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Tutoring Jace 1

After what transpires the other day at the ball court, I think I have to begin agreeing with some of Nikki's perception; I mean look at the way she stood up for me, she reminded me of the badass black widow in the avengers franchise, yeah I'm a big fan of the Marvel comics. 

Today in school, I decided to be as calm as possible and also because it happened to be that I was trying to avoid a certain person. Yeah, you guessed right, Mr butt bad boy preek of a human. I was amazed my mind learned curse words faster than I actually did. Going through my locker, I was searching for my A.P calculus note. The usual murmuring that accompanied me wherever I went filled the room. I mean let's be honest, I could literally beat Taylor swift to the game in my school already no offense to Taylor, I am a big fan! A certain cologne filled my nose and I groaned to myself, looks like butt boy has become obsessed with having to stalk me wherever I go.

"Well hello there Pervert!" Even though I couldn't see his face, I could bet a million bucks that he had that annoying smirk on his face. I could smack that smirk off his face if I had the attitude of Nikki, since when did I start comparing myself to Nikki? Anyways, I moved away from my locker not caring about his stupid antics and headed for class. 

"When are you ever gonna stop giving me the silent treatment." when you learn to stop poking on my business. One thing about my thoughts, it could get really savage than I could actually get most times but hey, don't blame me, I guess the ‘quit much talking and listen more’ has taken over that i do the talking in my head.

"Anyways, I will be coming over to your place to pick you up by four." I stopped in my tracks almost immediately. I looked at him and of course, he still had that smirk on his face.

"Sorry but for what?" He looked at me as though I had grown a head and literally slapped his face in disappointment.

"Don't tell me that perverts like you have amnesia at early stages." I didn't mean to be rude but he was getting on my nerves. First of all, he called me a pervert which I have been trying too hard to get accustomed to and now this douchebag tells me I have amnesia? You wouldn't be having this conversation if you took martial art classes. I couldn't agree more with my thoughts.

"Anyways since you have decided to be a blockhead, I will remind you that we have a project to accomplish. Remember now? Project? Me trying to impress you the other day? Sexy body? Punishment from Mr ass hole? Submitting your name as my partner? Remember now?" The way he demonstrated his points made me want to laugh but I pulled myself together.

"You do not have to be a joker." 

Wow! I didn't believe I would say that, guess my subconscious thoughts were playing a major role in my speech these days.

"Oh! darling, everyone knows that Joaquin Phoenix is a great actor but there is no way I ever liked the joker's character." I mentally slapped myself. This dude is always talking off the script. I didn't notice till this moment that the entire hallway was empty which meant everyone was in class.

"Well? You and I know that detention awaits us at Mr. Ramsdale class for coming late so what do you say?" I checked my watch  dammit he is such a distraction indeed.

"Fine, I will be available." Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be agreeing to get along with him but because I needed to get to class, the same class with him, I had to get him off my scent and talk about being a werewolf.

When we entered the class, it was too late to sneak to my seat as Mr. Ramsdale had his eye fixated on the door Was he a wizard to be able to detect that i would be walking through that door that minute

"Miss Annabelle, care to explain why you are late to class today?" If you hadn't noticed, I am not the type to get late for classes because I always tried to avoid confrontation from teachers.

"Sorry Mr Ramsdale, I promise it would not happen again." Well Jace could make you get late again sometimes my thought had a way of annoying me even in the most intended moment

"Alright, I would be letting you off the hook because you are one of the smartest students and oh!! Look who we have here." I didn't need to turn around to know who he was referring to.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Ramsdale." Nice acting Jace but I doubt if  Mr Ramsdale would buy it. The way he stood, one who didn't know him would presume he was sweet and charming

"Detention!!" Mr Ramsdale Pronounced and headed back to the board. I went and took my seat. Nikki wasn't in school today and it was kinda strange knowing she wasn't the type to miss classes. I watched as Jace with a gloomy face went and sat with his squad. How many detention has Jace  gotten all through his stay in school? I could probably assume a hundred times. Jace was a pro when it came to causing nuisance and every teacher was tired of his persona.

"Now can I see your work." shit! We were giving homework and I was just having to remember about it? Sounds like Jace was right when he said I had amnesia. Talking about Jace, he had the same reaction that I do right now and it was priceless.

"Miss Annabelle, your homework?" How he got to my seat so fast that I hadn't noticed his presence still amazes me. That is because you were checking Jace out literally like a fan girl. Okay at this point, I felt like auctioning my thoughts for a hundred bucks.

"Actually Mr Ramsdale, I did the work, I kinda left it at home while trying to meet up with class today." I hope he bought my lie, I wasn't ready to face detention and for the record, it would be my first

"I will let you out on this one but I want you to see me after school is over. Got it?" I nodded and he left my seat.

So here is how the rest of the class went, boring, boring, and even more boring. Oh! The good thing was that Jace got another detention for not doing his homework. He was raged that I didn't get detention for not doing mine but he got it. Somebody needs to remind Mr butt that you are  a reputable personality in the class and a teachers simply love you I couldn't agree more 

School was over and I noticed Mr. Ramsdale hadn't gone home and was staring at me and that was when I remembered that he wanted to see me. I picked up my bag and headed for his desk.

"Miss Annabelle, do you have any personal issues going on that you feel like sharing" Okay hold up a bit, first of all Mr. Ramsdale sounded like a certified therapist that loved his job alot and second of all, where was this question coming from?

"I don't understand sir"

"Look, Miss Annabelle, I know you alot; you are one of my favorite students and lately i have been noticing some changes about you." Wait changes about me? Did I have a change of personality? Jace is a bad influence. My mother's words rang in my head immediately.

"No sir, I am perfectly fine." He sighed and removed his glasses, cleaned them and wore them back again

"Very well then, I hope you still maintain the reputation you have built as a good student, I really don't want you messing around especially with the O.M.G squad." OMG!! Did he just say the abbreviation that was supposed to be amongst students? How did he know of the nickname? Well I guess some teachers actually want to know the lifestyle of their students.

"Thank you Mr Ramsdale and i will be on my way now." He nodded and i left the class almost immediately. 

"Hey pervert," I sighed, guess who was calling me? You guessed wrongly it wasn't Jace, it was Dave and Josh. Those two would definitely be the death of me scratch that, the entire squad of Jace would be the death of me.

"Heard you caused our homeboy detention." Yeah I need to remind you all about something here, Josh is a black dude and so his accent made him sound like the dudes from Detroit Michigan. You guessed right, the ice cube type of accent

"You heard, so you are not sure" 

"Listen up real quick shawty, Jace is mah homie and we are only gonna not taunt you because he say so but if you cause him one more trouble with the teachers, your sorry ass is going to be on fire." The fact that I could only grab few of what he said made the issue worse but at least I got the entire hang of what he was saying.

I was back home after school and my mom happened to be making pancakes; she makes the best pancakes in the world. You cannot tell me any better. 

My room was messy, books were littered on the floor, clothes were everywhere on the bed and it made it look like the typical type of boys room. I sighed to myself knowing it was time to clean up after days of leaving them all up.

While I was cleaning, my mom opened my door and came into my room; she had that reaction which says 'you deserve to clean the room up' and so I kept cleaning up not minding her presence.

"When you are done, Jace is waiting for you downstairs." Yeah, talking about Jace, I needed to know how my mom was acquainted with Jace. I was literally shocked to see the recognition between the two of them the first time he came by the house.

After some hardcore cleanup of my room, I hit the shower, cleaned myself off the sweat, put on some black pants and a matching black shirt and combed my hair, looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied. I wasn't the type of girl who loved applying make-up all the time. I mean, let's be honest, I hated make-up products probably because I believed there was a probability that they would cause acne on my face.

When I arrived at the living room, Jace was sitting comfortably on the couch and you could hear my mom laughing at some jokes that Jace had cracked up. Really? I see what he is trying to do, make my mother like him but it was awkward knowing my mom could not see through him like I do; Jace was the type of  bad boy you do not want to associate with and my mom had warned me several times and here she was laughing her ass out about his jokes how ironic!  

"Well you two run along now, oh! And Jace please don't cause her to go to prison this time around I beg you" Jace chuckled and crossed his heart promising my mom. What has he done to my mother? I could barely recognize my own mom right now.

"Annie, remember what I told you." oh yes I do mom Jace is a bad influence

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