‘Dear Dr Amaya Lorgan.
Due to our inconceivable difficulties and indecency on your side, I am afraid that our romantic relationship has come to an inevitable end. I am however open to have research collaboration with you in the future.
Regards Dr Lucas Smith’
“He broke up with you with an email?” Tresh asked, amused. ‘The academics were odd people indeed’ he thought.
“It’s not funny Tresh. He is accusing me of a morally offensive behaviour and I am afraid that he is right” she responded softly, feeling down. There was a time she would have never imagined herself hurting someone she admired like Lucas but that was all before she met Tresh and her world became somewhat unpredictable.
“It was a kiss, it’s not like he found us bonking” Tresh responded, still amused. He could not help himself, the break-up was the best news for him. Now he did not have to imagine Amaya with another man.
“It was still an atrocious behaviour on my part”
“That atrocious behaviour felt so good, can we be atrocious more often?” he said mischievously, planting a kiss on her neck.
“Tresh!” she exclaimed. There was so much wrong with his sentence but she was starting to appreciate his wittiness and sense of humour. Mandy would have shouted ‘Geeky’ to alert her when she became too formal in an informal setting, Tresh used humour instead.
Had he not have to go for yet another interview with a television station to promote his album, Tresh would have stayed the rest of the day with Amaya. Moments later, he walked into the studio walking high in cloud nine. He did not miss the opportunity to send shout outs to his friends Dr Amaya Lorgan and Dr Amanda Reed of Hope hospital.
In Hills estate, Mandy walked into Amaya’s house with a grin, unable to hide her excitement. “You broke up with Lucas?”
“Hello to you too Mandy, I am well thanks, how do you do?” Amaya responded, sitting on her spotless white couch.
Mandy rolled her eyes, sitting next to her. Amaya was always so formal “Come on Amaya! You finally broke up with Lucas” she urged.
“You don’t have to look so pleased” Amaya reprimanded her.
Mandy’s grin turned into laughter “I’m not, maybe a little. Fine, a lot. Are you okay?” she asked, giggling.
“I will be, how do you even know about that?” Amaya asked. She had not had the chance to speak to her before that moment.
“He posted it on the hospital website” Mandy said, amused knowing how her friend would react.
Amaya’s eyes widened “Weirdo!” she exclaimed. Now everyone in the hospital will be talking about her break-up.
“You can’t call him that. Lucas is a kind man who sacrifices a lot for the well-being of others” Mandy responded with a straight face, repeating her friend’s words. Lucas was the weirdest person she knew but Amaya had defended him before, making this really funny.
“That he is, I guess we were both right” Amaya conceded, making her friend laugh louder.
“You should have never dated him at the first place” Mandy said, still laughing.
“Correct” Amaya responded sternly.
“Why did you?” Mandy asked, curious. Amaya has never been impulsive, dating Lucas was just out of character for her.
“I don’t want to talk about it” Amaya responded dismissively, pulling a cushion to her lap which strangely smelled like Tresh’s cologne.
“You were trying to push Tresh away” Mandy pressed on.
“I am not having this conversation” Amaya said, decisively. Her reasons made her vulnerable and she hated being vulnerable.
“Why? You two are clearly into each other” Mandy asked, even a child could tell the chemistry between Tresh and Amaya.
“We are just friends, kissing friends but just friends” Amaya responded, fighting the urge to sniff the cushion on her lap.
“Kissing friends?” Mandy asked, excited. This was definitely a huge step for both Amaya and Tresh.
“He is a good kisser” Amaya added as if that explanation clarified all her friend’s questions.
“Maybe soon he will be a good bedmate” Mandy suggested mischievously.
“Get your head off the gutter!” Amaya exclaimed, blushing. The idea picking up her heart rate, Tresh’s scent on her cushion making things worse but that was something she would never share with her overly romantic friend who was Tresh’s biggest fan.
Two days later, in Tresh’s mansion:
“Tresh, before I forget, would you please stop sending me shout outs on your interviews” Amaya asked, taking popcorn to sit in front of the big screen.
Tresh followed and sat next to her “Why not?” he asked, sulking. It seemed he was never winning with her.
“Munchausen syndrome by proxy, that’s why” she responded, stuffing popcorn in her mouth.
“Oh babe, I love it when you go all geeky” he said mischievously.
Amaya rolled her eyes. Tresh was a shameless flirt “The other day this woman came all dressed up to bring her supposedly dying child. She made such a scene demanding to see me, only to ask me for your contact details” she explained, not impressed. Besides that incident since he once gave the whole of emergency department free tickets to his concert, the hospital employees were also on her case requesting more tickets from her.
“Was the child dying?” he asked, faking concern.
She gave him a cold stare
“Come on, Amaya. My fans are responsible people. She wanted the best for her child and maybe the child miraculously got better when you arrived” he suggested.
“Your fans buy a crappy sneaker for a quarter of a million to look like you” she responded. The idea of his fans being responsible was just too absurd to Amaya. Tresh had sponsors literally stocking and begging him to promote their products because his huge fan base bought into everything he promoted. He had several restaurant invitations offering free tables and dishes for him because as soon as he posted where he ate, his fans would be there too to have the same dishes. Amaya found the whole mentality and obsession too bizarre.
“They have taste” he said shrugging his shoulders.
“Most of them are broke, in dept!” she exclaimed.
“Let’s just watch a movie” he suggested, pulling her to his chest. Movies were by far the only thing they seemed to have in common.
Later that evening after Amaya left Tresh’s mansion, Daniel was staring at his brother with curiosity.
“Speak you mind” Tresh commanded.
“Does she know that you turned down a hundred thousand sponsor to watch a movie you have already seen?” Daniel asked, intrigued. His brother has been acting like a love sick puppy since the day he met Amaya. Now he was even willing to loose a lot of money to spend time with her.
“How do you even know about this?” Tresh asked sharply.
“You manager told me” Daniel responded, ignoring his tone.
“Lenny should learn to shut up” Tresh said, irritated. The last thing he needed was Amaya finding out about it.
“Does she know?” Daniel asked again, curious.
“No and she will never know” Tresh confessed.
“Why not? Women love that sacrifice crap, she will be fluttered”
“Because Amaya is a typical women who would get flattered by that?” Tresh responded sarcastically.
“My bet, she won’t hear it from me” Daniel said, raising his hands in the air to surrender. He got on well with Amaya and now that his brother mentioned it, she was not the type that was easily impressed or got easily swept off their feet.
“Blaze, Big G and some honeys will be arriving anytime now. Feel free to join us” Tresh suggested, knowing that his younger brother sometimes felt left out when his friends came to visit.
“No will do Bro, I have a court case to prepare for” Daniel responded, taking his files to the study.
Few minutes later, Blaze arrived in his new edition sports car accompanied by three exceptionally beautiful models from his music video. Tresh’s security could only appreciate from a distance as they accepted the keys to park away the luxurious car. Each week they graded which one of their bosses many girls was the most beautiful and most importantly most respectful. Immediately after that, Big G arrived with his rarest monster vehicle and also handed Tresh’s security his keys.
“My men!” Tresh exclaimed, welcoming his best friends. The three of them were brought together by the love of music years ago. After some shaky start in their careers they were now rated the top R&B artists in the country and amongst the top ten in the world.
“Nice of you to remember that we still exist” Blaze said, sulking. Tresh was canceling a lot of their get togethers recently.
“Grow up, I’m a busy man” Tresh responded, leading them to his lounge where they all chose different couches. Blaze models immediately joined each one of them without a word.
“Bullshit, we all know the Doc has you on your knees” Big G responded, taking in his cigar and blowing the smoke out slowly.
“You better be tapping that ass” Blaze said, making a sexual gesture.
Tresh smiled, tracing his well trimmed moustache “Okay, Okay. This is a strategic attack, I see” he said.
“Holly shit man! She still has you begging?” Blaze exclaimed in disbelief. While they were all popular with women, Tresh had them eating from the palm of his hand.
“There is no hurry, victory will be sweeter” Tresh responded, pulling the model on his lap. He could do with release of the sexual tension he felt. Spending so much time with Amaya has messed up with his usual daily sex schedule. Luckily for him that particular model happened to be one of his regulars, before long he had whisked her to his bedroom and satisfied his hunger while rewarding her with the multiple orgasms guaranteed to make her return for more. He was returning back to the couch, holding the model’s hand when Amaya walked in unexpectedly.
“Amaya?” he said, letting go of the model, suddenly on the urge.
“Hey Doc!” Blaze and Big G greeted, both sounding like silly teenagers. Amaya was three years younger than them but she had the ‘no nonsense’ aura that demanded respect and brought out their innocent, well behaved side.
“Good evening Blaze, Big G and ladies” she responded formally before turning her eyes back on Tresh. “You canceled on a hundred thousand sponsor because of our movie?”she asked.
“You are pretty something Doc, Tresh has never canceled anything, let alone a sponsor because of a girl before” Blaze responded, trying to back up his friend.
Tresh cursed under his breath “That’s not why I canceled” he interjected. “How do you even know about this?” he asked, ready to strangle his younger brother.
“It is all over the news, thousands of your fans showed up. They were not happy with the organiser when you did not show up. The guy had to be escorted by police” she explained.
Tresh cursed inside, he did not think of the possibility of her finding out from the media “I had another commitment” he lied.
“No, you did not”she said sharply “I hate being a liability, Tresh” she added. She was the one who suggested a movie, not knowing that he had other commitments. He told her that he was free but she should have known better.
“You are not a liability”
“This is for you, have a good evening” she said, handing him an envelope and turning to leave.
He grabbed her hand “Wait a minute, what’s this?”
“You did not show up because of me, I am reimbursing you for your loss” she explained.
“Are you crazy, you know I can’t take this” Tresh exclaimed, caught by surprise. His wealth was close to a hundred billion dollars, the money he lost for not showing up did not matter much to him. Even if it did, he was too proud to take her money.
Blaze and Big G exchanged looks, amused. Amaya was different from anyone Tresh ever hooked up with before.
“I am completely lucid and yes, you are taking it” she insisted.
“Amaya this is madness” Tresh was completely shocked and trying to figure a way to handle the weird situation. He was used to spending money on women not the other way round.
“Madness is you not showing up for your commitment because of a movie”
“I postponed for tomorrow, believe me I did not loose anything” he lied, seeing no other way out.
“You are not just saying that because your ego won’t allow you to accept my cheque?” she asked, looking at him suspicious.
He flashed his breathtaking smile “Would I lie to you?” he asked with his husky voice, looking at her eyes before opening her hand and placing her cheque on it.
She swallowed, accepting it back. Her heart started to race, he was too close to her.
“I sense some sexual tension, do you two need a room?“ Blaze asked mischievously.
“We are just friends, kissing friends but just friends” Amaya snapped at him.
“Kissing friends, you say?” Blaze asked, amused.
“Shut up, Blaze!” Tresh snapped at his friend. He was completely out of his comfort zone with Amaya and did not need his friend rubbing it in.
“I am sorry for showing up unannounced, have a good evening” Amaya said, suddenly in a rush to leave. It dawned to her that one of the insanely beautiful women in the room was there for him.
Before she knew it, his lips met hers as he passionately kissed her. He had noticed her scan the room before she became all formal again. He felt the need to reassure her and this was the only way he knew how.
“Some friends you two are” Blaze said, shaking his head. Amaya was obviously in denial about her feelings for Tresh and he was just letting her be.
Amaya ignored Blaze’s comment “Cherry and peach?”
“What?” Tresh asked, confused.
Amaya’s phone rang before she could answer him “Dr Lorgan” she answered. “Commence resuscitation, will be there in five minutes” she said heading towards the door.
“Wait! What’s cherry and peach?” Tresh shouted, running behind her.
“The taste of your lips, must be hers” she shouted back before getting into her car and driving off.
“Damn!” Tresh cursed, punching the air.