In Tresh’s mansion’s rooftop swimming pool, Amaya gasped and unintentionally bit her lower lip, mesmerised by Tresh’s perfect physique as he emerged out of the water. She really had no business marvelling at another men when she had a partner but the tight black shorts he had on outlined his manhood and revealed his strong toned thighs and buttocks. His exposed tattooed masculine chest and arms too tempting . She could not help her mind from wondering if the stories about his gifted manhood size from his many sexual partners were true. Water dripped down his body as he walked towards her but instead of taking the seat next to her, he sat on her lap, facing her.
Amaya’s heart raced as she shifted uncomfortably in her two piece bikini suit hoping she was not blushing and her thoughts were not obvious. This was definitely a mistake she had not thought through. Mandy and Daniel were meant to be part of the pool gathering but they both cancelled at the last minute, leaving just the two of them. The past three months had been so unpredictable and confusing to an extent that she was avoiding being alone with Tresh now. She was smart enough to know that her best friend and Tresh’s brother were shamelessly trying to get them together and the cancellation was planned. That was her fault, past experiences should have tought her to expect something like that from them.
“How long are you going to deny this?” Tresh asked charmingly, holding her chin and looking in her eyes. The only problem with his action was that he tended to get lost in those brown mysterious eyes.
Before she knew it, his lips had met hers and her heart was pounding.
“We are incommensurable” she murmured, breathless.
He chuckled and continued kissing her. A normal person would say different but he has learned that there was nothing normal about Amaya Lorgan.
“I am not having coitus with you” she said, breathless.
“Okay” he responded, kissing her neck. He was thrilled with his success. This was the first time he was bold enough to attempt kissing her and besides stating the obvious, she did not try to stop him. In fact to his surprise, she was kissing him back. The sloppy kiss was becoming more urgent making both breathless. Now he was curious to know how far he can push his luck. Despite their many differences which she has clearly outlined, they were obviously attracted to each other. As crazy as it sounded, even choosing another man over him was proof of that attraction.
Amaya gasped as he left her lips to kiss her neck and felt his manhood harden on her lap. She has been curious about how he tasted and just could not resist when his lips met hers but that experiment was over now, she had to stop this before it went out of hand.
“Tresh” she said softly, already feeling guilty.
“Shhhh, let’s just enjoy this moment” he pleaded, kissing her lips again. The two were disturbed by the sound of Amaya’s phone ringing.
Tresh cursed inside as she broke off the kiss to answer her phone.
“I have to go” she said, heading to the stairs. Tresh followed her, cursing inside.
“Ahhhh!” Tresh screamed in frustration, watching her drive off.
“Are you okay?” Daniel asked, coming out relieved that he did not have to hide anymore. He lied to Amaya earlier that he had to go to court to give her and Tresh the privacy they obviously needed.
“No!” Tresh snapped. “She is going to another man” he said clenching his fists. The call that broke off their kiss was from Lucas, Amaya’s lover.
“Be patient, she will come around” Daniel advised sympathetic. His brother has been so frustrated because he never had to compete for any woman in his life.
“No, she won’t. He is a doctor and a humanitarian like her. That’s why she chose him, I bet they talk for hours while we have nothing at all in common” Tresh sneered.
“Yet she spends more time with you than him” Daniel responded sarcastically. He would take his overconfident brother any day than this dejected man who second guessed himself.
“We kissed” Tresh informed him, calming down.
“I saw that”
Tresh gave his brother a disapproving stare.
“If you look at the pool footage, you will see that she is definitely into you” Daniel blurted out in his defence, arousing Tresh’s curiosity. He rushed inside to view the footage himself, his heart leaped seeing Amaya on the bikini suit. He always found her attractive but now he got to zoom in on her. Her oval shaped face, luscious lips and perfect sized brown eyes staring back at him. The bikini allowed him to appreciate her perfect bosom and tiny waist. “Dam!” he cursed out loud. He had met and taken to bed more beautiful and sexier women before but none had any effect on him like Amaya Lorgan.
In Hills estate, Mandy was surprised to see her friend back so early. She was very disappointed to discover that Amaya and Tresh’s almost perfect day was interrupted by a call from Lucas.
“Why on earth would you let a call mess up such a perfect moment?” Mandy cried. It had taken a lot of collaboration from her and Daniel to get the two alone.
“You mean the moment you and Daniel intentionally created?” Amaya accused. Mandy had claimed to be ill but seemed all well now.
“Tresh loves you, I can’t believe that you are cheating on him!” Mandy exclaimed, not denying her friend’s accusations.
“For the hundredth time Mandy, I am not dating Tresh” Amaya snapped.
“Just because you don’t define it as dating does not mean it’s not” Mandy responded. To Mandy, Amaya’s relationship with Lucas was just too distant and cold.
“Your definition of dating needs a serious review” Amaya responded.
“You spend most of your free time with Tresh, he is the last person you talk to before you sleep yet you choose weirdo over him” Mandy complained.
“Tresh is a friend, that’s all. The sooner you accept that, the better. Lucas is not a weirdo, he is a kind man who sacrifices a lot for the well-being of others!” Amaya snapped at her friend. “Now excuse me, I have to get dressed for Lucas’ philanthropist awards” she added, heading to her bedroom to get dressed.
Mandy watched her friend, defeated and wondering how everything went wrong. Initially Amaya was indifferent to Tresh but within a month the two of them were completely engrossed with each other. Amaya who hardly listened to R&B music was an overnight fan owning every single song Tresh ever sang. Tresh was the only person who put a stop to Amaya’s ridiculous working hours and over-stretching herself at work. The chemistry between them was so obvious but then out of the blue, Amaya started avoiding being alone Tresh and started dating Lucas whom she had rejected for years before Tresh came along.
Two hours later, Amaya answered her phone
“Hey” she said, doing her best to sound like her normal self.
“What’s wrong?” Tresh asked, sensing her distress.
“Nothing” she lied, hoping she was convincing enough.
“I’m coming over” he said decisively, ending the call not giving her any room to object.
Amaya closed her eyes, Tresh coming over was bound to be yet another issue. She looked at the clock, impressed as she heard the car park outside. It took Tresh just fifteen minutes to get to her place, a drive that normally took thirty minutes.
“You were speeding” she said, letting him in.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, walking in and ignoring her remark. What was the use of owning the fastest cars if you can’t use the speed? he thought to himself.
“You could get into an accident and get hurt” Amaya responded, seeing through him.
“It’s a good thing that I’m friends with the best medical emergency specialist” he teased.
“That’s not funny” she responded sternly, sitting on the couch.
Tresh walked to her and started massaging her shoulders “Let me guess, he has a problem with me”
Amaya turned her head to look at him. Her silence confirming his suspicions.
“Tell him to go jump, I’m not going anywhere” he said angrily.
“We had a disagreement, it had nothing to do with you” she lied. Her relationship with Lucas had come to a critical point. He had been insecure for sometime now about her spending a lot of time with Tresh and has now given her an ultimatum to cut all ties with Tresh or end their relationship. That was the reason she did not end up going to Lucas’ philanthropist awards.
“Has anyone ever told you that you are a bad liar Amaya Lorgan?” Tresh asked charmingly, their eyes meeting.
Amaya’s heart fluttered as she watched his head come down before their lips met once again into a passionate kiss. They were both startled by the sound of the door opening.
Amaya cursed inside, breaking off the kiss as she met Lucas cold gaze.
“Tell me I am being unreasonable, that it’s all in my head again” Lucas said coldly.
Amaya sighed “You really should get used to knocking”
“Are you for real right now? You are cheating on me with a nonstarter but you are more concerned with me not knocking?” Lucas sneered.
Tresh took a deep breath, doing his best to calm himself down. He would have punched Lucas already if Amaya was not there.
“He is the greatest musician of all times, six times music award winner and holds two titles for the sexiest man alive!” Amaya snapped.
Tresh looked at Amaya surprised and touched. He had no idea that she even knew his achievements. The past months he had been feeling like a real nonstarter because he had no academic qualifications like Lucas and her other suitors.
“You must have hit your head recently. I would assume that you are smart enough to know that those things don’t need a brain to achieve” Lucas sneered.
“I happen to have the third highest IQ in the world, for you to even question my ability is just appalling. Try singing and dancing simultaneously, better yet get a Neurologist to map out the intricate processes involved in executing that. I’m pretty sure that all of it starts from the brain” Amaya responded angrily.
“I think you should leave” Tresh told Lucas, unable to stay quiet any longer.
“I don’t need you to tell me that!” Lucas snapped, storming out.