Fun fact....
Did you know that that sex burns 360 calories per hour!
Yay! Stamina!
The iced ocean water submerged me. I was left alone again, floating there in the world of darkness, wearing the red scars on my body, from the memories that Sinister left behind.
It was funny, really, Sinister would have jumped with me. But here I was, 6 feet under the crash of the waves. I felt like I was drowning, being pulled under the waves. Except this sea isn't really made from water, it's made of hopelessness, and despair. No matter how fast I swam...the dark flood always pulled me back under.
Sinister was drowning me, killing me...and he didn't even know it.
I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms pulling me towards the surface, my face broke through the waves as I sucked in a breath of air.
"Calla, what the fuck?!" Sebastian yelled, hoisting me into his arms as he dragged me towards the beach shore.
"I wanted to see what it felt like." I laughed, spitting out a mouth full of water.
"Ty chertovski sumasshedshiy." He muttered in Russian, dragging my body out of the water. (You're fucking crazy).
He lifted my body out of the icy water, setting me down on the sand of the shore.
He shook his hair free of water, wringing out his black shirt, "You're lucky you're so tiny. If you weren't so small, I wouldn't have been able to save you."
I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering from the cold, "I just wanted to jump."
He glanced over his shoulder, watching as Rachel and Jack ran towards us.
"I gotta go grab my backpack. I'll be right back." He said to me, jogging towards the pier.
"Calla!" Rachel shrieked, she was still drunk as hell, "are you okay? ARE YOU HURT??" She wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm fine. It was fun." I shrugged, shaking my head, trying to sober myself up. The icy cold water certainly helped, but I could still feel the dizziness throughout my body.
Rachel grinned at me like a goofball, "Jack's gonna drive me home, is that okay?"
I held my head in my hands and nodded, "Yes ma'am."
She leaned towards me, whispering in my ear "I think he's gonna kiss me." She giggled like a little school girl.
I smiled at her, trying my best to look sober. I gave her a thumbs up, watching as her and Jack retreated down the beach shore,. Sebastian walked over to me, pulling a white hoodie from his backpack and handing it to me.
"Thanks." I said quietly, pulling the soft material over my head. I was still freezing, but the warmth helped.
Sebastian ran a hand through his blonde hair, "Calla, don't do anymore crazy shit like that, okay?"
My lips formed into a straight line and I shrugged. I liked the rush of jumping off that bridge, it made me feel alive again. After Sinister had left me, I felt so dead inside, like all the good in me had been ripped out. But when I jumped, I felt the exhilaration, the rush of adrenaline inside of me, and I was alive again.
Sebastian sighed, sitting next to me on the cool sand, the heat radiating off of his body as he lay down, folding his hands behind his head.
I pulled my legs up to my chest, "Do you think he's thinking about me?" My voice quivered as I stared at the stars.
"He loves you. That kind of love..." he sighed "you can never stop thinking about."
My eyes stung at the feeling of tears forming. I hate that feeling you get in your throat while you're trying to talk, that feeling like you're about to shatter into a million pieces and cry.
"He was different" my voice trembled as I looked at the stars "there was something about him that made him the one star to shine in a sky full of millions. I think it was the way he carried his heart in his eyes, and I swear, I saw myself there." I wiped a stray tear from my cheek.
I felt the warmth of Sebastian's hand on my back, "It's okay, Calla. It's going to be okay darlin'."
I lay next to him, my eyes glued to the stars, and I tried to find Sinister.
"Why don't you try something" Sebastian said, turning his head to me "talk to him. Right now. Find him in the stars, and talk to him like he's with you right now."
My body shook, I took in a deep breath, "I love you, Sinister. I always have. I love you past the moon, and beyond the stars. You're close to me, even if I don't see you. You are with me, even if I don't see you. Even if you are far away, you're in my heart, in my my life, always."
I laughed quietly, wiping a tear away as I continued, "People are going to ask you about me, one day. And when they ask you about me, I hope you'll find yourself thinking back on all of our memories. I hope you ache in regret as the truth hits you like a bullet, and you find yourself replying: "she loved me more than anyone else, and I destroyed her."
I felt the constant weight on my heart lessen a little. I hope he heard me. I knew he didn't, the Devil himself couldn't be in the stars, when he was spreading hell on earth, but I had hope.
Sebastian said nothing, but I could see his bright hazel eyes were deep in thought.
"I've been fucked over too many times. I'm done. I think what hurts me the most, is that I gave my all to him. Through thick and thin, I stayed with him, no matter what. And then one day, he just gave up. He wouldn't even fight for me. The one thing I would never do, he did without hesitation."
I shut my eyes tight, pressing my face to the cool sand. Listening to the rhythmic sound of Sebastian's breathing. The cool Miami air brought peace to me, the sounds of drunk college kids rang through my ears.
I didn't lose him, he lost me. He'll search for me inside of everyone he's around, but I won't be found. I thought what I had with him was true love...but a person that truly loves you, will never let you go.
"Sebastian.." I said quietly.
"Yes darlin'?"
"Please don't leave me."
I heard him take in a sharp breath, but I didn't wait for an answer. Instead I shut my eyes so tight...that I forgot the world around me.