I take a deep breath, finally inhaling the pure air of freedom. I look with a smile at the image of Guilhermino leaning on his blue truck across the street, he's here just as he promised. I look back and take one last look at the penitentiary that was my home for three and a half years. I walk towards my friend, with moderate and cautious steps, I watch his eyes narrow in my direction, more precisely on the cigarette between my lips and I can't help but smile right after blowing the smoke in the air.
This was a habit I acquired in jail, I tried it on one night, where not even my plans for revenge could bring me peace and voilá.
I raise my hands in surrender as he arches his left eyebrow in disapproval, taking one last photo of my Dunhill, a gift from my cellmate in commemoration of my departure. Knowing I can't smoke in his car, I put out the cigarette and toss it in the only trashcan nearby.
"Since when do you smoke?" I shrug.
"A few months ago." I replied succinctly, ending the conversation. I don't want to talk about my new addiction and he understands that.
We got into his truck in silence, remaining that way until music started playing on the radio.
It's weird being back in the real world, I mean sure all the shit that happened to me inside that place was real but I just had walls to look at all the time, there were no expectations or good times, everyday was just okay . Lower the car window glass, allowing a better view of what is happening outside.
I close my eyes for a moment and let myself go, the low car music and the soft breeze coming from the open window are enough to make the anger come back. He even took it from me all these months. My jaw clenches and I try to find calm in the song's chorus.
I can feel the tension coming from Guilhermino, but I keep my eyes closed a little longer. I understand your concern about my next actions and I don't blame you, I've been letting you know about everything I planned for Leal's gang and I scared him, I changed with prison and I'm different from the boy he knew as a brat.
So I was smoking. Nicotine keeps me calm when nervousness and anxiety arise, it works as an outlet.
"Mada is making a nice roast beef in your honor." he says, patting my seat to get my attention.
I smile sincerely at the mention of the woman's name.
He snorts.
"Excellent? Is that all you have to say? Where is your excitement for eating real food?"
A crooked smile appears on my lips.
The food wasn't that bad, in fact it was the least of the problems one could have in that place.
“I'm not that hungry. I say, justifying my reaction.
He looks at me, frowning, and I stare at him, preempting and speaking before starting his speech.
"Thought I'd ride a little." I speak. Feeling him relax in his seat.
"I'm sorry you lost Hercules, but we have new horses, you can choose any one of them.
I nod, turning to face the window, not wanting to broach the subject with the only person who's been by my side and turned out to be an asshole. Hercules died some time after my arrest, we were extremely close and he was very sorry for my distance, the veterinarian thought that the reason for his death was sadness. My horse was a gift from my father when I turned eighteen, he was one of my memories of my old man and his death will also be paid for.
The entrance to the farm starts to appear right ahead, my heart starts to flutter when I see all the employees at the entrance. I almost lost the only inheritance my parents left me in the midst of all this mess, I am very grateful to each man and woman who worked hard and didn't give up on me when everything seemed to fall apart.
"Before we get out of the car, I want to ask you if you still have those thoughts in your head. The eye, knowing exactly what you're talking about.
"That man is dangerous, you ended up in jail last time. I hear your words even though I already know it."
"I know, but I'm not afraid. I can assure you that I'm not the same as before." Now it's your turn to look at me.
"I see that. I'm here for whatever you need." Speech.
"I won't involve you in this." I declare.
"Henrico, your father took me in when I was still a tomboy and needed help, for me you are like a younger brother, and I don't abandon the family."
I close my eyes and let out a long breath. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise right now.
"I have something to show you." He holds out his phone, open to a gossip page, and I stare at him in confusion. "Just read." Speech.
"Amélia Leal is going to have a party to celebrate her 18th birthday at a super trendy local discotheque, the young woman will have the presence of her parents, her older sister and her closest friends. Rumors say it will be something refined and discreet like her, but everyone will be masked and the party will last all night."
I read the entire article twice. A picture of the girl is printed at the top of the news bulletin and I blink a few times as I look at the image. Memories of the first time I saw her invade my memory.
"I come down from the room asking myself for resilience and control, I try to forget for a moment the last information I received about my wife's family and I play a good host, but what I see when I step off the last step takes me off my axis.
"Who are you? I watch the small figure stroking the feathers of a chicken in the middle of my room." I tilt my head, trying to clear my field of vision and understand what's going on. "Cat got your tongue, girl? You can't break into my house, steal my chickens and then ignore me."
The girl whispers, her long brown hair covering half of her face, but I can still hear her shoulders moving as if she's saying something.
"What did you say? Speak, damn it!" I say impatiently.
"I said my name is Amelia and I didn't trespass on your property or plan to kidnap your precious chicken, idiot."
"Do you know the exact date and address of this club?" I ask.
"It's happening tomorrow night at Vazz nightclub, you know what it is.
Yes, I knew. It was one of my favorite clubs when I was younger.
"I'm going to need a mask." to speak.
"No, we're going to need two masks. He surprises me by saying, but I decide not to question it, it'll be nice to have someone I know to manage my anger.
My grandfather said that there is no place warmer than America, and I loved growing up here, despite Zattani Farm being on the border of New York and Queens, occupying a large green territory, there is a small village nearby and grandma considered all the inhabitants members of our family, so when he left my parents donated land and the village expanded. Despite being a private man, I am happy to see everyone who saw me grow up at the farm door welcoming me. Still, I don't feel welcome or comfortable in my own home, my thoughts are far away and lost in memories. I haven't been here for a long time and the changes are visible. Everyone seems to think twice about what to say when they talk to me.
I roll up the sleeves of my shirt and smile once more at the kind, loving woman who has worked for my family since I was very young.
"I'll go upstairs." I declare, impatient with all the delay that lunch took. A few glances dart my way quickly, all the attention is suffocating, it's like it's my first day in jail all over again and I'm one hell of an attraction.
"You barely touched the food."
The older woman shrugs, giving me a sad, disappointed look. I growl low, getting up and coming to stand next to him.
"It was all delicious, my Goddess." I say, placing a kiss on his already gray hair.
Not allowing time for any protest from Guilhermino, I go up the stairs and head towards my old room, the same one I shared with her and spent the best days of my life.
I grip the doorknob hard, breathing heavily and unhurriedly. As soon as the door opens and my eyes confirm my suspicion, my heart races, nothing has been changed or added.
It's like the past isn't so far away, like she's going to walk through the same door I did, declare it was all a nightmare and kiss me hard.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, believing I can still smell her.
My chest aches from the memories, the damn day everything started to fall apart, somehow I knew something was going to happen. It's like I can see the whole scene.
The blonde hair spread across my pillow, the angelic and serene image makes me let her sleep a little longer. I head into a cold and lonely bath, relax as soon as the water makes contact with my muscles and try not to think that among a few hours I will have to deal with the unwanted visit of my father"in"law and his bastard family. My wife has been tense for most of the night and I have had to be patient and affectionate to make her forget what I would have to deal with today, but I myself am uneasy about the arrival of the possible guests, these three months of marriage have given me time to listen and read many stories from the Leal family and I am sure that all this cordiality is nothing more than a pretext for the old dog to find a way to separate me from his firstborn, I know very well that I am a thorn in her side and that her plans for her did not include a marriage to a simple country farmer. damn it, I don't need him for anything.
"Henrico?" Three knocks on the door and a sweet voice bring me back, I turn off the shower and push aside the divider that separates the two parts of the bathroom and head for the door, capturing on the way one of the white towels that are always available in the cabinet below the sink.
"Hi, my angel.'' I say as soon as I see her standing in front of me, looking at me with the blue and large bilas that soften my soul. Everything is serene and peaceful with her. I kiss her forehead and watch her disappointed expression.
What happened?
"I wanted to take a shower with you.’’ She declares, making her thin lips form a small pour. I smile at his sweet way.
"Sorry, but you slept so well I didn't want to wake you up."
"I should have, I feel like I need a bath with my husband's cat before this day starts. An eyebrow in her direction, tracing back the three steps I'd taken away from her.
" Hey Princess. You don't have to deal with all this, I can kick your father and those two out of here if you want, just ask me. She laughs softly, evaluating my words for a second and signaling in the negative. I would gladly do that.
"You really didn't like them without even knowing it." He sighs, giving me a gratifying look. I smile back, pulling his face to mine until my mouth is close to his ear. "I've heard many stories about the Leal Family, baby."
Oh yeah? She pushes me away and crosses her arms. Where exactly?
"Guilhermino showed me some gossip sites. I shrug, going back to the closet."
"Two gossips is what you are, two grown men searching a gossip site."
"You can say anything, but these sites have given me important information about my wife." I shoot, keeping my back and little by little I put on black underwear, the kind she says makes me extremely hot.” Impossible, she declares, displaying the explosive temper that one of the sites commented on.
"Yes, he deserved it." I nod, bringing his attention to my lips. "I want you inside me," he says.
His words pique my interest, I bare his body with my mind and I'm ready to give him what he wants when someone slams the door and interrupts us. Damn!
"WHAT IS IT, BITCH?" I fire angrily and get a chuckle from the other side of the door.b "Your father-in-law is outside, honey." Out of here. Idiot.
"They arrived earlier than expected." Aurora comments and I try to walk towards her and wrap her in my arms protectively. Although I've never had so many women before, she knew exactly how to treat one out of bed, I'm not one to lose control in the face of arousal, but Aurora managed to satisfy me with a wet, naughty kiss.
She is married to someone else.
This is a daily reminder of what I need to do myself. For every day I spent in prison, it was one more day I worked to get richer here, read about management and business, made friends there. I gave Guilhermino the exact instructions and he followed them, I still don't have the exquisite last name, although I'm very proud of what I have, but I have the money necessary to face Augusto Leal and all his gang.
I still don't know what happened or who else is behind my arrest, but I'm ready for another fight and I don't care about the consequences.
The first round starts tomorrow night.