Tiff clicked her tongue, "Oh come on, what do you have to lose?"
"Uhh, everything, Tiff?" Tiff rolled her eyes at me, finalizing my fear for a date as me not getting over Pam-true, but not quite so. "First of all, I don't even know if Cameron swings that way. Second, if I even try and I fail, Cream and Sugar would be another place to avoid. And I don't want that. Why can't I just stay here," I gestured around, "a safe space where I don't have to ruin anything. A safe distance where I don't make a fool of myself. And a safe place where I can admire and fantasize all I want."
Disclaimer: Pam, my girlfriend of four years, really fucked me up.
"Alright, alright," Tiff said with a half-smile, "I get it."
"Thank you."
A few minutes after finally finding a topic that we didn't have to screw our heads over, Peter joined us for coffee.
"Hey, Gail." He waved at me then turned to Tiff for a kiss. "I heard what happened-"
I lifted my palm at him, "You don't have to speak your speech, although I honestly do love it, Tiff scolded me already."
Pete nodded and gave me a grin, "Alright, let me go order."
Tiff watched as her soon to be husband walked to the bar, she was eyeing his butt, which she always did. Tiff and Pete got together in college, it was around the same time me and Pam got together.
Tiffany and I were roommates although we were in different programs. Pete, however, was in the same program as Tiff. They met in Philosophy class and they were both so electric to be with. Like soulmates, they just clicked. Now, they were getting married in two weeks. At least one of two couples had a better ending.
Pete sat back down and gave Tiff another kiss on the lips. "Ugh, would you guys save it for the wedding."
Peter smiled and said, "Thank you for being so supportive, Gail."
"Pete, I asked Gail to come with us later for the movie." Peter nodded along.
"Which I totally declined by the way. You lovers have a good time."
"Hey, that would be great for you, why don't you come? You know we'd both love it if you do." Peter said, taking a bite off Tiff's doughnut which earns him a warning. Didn't you order already? Tiff silently barks at Peter.
"Here you go, Pete," Cameron says, smiling with familiarity at Peter, "Enjoy."
Cameron sets the tray down, "Thanks, Cammie." Peter says all of the sudden. Tiffany and I were now both at the same page.
"Cammie?" I ask while Tiffany whispers towards Pete, what was that? Do you know her?
He both looked at us with wide eyes, "That wasn't flirting or anything, guys."
Tiff waved a hand to dismiss Peter's thought, "Jeez, I know."
"W-why did you call her Cammie?" I wanted answers right there and then.
"What?" Peter was still trying to pace with us, "I know her. She's a friend of my brothers. Why?"
Tiff and I looked at each other at the same time. My mind flooded with questions, but Tiff had went on before me. "And you never thought to mention this to me before? I can't believe she's a friend of Simon."
Peter was still confused, "What? I don't get what all the fuss is about."
I stayed silent since the question was directed to Tiff, "Gail has a crush on Cameron."
"Woah, I wouldn't call is a crush, per se-"
"What?" Peter turned to me, "You have a crush on Cameron?" Then he turned to Tiff, "And you never thought to mention this?"
Now I eyed both of them, "For the love of God, are you sure you two would want to get married?" Both of them answered 'yes', at the same time. "Alright. Good. Now, for the important bit, is Cameron in anyway attracted to girls?"
"I don't think so-" Tiff jabs Peter with her hand, "-I mean, I don't know."
I stared at Tiff for a moment because of her abusive-totally hyperbole-action, "Are you sure you wanna marry her?"
"Look, I don't know much about Cammie since she's a friend of Simon's." Peter says, saving him the time of replying 'I don't know' a few more times.
I let out a breath and I felt defeated. "So, why don't we give Simon a call and ask him all about Cammie?"
Peter scoffed, declining the action for it being 'too weird'. "Why don't you just ask her out?"
Now I point my finger towards Peter, "No, and I have my own reasons, besides moving on from Pam."
Tiff raised her hand, "I can testify to that reason."
"See?" I say, crossing my arms.
"Alright, how about I ask her, as a friend of my brother's," Pete says carefully, "to join us for a movie tonight?" After he speaks, he scans both Tiff and I's reaction.
"That's plausible." Tiffany says with a smile. I nodded, getting nervous all of a sudden.
"Alright?" Peter asks, turning from me to Tiff and vice versa, "Everyone cool with that?"
In silence, us two girls nodded in agreement. "Wait, I just have to know, is she married? I saw her wearing a silver ring on her ring finger."
Peter thought for a moment, "Did it have a diamond or any carat of some kind?"
My eyebrows met in confusion, "No, no I don't think so."
"Then, no." Peter smiled in satisfaction.
"Wait, how would you know if she was married or not from a 'diamond or a carat of some kind'?" Tiffany asked.
Pete turned to his soon to be wife, "Well, that's what you'd prefer as a ring, right?" Tiff gave it some thought and then finally agreed with Peter. "Since we've settled that, how about I ask her now?"
"Yes, please." I say immediately like a child.
Peter stood up and went away for a while. He approached Cameron in a cool way, confident with his plan. After a few minutes, he came back, flaunting a thumbs up. "Six P.M., we'll pick you up then Cameron."
My smile was wide as it could be. I was excited for a nice night out, but I was even more excited to spend it with Cameron. I would finally put my mind at ease, since I've been craving to talk with this woman for months.
You'll be okay buddy, I said to myself, just put Pam at the far back of your mind.