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Chapter 4

Fun Fact: did you know that drinking coffee before sex will make your orgasms 50x more intense.


After my extremely emotional phone call with Sinister, I felt that I needed to give my mind a break.

"Rach we're going to a club." I said to Rachel, who had been watching American Horror Story for the past 6 hours.

"yes, yes, yes, YES!" She hopped up from the couch, throwing her hands in the air. Her braids flying everywhere as she danced.

I forced a smile,.

What club? When? With who? And where?" A big smile was plastered on her face.

"Amnesia, in an hour, you and I, and it's the club at Miami beach." I laughed to see her face lighting up as I answered each question. Amnesia was a nightclub owned by the Russian Mafia, if Sinister wanted me to 'stay safe' then I was about to act as reckless as possible in his nightclub.

"Is Sebastian coming?" She grinned "I want the marijuana."

I shrugged, "sure he can come."

"FUCK YES!! Lemme call Sebastian!!" She gave me a bear hug, "I'll go slutify myself!!!" She sprinted into her room, I laughed hearing the sound of the shower turn on as she began singing "The Circle of Life."

Get you a bestie who can sing Disney.

I trudged into my room, hopping into the shower.

Sinisters voice was still replaying in my mind. I couldn't believe I actually heard his voice, three and a half months later, and his voice still warmed my heart.

The realization suddenly dawned on me...he told me to be safe. He talked to me, with the sole purpose of telling me to be safe.

Guess what I'm gonna do? Imma run with scissors, get into cars with strangers, accept candy from men in white vans, and not tie my shoes. Suck it Sinister.

I got out of the shower, walking into my fully stocked closet and selecting a low-cut white crop top with black ripped shorts.

I sat down to do my makeup, but I couldn't focus. I missed Sinister. I missed his ink black hair that was always so sleek and neat. I missed his icy blue eyes that made me fall to my knees. I missed his tall, lean body that would always engulf me in warm, loving hugs. I missed the tattoos that snaked all over his body. I missed his beautiful smile that made me melt completely.

I missed him so much, that it made my heart hurt. He had given me so much to live for, that when he left me, I had nothing.

When I had joined the Mafia, I was sworn in and marked with a tattoo that promised me to Omertà. Omertà was the code of silence for Mafias, your silence is your life. If you break Omertà, you die, no matter who you are, no matter where you are.

I glanced at my wrist, the tattoo inked onto me for the rest of my life


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The words were neat, it meant "bleed silence."

Ever since Sinister left me, I had been hiding the tattoo with bracelets, if anyone saw it, I'd be totally screwed. I slid on the bracelets, covering my lashes with mascara, and sliding on some lip gloss.

"I'M READY!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.


I was laughing as I walked out of my room at the same time as Rachel. She looked like a snack, she wore a high waited black skirt, with a sheer white top. Her brown hair was pulled up tightly into a pony tail.

The front door flew open to reveal Sebastian, wearing a white dress shirt with a few buttons undone on the top. His bleach blonde hair was freshly combed.

"Yay!!" Rach said smiling, "we're all cute!!"

She pranced over to Sebastian, holding out her hand.

He laughed, sliding his backpack off of his shoulders and handing her a joint, "here ya go, crackhead." He set his bag down on the floor in the kitchen.

Rachel bowed to him, skipping over to our balcony where she lit up the joint.

Smart girl, I said no smoking in the apartment, technically she was outside then apartment.

Sebastian turned to me, "Wanna smoke?"

"Later, you go have fun. I gotta do something."

He nodded, walking over to where Rachel was intensely hitting a joint.

As soon as he was out of sight I unzipped his bag and began searching for his gun. Psychotic, I know, but I made a promise to Sinister that I would kill any of his goons that I saw, and I had a feeling I was going to see one of those bastards tonight.

I pulled out a Glock .9mm, it was heavy as hell, but it was loaded and seemed like it would do the trick. I shook my head and laughed to myself as I saw about two ounces of packaged weed, and another gun laying in his bag.

I stood up, hurrying into my room where I hid the gun in my purse. I'm classy like that.

"Alright stoners, are you ready to go?" I called out, holding my purse tightly in my hand. I got no reply. I sighed, walking over to the balcony, and I had no words for what I saw.

Rachel was facing the city, her arms raised by her head as she recited Titanic.

"I'm flying Jack!" she cried out "I'm flying!"

Meanwhile, Sebastian was leaning against the railing, his arms were crossed, and his face was completely amused. He blew out a puff of smoke as he watched Rachel act like a retard.

Rachel finally turned away from the balcony, a prideful grin plastered to her face, "How was that?"

I pretended to wipe a tear from my face, "beautiful...just beautiful."

"Alright" Sebastian finished off his joint, stepping on the embers "are you girls ready to party?"


We took an Uber to Amnesia, it was one of the most popular night clubs in Miami. The rave music could be heard blasting from inside. Dozens of people were waiting in line, the girls were caked in makeup, and the guys looked like they were full to the brim with testosterone.

"Yebat'." (Fuck.) I muttered under my breath, I did not like waiting in lines. I love Disney World, but I fast pass the fuck outta those ride.

I glanced around, noticing the same Russian prick from the restaurant standing by the club, making a poor attempt at blending in with everyone else. I pretended not to see him, instead I focused my attention on the Bouncer. He stood in front of a gate, letting people in every few minutes after their ID's were checked. He stood next to two huge security guards.

Well, that takes sneaking in out of the picture.

"Alright everyone" The Bouncer called out to the crowds, I noticed his accent immediately, he was Russian, "please have out your ID's to be checked."

I turned to Rachel and Sebastian, "Wait here."

I waltzed over to the bouncer, "Izvinite." (Excuse me) I smiled.

I gained his full attention by using his native language, "Da?" (Yes?)

"Komu prinadlezhit etot klub?" (who owns this club?) I asked innocently.

His face tensed slightly, "YA ne mogu skazat', skuchayu." (I'm not at liberty to say, miss.) He stated apologetically, turning his attention towards a young woman who held out her ID for him to check.

"Vladeyet li russkaya mafiya klubom?" (Does the Russian Mafia own the club?) I asked, but I already knew the answer.

He froze slightly, turning towards me, "Otkuda ty eto znayesh'??" (How do you know that?) His voice was tight and nervous.

"Pozvol'te mne predstavit' sebya..." (Let me introduce myself) I switched back to English, "My name is Calla Levkin, I'm married to Sinister Velkov, and you're going to let us in the club, now." I discreetly moved the bracelets away from my wrist, showing him the Mafia tattoo.

The lengths I will go to, just to skip a line.

His face went from nervous, to surprised in seconds. He nodded his head quickly, his eyes still wide as he gestured for security to let us through.

"Thanks Diego, run Dora, run!" I motioned for Rachel and Sebastian to follow.

"How the hell did you do that?" Rachel asked, raising her voice over the blaring music as we stepped inside

I shrugged, "I told him I'd suck his cock." I lied. Rachel grinned, clearly proud of me as she skipped joyously into the club.

It would take Sinisters goon at least an hour to get through that line of people, so I was safe for now.

Neon strobe lights flickered brightly throughout the club, there were hundreds of drunk people dancing, their bodies were so close together, they looked like a smoothie. Ew. A DJ stood on the stage, blaring loud rave music.

The intoxicating smell of weed and heavy alcohol clung to my nostrils.

"Okay, Seabass. You're over the age of 21. Go get us alcohol." I smiled sweetly at him.

He chuckled, "anything for you, darlin'."

Rachel's eyes were bloodshot from the weed, as she stared at the club in awe, like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Do you ever feel...like a plastic bag..." She said, her eyes were in a complete daze.

I ignored her ,"C'mon scarface" grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the dance floor.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. It felt almost as if this was all some fucked up dream. Rach and I slipped through the crowds of people, and into the mosh pit.

Sometimes you just gotta enjoy life, because you never know when the party is going to end for you. I had to learn that the hard way, I took true love for granted, and it left me alone, sad, and hopeless.

As I danced among the sea of strangers, I thought to myself. It wasn't losing Sinister that hurt me, it was the knowledge that I would have to live without him. I wanted to forget all of those beautiful memories we created together, not because I stopped loving him, but because it hurt too much to remember.

"I brought drinks!" Sebastian shouted, handing me a tall glass of dark liquid.

"What is it?" I yelled back.

He got that goofy grin on his face, "I asked for 20 shots, and then I just poured them all into this glass!"

He's a smart cookie.

I grabbed the drink from his hand, and chugged like my life depended on it. I ignored the tears that sprung into my eyes, and ignored the fire that erupted in my throat. I wanted to forget, even if was only for a second.

I wiped my mouth when I was finished, instantly feeling the nausea and burn that ignited in my body.

Sebastian's face was priceless, his mouth hung open, "Did you...did you just drink that entire fucking thing?"

"si senor." My body was swaying in every direction, my purse hitting against my leg as I wobbled.

Sebastian laughed for a solid 3 minutes, "Okay, I'll never challenge you to a drinking game again."

I held my hands above my head as I danced, "I am one with the force, the force is with me..."

Sebass grinned, "Are you quoting Star Wars?"

"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter..." My head spun and I almost face planted into the ground. But I didn't, good job Calla, you caught yourself.

I let myself get caught in the sea of music, my body struggling to stay upright.

Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms gripping my body, I turned around to see a young guy who was drunk off his ass.

"You're sexy as fuck." He slurred "do you want to dance?"

I couldn't help but notice the massive erection he had.

"Sorry, Viagra." I smiled, grabbing Rachel's arm and pulling her to me "I'm a lesbian. I like pussy."

He smiled lazily at Rachel and I, "I don't mind threesomes." He stumbled slightly.

I'm too drunk for this shit.

"I have a foot fettish, lemme see your lil piggies." I stared at his feet. Nasty, I know. But it's usually a turn off.

The guy made a slightly disgusted face, but shrugged, "y-you're hot enough that it's worth it."

Okay, final try.

"I have Chlamydia."

That man turned around so damn fast. Rachel grinned at me giving me a high five.

Sebastian barked out a laugh, "well done, darlin'. Even when you're drunk you're a savage."

I bowed to him, and fell to the ground.

Sebastian helped me off, brushing off the debris from the floor, "What happened?" He asked, motioning to where I just fell.

I shrugged, "I forgot I was standing."

Amusement crossed his face, he smiled and shook his head at me.

I was about to suggest that we get more alcohol, when I noticed the Russian Gorilla on the sidelines of the club. His tall figure was intimidating as he stared at me.

He saw me staring, and smiled.

"Excuse meee" I patted Sebastian's shoulder "I has to pee."

I didn't wait for him to answer, instead I somehow managed my way through the crowds of people, threatening the lives of a few guys who tried to talk to me.

I stumbled over to where Sinisters goon was standing, "Yo, King Kong, follow me I have to talk to you."

I clutched my purse in my hands, my hand feeling the cool metal of the gun.

"I thought I was clear about you following me." I stated, trying my best to look sober as I led him towards the bathrooms and away from people.

"I'm doing my job." He said plainly.

"Your job is retarded, stop following me." I pressed my hand against the wall, trying to keep myself from falling over.

"Or what?" He chuckled, his enormous frame made me second guess being able to beat him up.

He laughed humorlessly, "are you going to try and kill me now?"

My face fell, "He told you my plan."

The Hulk nodded, "I''m here to keep an eye on you. I'm here to make sure you don't die. Obviously you can't take care of yourself." He motioned to my drunken state.

Okay, I'm done, he's going down.

I pulled the gun from my purse and pointed it at his face.

His facial features went from amused, to surprised in seconds.

He made a move to grab his gun but I stopped him, "no no no, sharkboy, listen to me. Stop following me. Or I will kill you."

He barked out a laugh, "you wouldn't shoot me."

Well, I'm drunk. I can do a lot of things I'd never do while sober.

I aimed the gun at his leg and fired a shot, the sound of the gun was muffled by the loud pounding of the rave music.

He let out a cry, his body falling to the ground. A deep gash appeared in his leg as it oozed blood. He gripped his leg, applying pressure, his face twisted in pain.

"Did I prove myself? Yes. Do I feel bad? Nope. Are we done here? Yup." I smiled at him, stepping over his withering body as I skipped away.

I think that went pretty well.

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