the fuck up!"