X e n a
Brie and Cam came out of the house a few minutes later, I was still standing outside the house looking at my wrist in shock.
"Why'd you run out?" Brie said while she walked up to me. Cam following behind her.
Cam then looks down at my hand and stares at my wrist in the same shocked expression I was holding.
"Holy shit. Did you find your soulmate? Your mark is gone!" Cam says grabbing my wrist and inspecting my hand like she's never seen it before.
"Who is it?" Brie asks.
I turn back around to see the door of the house open, Archer came out of the house looking around like he was finding for someone.
He was finding for the person that kissed him.
"I'll explain everything else later, let's go home," I say quickly and tug at Cam and Brie's hand.
They both look at each other in confusion then they shrug their shoulders and following me to my black car.
I sit in the driver's seat and rest my head on the steering wheel.
Why did I do that? Why did I kiss him?!
I'm so stupid.
"Care to explain to me what's going on and why we left so early? We only came here an hour ago" Cam says from the back seat.
I turn to them and took in a deep breath, getting myself ready to explain to them everything.
"Remember when you told me that I should tell Archer how I feel since I won't be able to do that when I find my soulmate?" I asked them.
They both look at each other before nodding at me.
"Well...when the lights turned off I kind of maybe kissed him and—" I start to say but I was cut off by Brie and Cam both squealing really loudly.
You can count on your friends to burst your eardrums.
"Listen!" I cut them off so I can continue my story.
They both instantly stop screaming like crackheads.
"Anyways...I kissed him, and he kissed me back. But the thing is he doesn't know who kissed him cause I kind of ran away from before he could see my face. And then I realized that I could taste things now and that my mark on my wrist was gone...which only means that—" I was cut off by them once again.
"He's your soulmate!" They both say at the same time.
"Yeah..." I say and look ahead of me.
"So what are you going to do?" Brie says
"Why are you running away from him. Aren't you happy that your crush that you've liked for almost 2 years is your soulmate?" Cam adds on.
"I am happy. But I was running away cause I got scared" I shake my head.
"What's there to be scared off? he probably already knows he has a soulmate and that's you cause he can probably taste the chapstick you put on all the time" Brie states.
"I think you should just take a shot and tell him that it was you" Brie adds on. Cam agreeing with her.
"Okay..." I smile.
"Can we go back in now? It's getting kind of stuffy in this car" Cam says.
"I don't feel like going back in right now, I'm getting kind of tired anyway. It's ten minutes to 11 anyways." Brie says while shutting her phone and turning to Cam while rolling the car windows down.
"Yeah, I'm tired too. I'll drop you guys home" I nod. While starting the engine and driving down the road.
"Aw, you guys are so boring" Cam whines in the back seat and crosses her arms like a small child.
"Quit whining" I roll my eyes.
After a few minutes of silence, Brie reaches out for the aux cable and plugs it into her phone.
A random song starts playing and we all start screaming out the lyrics. The wind pushing back my hair from the open windows of the car.
After half an hour I reached home. I had to drop off Brie and Cam. I walked up the stairs quietly as possible so that I didn't wake up my dad.
I really am not looking forward to Monday, I don't know how Archer would react when I tell him.
I opened my bedroom door and silently closed it shut behind me. I walked to my closet and picked out some pajama shorts and a tank top.
I walked into my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth before running and jumping on my bed.
I pulled the comforter over my body and in a few minutes I was out like a light.
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