X e n a
It was currently lunch time I was walking with my tray of disgusting cafeteria food to a table which Cam and Brie were sitting on.
Once I put down my food on the table and took a seat opposite both of them they started talking.
"Xena, just tell him now. This is your chance" Cam says while looking at something behind me.
I turn around to see what she was looking at and sure enough Archer was sitting on the table with Owen and a few other people.
"Guys..." I start of while turning back to my two best friends.
"I don't think I should tell him. What if he rejects me? Or what if he thinks I'm lying?" I say
Brie was about to speak up but I quickly cut her off by saying that I am not ready to tell him.
"Alright. But tell him soon, because like I said before, he thinks he got rejected by his soulmate." Brie says while giving me a pointed look.
I change the topic and we all talk about random things until lunch was over.
"Bye" I say before we all split up and walk our own separate ways.
I have English now.
I walk into class and I take my seat at the complete back. I put my head down on my arms which were on top of the table and close my eyes while I wait for the teacher to walk in.
I felt someone sit beside me and I turn my head and open one eye to see none other than Archer Howell sitting beside me looking at me like he was trying to figure out something.
"You know...I've come to the realisation that you sleep a lot" Archer says while giving me a friendly smile.
Ugh. His smile is so gorgeous. So contagious. His smile made me feel some type of way, Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I couldn't help but blush and smile back.
"I don't sleep a lot. It's just that you always see me when I'm sleeping" I shake my head and laugh a bit.
He shifts in his seat and his arm brushes against mine. My skin tingled where he touched me and my heart beats erratically in my chest so hard that I thought it might fly out. There were butterflies—no, lions—in my chest, but it felt good.
I quickly move my hand away and clear my throat.
I really should tell him shouldn't I?
The teacher walk in an we start learning. And once again I kept getting distracted...I mean, how could I not get distracted if a Greek God himself was sitting beside me.
He's so hot. Someone get me some water, I'm going to faint.
"You good?" He looks at me smugly.
"Uh-um—Yeah. I'm fine" I nod and turn around and look at the board.
From the corner of my eye I saw him smiling before shaking his head. His curly hair bouncing as he shook his head.
"Can I please have a pen? I don't know where mine is" Archer turns to me once again.
"Yeah, sure" I say and reach for the extra pen inside my pencils case.
Half an hour later class was over. I quickly packed up my bag before making my way out of the class and heading for the parking lot.
"Hey!" I hear someone call me from behind.
I see Archer walking to me with my pen in his hand.
"Thanks. I forgot to give it back" he says and gives me my pen back.
"Oh yeah, no problem" I nod and take the pen from his hand. My fingers slightly brushing against his.
"I didn't really get your name" He says while tilting his head a little bit.
"Xena" I smile.
"Nice. I'm Archer" he smiles.
Like I didn't know that.
"Nice to meet you Archer" I pretend I didn't know his name.
He waves and walks away. I slowly let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and I start to unlock my car door. Maybe I'll tell him about me being his soulmate later.
"How'd it go?" Cam says while walking up to me with Brie walking beside her.
"How did what go?" I ask dumbly
"Didn't you say you were going to tell Archer today?" Brie says while crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yeah...I didn't. BUT I did have a small conversation with him." I explain.
They both gave me disappointing looks.
"Sorry. I kind of just got really scared and I started to overthink" I smile sheepishly.
"It's fine...tell him tomorrow okay?" Brie pats my shoulder.
"Yeah... and if not tomorrow then the day after tomorrow and if not the day after tomorrow then the day after the day after tomorrow" I nod reassuring myself.
"Yeah...but hopefully tomorrow" Cam looks at me like I told her I shat in a ziplock bag.
"Anyways. I need to go home" I say and turn around and climb into my black car.
"Yeah same. Bye guys" Brie says before waving and walking to where she parked her car. Cam then waves and walks to her own car.
I backed out from the school parking lot and started to head home.
I stepped out from my black car, I stared at my house that was set beyond the sidewalk, towering over me as if attempting to intimidate me. This big house held so many memories...good and bad.
The white and grey coating of the paint shined as the sun glowed down on it, causing me to squint. The twisted fencing kept the house enclosed, neatly trimmed hedges surrounded the house. The roof was peaked, slanting down at an angle.
The water shined and sparkled from the pool in the distance as I walked towards my house, down the pebbled path to the black wooden door.
I pulled out the house keys and unlocked the door. I went straight up to my room already knowing my dad wouldn't be back from work right now. I put my bag on my bed before going straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower before I started to make dinner.
I came out of the shower and wore some comfy grey shorts and a plain white top. I put my hair in a low ponytail while walking down the long carpeted stairs.
I walked inside the kitchen and decided to make some pasta because that was the most easiest food to make.
Pulling out all the ingredients that I needed, I started to make dinner.
Half an hour later I was done and I washed all the utensils that I used.
I covered the food up and walked back upstairs, while walking up I saw the clock hanging on the grey painted living room. It was only 7:30.
Dad would be back in half an hour.
I decided to finish up with any homework I had.
Time flew by fast and before I knew it I heard a knock on my door.
"Yeah?" I call out already knowing it was my dad.
A few seconds later the door opens revealing my dad.
"Hey. If you're done with your homework, come down for dinner" my dad smiles before shutting my bedroom door behind him.
I quickly finished the question on history before waking downstairs. My dad was in the kitchen heating up the food in the microwave since it had become cold.
He brings the food on the table and we both sit down. He was sitting on the end of the table and I was sitting on the plush chair beside him.
"How was school?" Dad asks Once we had taken our own serving of food.
"The usual..boring" I shrug.
"How was work?" I ask him.
"The usual...boring" my dad shrugs, mimicking me.
I crack a smile and he smiles back. His eyes then shift to my wrist and then he stared at my wrist intently.
"Where's your mark?" My dad says reaching out for my wrist.
"Oh...um—" I was then cut off by my Dad.
"I know you've found him. No need to lie sweet pea" he smiles at me and pats the back of my hand.
I start to blush but my black hair covers it.
"Who is he? We could invite his family over for dinner one day" my dad suggests.
"Actually...um...you see he doesn't know I'm his soulmate" I simply say while playing with my food on my plate.
"What do you mean?" He says, confused.
"I had gone for a party on Saturday and I...um. I kissed him in the dark and then I ran away before he could see my face because I got scared he might reject me..." I explain.
"Who is he?" Dad asks again.
"A boy named Archer Howell" I say looking back up at my dad from my plate.
"Oh Howell? His dad and I are good friends. he's the CEO of the magazine company I work at" dad explains.
My dad was the COO of the magazine company that he works at which means he knows a lot Archers dad.
Maybe he isn't talking about the same Howell.
"Are you sure you're talking about the Howell that I'm talking about?" I ask him.
"I do know that Matthew has a son. And he's your age and goes to the same school as you Xena, so I think I'm pretty sure I'm talking about the same Howell you're talking about" my dad laughs. Matthew must be Archers dads name.
No. No. No.
"Calm down. I won't tell Matthew anything" my dad smiles and shakes his head.
"But you will have to tell him soon. Or I'll tell him" my dad states.
"Yeah, I will" I nod
We both finish our food quickly before we put our plates in the sink before we both head up to our own rooms.
I shut my room door behind me and let out a breath.
God bless.
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