Alright, can everyone who has ever been left and broken before put their fucking hands up? Oh, there, yeah, I see you all. Isn't it the fucking worse?
I mean, love is a great and beautiful thing, but my god does being dump hurt.
It's so great meeting someone who gets your damn cold heart somehow beating hard and hot from a simple fucking smile. It just feels so damn good to know that someone's willing to take all your flaws and bullshit because they love you back.
But, the fuckity fucked up thing is, after all the flowers and roses-the pretty words and empty promises-the I love yous and I love you toos-the next thing you know... The next fucking thing, you'll be catching them as you get home early from work, banging another chick in your bedroom, screaming and moaning like never before.
Well, technically not everyone's story is like that. But mine is. And I really, really must apologize for the cussing. I cuss a lot when I'm angry. And boy, reminiscing what happened two months ago, really gets me going.
So yeah, it's another miserable Thursday night in my PJs, with a gallon of cookie dough ice cream on my lap. Getting dumped really suck, but the moving on phase suck more.
If you guys can just help me out and take this bottle of whiskey away from me, that would be totes superb.
"Gail!" A distant echo in my mind had resonate around and around, causing annoyance. "Gail!"
I opened my eyes, feeling the tough body of the sofa I've crashed on. "Tiff... if you say my name a little louder I think the chance of you waking up our neighbors would be more effective."
"Jesus christ, Gail! Have you been drinking again?" She says, my stench betraying me.
"Aren't Christians not allowed to speak that way?" She puts up her bad finger up as she kept cleaning. "Oooh, there it is..." I chuckled softly, fighting over the brewing hangover.
"I hope you didn't call Pam again last night."
I scratched my eyes and grabbed my brown glasses on the side table. "I'm pretty sure I didn't, Tiff."
"Do you remember calling me?" Tiffany stopped for a moment to face me, dead serious and wondering. I mirrored her emotion as I thought hard.
"Fuck..." I whispered, the memory slowly climbing back to me.
"What, what?" Tiff said out of concern. She knew how much of a landmine this topic was and she knew to be careful. Tiff was my best friend, it was her duty to keep me off stupid drunk calls.
"Ugh, shit, I was doing so well!" I say, remembering how better I was doing for a week. I finally got to work without getting a drink, I finally controlled my drunk dial attempt without Tiff's supervision, and I finally got through showers without thinking of Pam.
"What is it Gail? Did you call her again?"
"Ugh, fuck, yeah I think so." Now the hangover was brewed on my head since I've been fussing around. I ran a hand on my long brown hair, feeling the anger inside me.
"Oh," Tiff frowned, knowing that this wasn't the time for a lecture since she knew how upset I was, "look, we'll get you straightened out again in no time, alright?"
I heaved out a breath, "Yeah, okay..."
"Alright, go get a shower and we'll get a cup of coffee."
Tiff lent me her sunglasses since I needed it more than her. The sun was glaring down today, making the temperature hotter than normal. We both sat inside her blue corolla, letting the hot air out before starting the car.
"Do you at least remember what you said?" Tiff asked, finally signaling that it was alright to close the doors and start the engine.
I let out a breath, letting my hand support my head. "No. It doesn't matter anyway. This is like, what, my one hundredth call to her? She probably got used to it by now."
"Yeah, but still, you have to be more careful Gail. And can you stop drinking whiskey? The stench really sticks." I stayed silent for a while. We were making our way to Cream and Sugar, one of the places Pam rarely-or never-went to.
"So," I say, shifting in the leather car seat, "how's Pete?"
Tiff bobbed her head from left to right, and vice versa, then said, "Oh you know Peter. He's fine. He still hasn't run away, and that's a pretty good sign, considering the wedding's only two weeks away."
I scoffed, "Why do you have to bring up the wedding in every conversation?"
Tiff snorted, "Hey, I don't know! I can't help it if I’m excited."
She pulled her blue corolla to a stop in front of Cream and Sugar, "Yeah, right." I teased, Tiff throws me a sarcastic smile, and we both make our way inside the coffee house.
We were immediately met by the smell of brewing coffee as we opened the door. I made my usual glance-over just to make sure Pam wasn't here. Inside the bar, the crew were busy, my eyes paused over the woman in uniform.
It was Cameron, a blonde woman a little older than me, she was around twenty-six to twenty-eight, I wasn't really sure. Then again, all I'm sure about is that her name was Cameron, and that she works here six days a week, and that her hair is blonde.
I can easily admit that I have had a strange fixation over her ever since she talked to me. She only talked to me twice, but I've been craving for small talk ever since. Knowing the awkward wallflower that I am, it's a pretty good feeling that someone makes an effort to talk to you.
"Alright, what do you wanna order?" I ask, getting pumped up despite the hangover.
Tiff laughed, "You're going to order, really? Isn't that headache hurting you enough, or is Cameron giving you a boost?"
"Tiffany," I say, trying to hide the redness of my face, "if you want to order, you go ahead, I was just being polite."
My best friend laughed harder, "Alright, I will. Let me guess your order," she closed her eyes and placed her hand on her forehead, a form of mocking, "cappuccino and a cream brulé doughnut?"
Tiff opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Ha ha, very funny. It's not my fault I don't get tired of one thing."
"Size?" She quickly asked as she stood up from her seat.
"Please, do you think this is amateur hour?" Tiff gave me a look and went on to the bar to order.
Cameron tended to Tiffany, I was careful not to stare too long, the blonde kept bobbing her head as she took the order. The coffee house weren't full at this time of day, and I was thankful for that fact.
I adjusted my glasses as Tiff came to take a seat again. "Have we been going here too much?" She asks me, "It's just that Cameron didn't ask me my name as she usual does."
I gave her a shrug, "I guess so. The crew hasn't asked me my name for a long time now."
"So anyway, Pete and I are going to watch a movie tonight, want to come?" I scratched my head and gave her another shrug. "Oh come on, what are you going to do tonight? Get drunk and call Pam again?"
"No." I made a funny, wheeze-like noise, "I have a date with my PJs. No thank you."
Tiff let out a defeated scoff, "Jesus christ, Gail. Why won't you just come?"
I pointed a finger towards her, "Hey, you are a really bad Christian."
Just as Tiff was to retort an insult, Cameron called my name in the bar. "Hey, why did she call you? I ordered." Tiff asked.
I gave her a wide smile before going up to get our food. "Good morning." Cameron politely says with a light smile, just like her usual.
"Good morning," I say back, smiling widely at her. On a tray was Tiff and I's doughnuts. Cameron handed me the coffee and I caught sight of a ring on her left hand. "Uhh, thank you."
Cameron gave me another smile and then proceeded to tend to another customer. I sat back down across Tiff, silence loomed for a bit until I finally spoke my mind, "Is Cameron married?"
Tiff's eyebrows met in confusion, "I don't know. Why?"
"Well," I shift in my seat before I started, "she had a ring on her left hand."
Tiff took a bite off her doughnut, "So? If it's just on the left hand and not on the ring finger it doesn't matter."
"It was on the ring finger." I say, suddenly stooped down again. Damn it why did she have to talk to me, and why does she have to be so pretty too.
"Look, Gail, if you want to know anything about Cameron why don't you just ask her out?"
"Hmm," I say whilst stirring my coffee, "great idea, but uh, no."