Tulay pov:
My first step into the eerie castle foyer echoed. I looked down at the beige and marble flooring, each tile was chosen with particular taste and pattern in mind. Glancing back up from the marble, my eyes caught sight some beautiful paintings scattered all around.
The distant hallways were illuminated with single fire-lit torch which were evenly spread on walls every six steps.
My gaze flickered to the set of double staircase in foyer, one on the left and one on the right. Exquisite patterns of flowers and vines engraved on the railing of staircase.
There were four large grey stone pillars evenly spaced keeping the front of castle standing. Each pillar carved to excellence to accentuate the renaissance feel of the castle.
The castle was dark and nightmarish despite the beige color of marble. I swear if wonder through these hallways at night you would be hyper vigilant.
“Remarkable isn’t it?” princess questioned still holding onto my hand she looked at my mesmerized face while we walked through the halls.
“Definitely your highness” I hummed in agreement my attention still fixed on the displayed art on walls.
“Please call me calla only people I dislike address me as your highness” she said giggling.
“OK calla” I replied observing how walls are blanketed in dark green to compliment railings of every staircase and are embellished with golden embroidery.
I hadn’t even noticed how we had up a floor and had passed several of guard and servants or maybe some important people on the way until we stopped in front of a closed door.
A guard stood in front of closed door wearing a white helmet so only his deep ember eyes were visible and the rest of his body was covered in shiny armor. The guard was wearing a grey cape over his shoulders that reached his shoulders. The guard was very muscular and tall much like Andrew.
I felt so small standing next to him and when the guard eyes traveled down to me his eye turned pitch black. I took a step back.
Straight after calla’s eyes turned black and her canines lengthened out and she sneered at the guard as her flashed with silver that made guard to drop on his knees clutching his neck gasping for air.
She is using her powers on the guard and my jaw dropped as I looked at the scene in front of me. It is cool and scary at the same time.
“This is lady Zeran who you are supposed to protect Thomas you unintelligent swine” calla glared at guard and the guard nodded vigorously as calla loosened her grip on his neck.
Calla smiled victoriously clearly proud of the affect she had on guard and me. I smiled timidly as she gestured towards the door opened by Thomas and followed her lead.
The room was massive and breathtaking it has a queen sized bed in the center covered with white sheets and pink flowery pillows and cushion.
The room was visually beautiful with lilac colored wall and white polar bear fur rug in the center of room.
Some vintage looking sofa set around the rug creating sitting area. The French doors that lead to balcony were wide open allowing the cold air to enter the room blowing white lace curtain like leaves of a tree.
I didn’t realize that I have stopped breathing for a second as I was so overwhelmed by the dreamlike bedroom that has a bathroom of its own.
I was taken out of my trance by Calla when she clapped her hands and yelled “ladies get into formation”.
Suddenly out of nowhere three girls came out and stood in front of us “Tulay this is where you will be staying and these girls are your servant they will do anything you will require and for your safety these are all human”
I was over the moon hearing about that the room belonged to me but I was also worried about wellbeing of my serv- let’s just say handmaidens. Calla didn’t tried to hide her disgust for three girls wearing similar white servant dress “are you going to curtsy or should we break each of yours leg?” Calla’s eyes glowed scary black as she threatened these girls.
I shake my head disapproval and held calla arms “they don’t have to”
Calla crossed her arms in annoyance and said still glaring at girls “my brother wouldn’t approve such behavior now curtsy” she said defiantly.
As my handmaiden followed her order I focused on the girl’s appearance.
The first one has long straight waist length black shiny hair with grey eyes and is slim like other two and she seemed quite pale as she haven’t eaten anything.
The second have Chestnut colored hair which reached her shoulders and she have green eyes. She looks younger than me and has high cheekbone which have me jealous because I know they are irresistible for any male and like the first one her skin was also pale.
The third one has her blonde hair in a neat bun and has brown eyes. She looks some years older than me because she radiates an air of maturity and her skin also pale.
“Now I will leave you to rest your servant will bring you meal and also tomorrow is a big day for you” with that Calla left me with my handmaidens.
“We will bring you your meal, my lady” the long haired one said.
“Please call me Tulay and thank you” I said grateful for their service because I only want sleep now after such a long tiring journey.