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Bad influence

My father’s G-wagon pulled up in front of our house. The ride home was very quiet. My father kept tapping his finger on the stirring wheel and making quick glances at me from the rear mirror. My mom kept staring out the window. And I just sat at the backseat filled up with different emotions. 

My father watched me as I walked over to the door, then hit the car hard with his fist. I turned around sharply, then my eyeballs fell to the floor. 

“For centuries, our family has never gone to jail. You are the first to break that chain. What happened back there?!” 


“I thought you were supposed to go to your school stuff. How did you end up at a fighting scene? In a club?” My mother added. 

“You should be asking yourself.” My father said turning to look at my mother. He stared for some seconds, then stared at me. 

“I don’t want to see you with those people. You are on a whole different level from them,” he walked up to me slowly, then pointed at my forehead. 

“You are going to Harvard.” He squinted his eyes, then walked away. 

My mother let out a sigh, then walked over to me. 

“Jace is a bad influence. I don’t want to see you with him again.” 

She patted my back then went inside. I let out a sigh, then sat on the pavement. I placed head on my knees, and calmed myself down in quiet sobs. 




I slouched down the hallway, with my backpack behind me. Today is going to me a long day. Rumors are circulating around. Just imagine, the nerd was in a prison cell with the cute gang leader Jace. I heard someone saying that Jace and I went to shoplift cigars. How is it even possible?! Cigars?! Geez, people say the darnest things. 

I walked over to my locker, then put in my combination. I could perceive Strawberry scent mixed with everything nice. Oh brother. 

I heard people gasping down the hallway, and murmurs stared to fill the hallway. 

I ransacked my locker for my Chemistry textbook. Then I felt someone beside me. 

As usual, my neck twitched to turn, but my brain wouldn’t let it. 

“Lost you manners? Lil pervert.”  

Why does he have to talk to me? I certainly can’t talk to him. My parent has made it clear for me to not to associate with him. 

I brought out my chemistry textbook then closed my locker. I let out a sigh, then began to walk away. 

“I see you have,” Jace said she walked behind me. 

“You still have to help me with my project you know.” 

 I kept on walking without looking back. And people began to murmur. Jace stopped, then stared at me from behind. 

“Enough! You can’t ignore me! You perverted nerd!” Everyone gasped and silence filled the hallway. I halted, then turned my head to the side a little, then walked over to chemistry class. 

Why me?! I can’t believe Jace just insulted my in public. I really wish I’m like al those girls who can’t take nonsense now. Ugh! I can’t live like this. 


I picked my favorite seat, then sat down. I brought out my books, 5then began drawing abominable creatures on my notebook. The murmurs began to die down, then the class was filled with decorum. I felt someone walk in front of me. I had the urge to look but didn’t. I felt the warmth of someone’s hands on my shoulder. 

I looked up, then looked at my notebook back when I saw the person. 

What is shed doing here? She made me go to jail! 

“Where did you end up last night?” Nikki said sitting beside me. 

Oh now she wants to rub it in. 

I rolled my eyes, then resumed to drawing abominable creatures. A sigh escaped her lips, then she moved closer to me.  

“I’m sorry I left you.” She continued to stare at me. It was like she was waiting for a reply. I rolled my eyes, then scoffed. 

“Alright, I have sweet news for you,”  

She moved in closer again, then opened her eyes in anticipation. 

“Jace slept in prison yesterday.” 

My eyes open wide. My head turned to Nikki, and my lips parted for words to come out. 

“Settle down class.” The chemistry teacher said as he walked in. 


The class ended early as usual. The teacher had to counsel some students. Who would think a chemistry teacher can be a counsellor? 

I slouched sown to the locker as usual, then punched in my combination. 

Nikki walked up to me wearing a wide smile. 

What does she want again?! Can I just be left to live this reaming days in high school? 

“Girl, you’re skyrocketing on the popularity charts.” Nikki said clapping.  


“Don’t you know?! People are like talking about you all over the place.” 

“Not surprised. Won’t you be doing the same thing if you found out that the nerd went to prison with the gang leader?” 

“Really?! Just kidding, I know that,” she chuckled for some seconds, then threw her hand over my shoulder. 

Ha-ha, very funny. 

“Let’s go to the basketball court.” Nikki continued. 


“Let’s have launch there.” 

“Why? The cafeteria is not complaining.” 

“I know. C’mon, why do you always have to be so uptight? Let’s just go. It won’t take anything from you.” 

“It better not lead to any prison stuffs.” 

“Oh my goodness! No.” she chuckled hard as we both walked down to the basketball court. 


The cool afternoon breeze hit our skins. The leaves danced in the direction of the wind. Nikki and I sat on the picnic table beside the basketball court. I brought out my lunch, then began to open the package. 

“I’m going to the bathroom.” Nikki said as she dropped her lunch. She let out a sigh, then waked away. I dropped my lunch, then turned my head to the direction of the sound of a bouncing ball. A bunch of guys strode into the court. And I could not help but roll my eyes, and cry in silence.  

“Hey, can you help us watch our bags.” One guys said as he walked up to me. 

“Sure.” I said with a fake smile on my lips. 

“Thanks.” The guy said before jogging down to the court. 

Now I can’t leave. Why?! 


Jace and his gang bounced around the court. Josh’s eyes landed on me, and his lips wore a smirk automatically. He used his elbow to hit Dave, then pointed over to me. Dave’s eyes landed on me, and his lips ore a smirk too. 

Why can’t you people just leave me alone and live your lives! 

They both chuckled for some seconds, then stopped waking. Jace was completely absorbed in the basketball game. 

Dave and Josh chatted a little, then started marching down towards my direction. 

They reached my table, then leaned against it. 

“So, just as expected, the pervert is eating by the basketball court to see some hit guys sweat.” Josh started. 

“Yeah, what a meal.” Dave added. 

Then they both burst into laughter. 

Okay, first of all, I’m not judging or condemning, but these guys are far from hot.  

Two, I obviously brought my own meal. Three, where’s Nikki?! 

When they reached their laughing climax, they stopped and stared at me. 

“Enjoy you meal pervert.” Dave said before chuckling again. 

I kept staring at my meal on the table unable to raise my head up to face them. Silent sighs escaped my lips. 

Please go. 

I heard a yell some steps away, then turned to the direction. Nikki stormed down towards the table pointing furiously to Dave and Josh. The yells became clear and clear as she got closer. We all stared with anticipation. We but mostly I, wanted to see where it’s going to. 

She stopped in front of them, and they both cock an eyebrow. Shooting them a look, she folded her arms. 

“What you wannabes doing here.” Her face worked up waiting for an answer. 

Josh and Dave both stared at themselves, then burst into laughter. “I think someone called the nerdbilance.” Josh said before joining Dave in laughter again. 

“Ha-ha, you cracked my ribs,” Nikki said rolling her eyes. 

“Instead of you guys to be in the court play basketball like normal guys, but you chose to pick on a girl. I’m not surprised though, you guys are less of a guy.” 

“Watch what you say to-” 

“Can you feel stupid vibes? Oh me too, I think you guys need to leave.” Josh’s lips parted for words to come out, but closed back when Dave patted his shoulder. They sneered at Nikki, then at me before walking away. 

“That’s right.” Nikki yelled. She smiled, then turned to me. 

“Girl, you need to start standing up for yourself.” 


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