What have I done? More like, what has he done?
Hell! What have we done?
This is wrong. The kiss was wrong. I should not have kissed him.
Wait! technically I did not kiss him, I just responded.
But then why did he kissed me?
That Bastard!
And if it wasn't Aiden, I don't know where Justin and I would have taken it. How far would we have gone?
Thank God! Aiden did not come in when we were kissing!
I shiver at the thought, what would have happened if he did.
I am practically getting mad with all these questions in my mind.
But all these things were just in my mind. My heart and body were saying something else.
According to those two rebellious parts of me, everything was right. The kiss was sweeter than chocolates yet acidic, cause it melted my bones.
And over the top was the feeling of Justin's lips on mine.
Huh! Those lips..... (smiles idiotically while dreaming)
His lips were super soft and his taste was addictive. Minty and pure male. Oh! so good!
I won't blame myself for kissing him back. I mean how can I resist, that was what I have been dreaming for a long time.
Feeling of his lips, his touch, his hard body pressed against my not so soft one...
But then again, THIS IS WRONG.
I.. I gave my first kiss to Justin. I kissed him back because I love him, but does he feel the same for me?
No! he doesn't. He thinks of me as a friend, just friend.
Whatever happened today was just... just.. 'heat of the moment', no emotions involved.............................. from his side.
Let me ask a question!
What would you have done in such a situation???
Let me guess the common answer- 'Ignore the guy'.
But what if I tell you that I am here laying on a soft feather-like bed, staring at the ceiling of the luxurious guest room of McKenna mansion.
YES, you heard (read) it right.
As I came here for a movie night, I definitely have to stay here for a night.
And you know what's the best part. (Please note the sarcasm) I did not bring my truck here. Yeh! I didn't.
My truck is in the garage. Yesterday while returning home it suddenly stopped so I called a mechanic who took it there.
And now Ladies and gentlemen tomorrow I will have to go to the college with the all mighty 'Justiiiiiinn McKenaaaa'.
Can my life be worse?
I toss and turn on the soft bed, It's way too soft for my comfort level, but the sleep is always saying 'bye-bye' to me and running out of the window and diving in the swimming pool which was to been seen from the window.
These people are way too rich, but I have never seen even an ounce of arrogance in their attitude. They all are really nice.
My mom and I first came here when we were invited by Rosy on her engagement party with Aiden.
I was really scared to see so many rich people around me.
Using an old truck, wearing old clothes to one of the most reputed colleges in the country, with lots of rich kids around had not added many good interactions with the rich people to my life.
But the McKenna family is too sweet. That's why I can never let their trust down, I can't take advantage of Justin's friendship.
I don't want for people to think that I befriend Justin for his money or I seduced him to use him for my benefit.
No, never, Tomorrow I will tell Justin that whatever happened was wrong. And we should not let that happen again.
"Hey! dear good morning", Rosy greets me. I am in the guest room. Showered and dressed in my usual old denim and a maroon hoodie.
"Good morning", I smile at her. Besides my mom, Rosy and Ashley are the sweetest women I have ever met. And besides, my dad and Justin, Arthur, Milo, and Aden are the most handsome and caring men I have ever seen.
"I see you are ready. Let's go for the breakfast", she says pulling me out of the room.
Everyone is already seated at the breakfast table. The only seat empty is beside Justin.
"Morning everyone", I greet them.
"Morning Phoebe", they greet me back. I nervously sit beside Justin.
He shifts a bit and avoids eye contact with me. Good!
"How are you dear?", Milo questions.
"Fine grandpa. And I don't think I should ask you the same question, cause you look as handsome as always", He laughs at my comment. Yes! I call him grandpa, he insisted me to do so.
"And what about me?", Aiden asks.
"Hmm not as handsome as him", I shrug.
"And me"
"You too Arthur", they both pat their chest faking that they are hurt.
"But my boys here are more handsome", I smile at Ashur, Archer, and Aiken.
"Yes! I knew it you like me", Ashur exclaims.
"Yaa me too", Archer smiles broadly.
"and me", Aiden gives me a flying kiss.
"Oh! yes, you all", I smile at them.
"Ok! now pretty lady let's eat the breakfast", we all dig into the food as Arthur says it.
"Hmm. Aunt Ashley the pancakes are soo tasty", Justin moans. My heart skips a beat as I remember him moaning yesterday.
"Are you ok dear you look pale", Ashley asks me. Everyone's head turns toward me.
"Yeh! I am fine", I give them a reassuring smile.
"Where is Aries", I ask Ashley once we finished the breakfast. I haven't spoken even a single word with Justin yet. And God! I am so nervous.
"She is sleeping", she says sadly.
"Oh! I was hoping to play with her", I said her pouting like a disappointed child.
I hear a light groan. Looking in its direction I saw that the source was Justin.
His eyes are fixed on my lips. I gulped. Hopefully, his groan wasn't that loud for Ashley to listen.
"Let's go", Justin said and with long strides went out of the door.
"What's got into his pants", Ashley said after noticing his rude behaviour.
"Maybe he is on his periods", I joked making her laugh.
I said my byes' to Ashley, Rosy, and Milo. Aiden and Arthur already left the house and Justin's brothers left for their school.
With a heart beating 100 times faster than the normal pace I made my way towards Justin's car.
The usual black convertible Rolls Royce was proudly standing outside the door.
Justin, as usual, will be driving it. I quickly made my way towards it, keeping my head down, not having the guts to look in those blue eyes.
Opening the door I slid down on the passenger seat after keeping my bag in the back seat.
The drive will take at least half an hour. Justin starts the Engine and pulls off the car out of the mansion's massive gates.
The ride is dead awkward. It's been almost 10 minutes and neither of us has spoken.
'The kiss was nothing', 'The kiss was nothing', I kept on repeating those words in my mind. I have to say them to Justin.
After more 5 minutes I somehow gathered the courage.
"The kiss was nothing", I said a bit loudly.
"Uhh. Uh What?", Justin sounded a bit taken back by my sentence.
"I mean the kiss, ye..yesterday we kissed. It was nothing. It was the just heat of the moment. I mean you think yourself, Justin, why would you kiss me or why would I kiss you. We don't have any feelings for each other. We are just friends 'just best friends', nothing else. I really don't know why you initiated it. I mean not like you wanted to kiss me. I even don't know why I kissed back. I guess it was the first time someone's lips were on mine so I just wanted to know how it feels like. But it was wrong, we are friends we should not have done it. It's.........", I kept on rambling for god knows how many minutes.
"You are right Phoebe, it was wrong. I apologize, I know initiated it but I assure you it won't happen again. As you said it was just 'heat of the moment'", He said cutting me and never leaving his eyes from the road.
"We are here", Justin says after parking his car.
"Yeh! Hmmm Thank you", he nods and started leaving.
"Umm... Justin"
"I hope it, I mean the kiss won't make the things awkward", A warm smile made its way on his lips.
He quickly placed one hand on my shoulder.
"No, nothing will change. Now let's go we don't want to get late", Uhh. Just like the old days.
I smile and start walking towards the college building with Justin.
Although my smile does not last long as soon my eyes land on the familiar face leaning against a wall of the corridor and flirting with a bunch of barbie doll girls.
"Justin!", he comes running in our direction.
"Enric!", they both hug like they are meeting after ages.
"I thought you were suspended for a month. And it's been hardly a week", Justin sounds a bit surprised.
"Connections duh!", Enric ways his hand in the air and they both laugh at their lame joke.
"Justin, I will meet you in the class", I say Justin and make my way.
"Hey Phoebe wait", I stop as Enric called my name.
Suddenly he is in front of me. His height isn't as tall a Justin, he is the same height as me. But I won't deny that he is muscular.
"You really crossed your limits last time, Morris", His black eyes are directly boring into my grey ones.
"One day Morris, one perfect day, I will surely put you in your place. You don't have the slightest idea of how I am controlling myself right now. But soon Morris, soon I will find a way and you will be on your knees in front of me", he says in a deadly calm voice. For the first time in my life, I am fearing him.
But no way in hell I am gonna show him.
"Will be waiting for that day, Simons!", I too tried to mimic his cold tone and succeeded.
The bell rang indicating that we should stop the argument, but Enric wasn't in the mood to stop.
"Trust me, Morris when that day comes you would rather wish that you should have not said this sentence", His face is too close to mine, I could feel his hot and angry breath on my face.
"And when I get you on your knees, Morris, I will.....", a hand-pulled him away from me, I signed in relief.
"You should not talk to her like that", Justin says through greeted teeth.
"Dude, trust me I am being very very good with her right now. If I tell you what's in my mind you.."
"No Enric she is a girl, and most importantly my friend. She is as important to me as you are. And I will be by her side always to protect her cause she needs me more than you", Justin says calmly, yet in a deadly tone. Enric takes it as a clue to stop.
"Whatever", saying that he leaves for the class but not before giving me a glare that sends shivers down my spine. (The bad, really bad shivers)